View Full Version : Herp Lingo :)
03-02-11, 01:31 PM
Hmmmm sooo I am new here and new to snakes in general, and I felt that maybe it would be beneficial for newcomers if we had an encyclopedia of sorts for the forum.
This should include any abbreviations, slang, signature writings such as 1.0 BP, and anything else you can think of that you would assume a newcomer or someone even just browsing through the site may not understand
So to start I'll add a few things I have learned in the past week
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edit - updated list.
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Adjustments made sorry about that
0.1 BP= One Female Ball Python
1.0 BP= One Male Ball Python
2.1 BP= Two Male Ball Python and One Female Ball Python etc...
AFT=African Fat Tail
AHS=African House Snake
ATB= Amazon Tree Boa
BALLS/BP= Ball Python
BCC= Boa Constrictor Constrictor
BCI= Boa Constrictor Imperator
BCL=Boa constrictor Longicauda
BCO=Boa Constrictor Occidentalis
BOI=Board of Inquiry
BRB= Brazilian Rainbow Boa
BTS=Blue Tongue Skink
BURM= Burmese Python
CBB=Captive Bred & Born
CH=Captive Hatched
CO-DOM Co-Dominant Trait
CP= Carpet Python
CWD=Chinese Water Dragon
DOM=Dominant Trait
ETB=Emerald Tree Boa
F/T= Frozen/Thawed
GTP= Green Tree Python
Herp= Herpetology/Herpetoculture (Study of Reptiles/Care for Reptiles)
HET= Heterzygous
HOMO = Homozygous
HOTS= Anything Poisonous
IBD=Inclusion Body Disease
IJCP=Irian Jaya Carpet Python
In Blue= State of Eye Color a Snake Has Before Shedding
JCP=Jungle Carpet Python
KSB=Kenyan Sand Boa
LOCKING=Breeding Event- Refers To the Tails “locked” Together With Insertion
LTC=Long Term Captive
MBD=Metabolic Bone Disease
MHD=Mountain Horned Dragon
Morph= "Color Phase" A Genetic Mutation That Alters Pigmentation
MVB=Mercury Vapor Bulb
PIPPING=When A Baby Snake Slits the Egg to Emerge
Pits=Snakes Belonging to the Pituophis Family
RES=Red Eared Slider
RETF=Red Eyed Tree Frog
RETIC= Reticulated Python
RI=Respiratory Infection
RSSB=Rough Scale Sand Boa
RTB=Red Tailed Boa
SIGB=Solomon Island Ground Boa
SNAPPERHEAD=Term for Blood/Short-Tailed Pythons
UTH=Under Tank Heater
VIV= Vivaria
WC=Wild Caught
WLP=White Lipped Python
WORMIE=Baby Snake
03-02-11, 01:40 PM
BP should be ball python rather than blood imo, also Balls = ball python also.
03-02-11, 01:45 PM
BP should be ball python rather than blood imo, also Balls = ball python also.
whoops corrected :) I dunno I think this is a good idea :P
03-02-11, 01:48 PM
I agree it is a good idea, there are a few questions that pop up over and over again, thing is tho, even with an exhaustive list some people will just ask rather than go look.
03-02-11, 01:55 PM
Personally I don't think it would hurt to try :) I know as I learn new things I'll slowly but surely add them.
Hopefully after awhile I can remake the thread into a large comprehensive post that will be much less confusing and readily accessible
0.0.1 unsexed
brb= brazilian rainbow boa
bcc= boa constrictor common
bci= boa constrictor imperator
atp= amazon tree boa
hots= anything poisonous
Burm= burmese python
retic= reticualted python
I know a ton of morph abbreviation but that wont help since mine are geared for bci's lol this is a good idea I get these questions alot
a genetics sticky would be awesome as well
03-02-11, 02:31 PM
0.0.1 unsexed
brb= brazilian rainbow boa
bcc= boa constrictor common
bci= boa constrictor imperator
atp= amazon tree boa
hots= anything poisonous
Burm= burmese python
retic= reticualted python
I know a ton of morph abbreviation but that wont help since mine are geared for bci's lol this is a good idea I get these questions alot
a genetics sticky would be awesome as well
Would you mind if I copy and pasted all of the above into my original post?
