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03-02-11, 06:46 PM
my female rat got knocked up the other day and i was worrying about leaving the male in with her because she would keep pumping out litters, but i just went to my local crappy petstore to buy another big rat ball bearing drinker bottle and told her i had rats that were going to have litters and the lady said they were having trouble finding people to breed rats in sonoma, and they would want to buy my extra rats :)

03-02-11, 08:22 PM
Told ya!!!!!!Pretty soon you'll be thinkin.....hmmmm....get a few more cages and I could make a few bucks.......then.....hmmmm,maybe I'll get another 25.....Watch out thats how it starts...lol:yes:Very easy $,just gets time consuming

03-02-11, 08:25 PM
lol ^^^ I agree with him..next thing you know you will trying to figure out how to ship them

03-02-11, 08:46 PM
I sell to two pet stores. It's fun.

03-02-11, 08:48 PM
and 2006gt showed me a few local herp sites because he lives somewhat close to me, and i found someone in the next town over with a female dum who is ready to breed. she said she'd bring her over to my house sometime soon and leave her for a while to see what happens......


(6 months later!!!)

03-03-11, 05:27 AM
i assume you sell them to the stores after they are weaned at 4-6 weeks? how much do they pay per rat?

03-03-11, 05:29 AM
FRom what i have read with regard to breeding i think most people put the male into the females cage so that the female feels more secure. You may need to take your guy ti her instead.

03-03-11, 05:31 AM
hm, interesting. i'll have to read up on that more, i've Never heard of it.

03-03-11, 05:41 AM
i just tried to find Some kind of info on that, but all i found were a few forum questions about someone bringing their female corn to breed somewhere else and everyone said it'd be fine.

if you can find me some info that'd be nice.

03-03-11, 08:02 AM
Haha, good luck with everything~
I've been very tempted to raise my own rats how my snakes to save money...
But I'm worried if I do I'll end up just keeping them as pets- and end up with crazy feeder rats as pets instead of proper pet rats. ;p

03-03-11, 03:31 PM
i'm gonna start small so i don't get ahead of myself. i'm gonna seperate them when she's about to give birth so he can't knock her up immediately again. then once the babies are weaned and gone i'll start a new litter. at least for now, until i know more and have some experience.

03-03-11, 04:22 PM
Sounds like a good plan to start. Good luck with your dum breeding as well!

03-03-11, 04:45 PM
Been trying to find where i read it but cant, hopefully some breeders will jump in and give their point of view.

03-04-11, 09:41 PM
i assume you sell them to the stores after they are weaned at 4-6 weeks? how much do they pay per rat?

still wondering this

03-04-11, 10:21 PM
I dont know about the rat thing lol maybe ask the pet store that wants them
as far as boas yes males get introduced with the females so the females feel more secure in there "home" same goes for putting younger smaller males with the female boas, if your male is as big or bigger she may not ovulate do to being to stressed or insecure.
If she loaned her female Id put her in a cage and not introduce the male for at least 2 months. or take the male to her.

03-04-11, 11:07 PM
i always introduce my males to my females

03-05-11, 08:15 AM
i think you make more money selling the rats yourself to people. you have to think for a small rat the pet store might give you .50 to a 1.00 and you can sell that to a snake owner for more. just call around and see what all the pet stores around you are sell there rats for and go 10 or 20cent down.