03-02-11, 02:33 PM
Thank you :)
03-02-11, 02:34 PM
It appears I cannot edit my post...
03-02-11, 03:40 PM
BRB = Brazilian Rainbow Boa
Anyone shed some insight on what 'hot' stands for? All I know is that it's in reference with venomous snakes.
Edit: Oops, didn't reload before I posted to check for new posts D; Jen beat me <3 Last post I'd seen was the last one Dshin made to Rob.
i guess hot in "owe" that hurts or "hot" as in hot tempered lol arent most venomous snakes more aggressive. humm idk
03-02-11, 04:23 PM
0.0.1 unsexed
a genetics sticky would be awesome as well
I second this motion
03-02-11, 04:32 PM
Snakes are venomous rather than poisonous. A venomous animal will fill you wi venom by biting or spraying venom. A poisonous animal kills you when you eat/ingest it or its byproducts.
I think the term HOT comes from them being "too hot to handle"
"Snakes are venomous rather than poisonous. A venomous animal will fill you wi venom by biting or spraying venom. A poisonous animal kills you when you eat/ingest it or its byproducts."
aaahhh!! thank you for that!!
03-02-11, 05:16 PM
bcc = boa constrictor constrictor = true red tail boas
bci and all the others bc's are more often termed as common but arent true red tail boas
03-02-11, 05:26 PM
"Snakes are venomous rather than poisonous. A venomous animal will fill you wi venom by biting or spraying venom. A poisonous animal kills you when you eat/ingest it or its byproducts."
aaahhh!! thank you for that!!
No worries, lots of people, even the most famous herpers/naturologists have problems with that one!!!
03-06-11, 08:18 PM
Morph= Cross-breeding of snakes
Uhm.....No. Hybrid is the word you're looking for, i.e. a bateater is a hybrid cross between a Burmese and a retic, or a superball is a hybrid of a ball python and a blood/short tailed python.
A morph is typically a color phase or having to do with the snake's pattern like a tiger retic, green Burmese, yellow blood, etc.
03-06-11, 08:50 PM
RTB = red-tailed boa (usually used when one isn't sure if it's pure Bcc or Bci).
ETB = emerald tree boa
wormie = baby snake
snapperhead = slang term for blood/short-tailed pythons (they like to bite, lol)
pipping = when the baby snake slits the egg to emerge
lock = breeding event, refers to the tails "locked" together with insertion
I can't think of anything else right now. lol
03-06-11, 10:55 PM
Morph= Cross-breeding of snakes
Uhm.....No. Hybrid is the word you're looking for, i.e. a bateater is a hybrid cross between a Burmese and a retic, or a superball is a hybrid of a ball python and a blood/short tailed python.
A morph is typically a color phase or having to do with the snake's pattern like a tiger retic, green Burmese, yellow blood, etc.
my mistake I worded that wrong if I could edit the post I would
03-06-11, 11:01 PM
my mistake I worded that wrong if I could edit the post I would
I fixed the original post for you..
Morph= "Color Phase" a genetic mutation that alters pigmentation
03-06-11, 11:30 PM
atp= amazon tree boa
ATB=Amazon Tree Boa
BCO=Boa constrictor occidentalis
BCL=Boa constrictor Longicauda
PAM=Provent a mite
CB=Captive bred
WC=Wild caught
AHS=African house snake
KSB=Kenyan sand boa
RSSB=rough scale sand boa
JCP=Jungle carpet python
IJCP=Irian Jaya carpet python
AFT=African fat tail
BTS=Blue tongue skink
BOI=Board of Inquiry
RES=Red eared slider
F/T=frozen thawed
RI=Respiratory Infection
Sorry if I repeated any.
I will think of more.....
03-07-11, 12:09 AM
I fixed the original post for you..
Morph= "Color Phase" a genetic mutation that alters pigmentation
Thank you! :)
03-07-11, 12:11 AM
ATB=Amazon Tree Boa
BCO=Boa constrictor occidentalis
BCL=Boa constrictor Longicauda
PAM=Provent a mite
CB=Captive bred
WC=Wild caught
AHS=African house snake
KSB=Kenyan sand boa
RSSB=rough scale sand boa
JCP=Jungle carpet python
IJCP=Irian Jaya carpet python
AFT=African fat tail
BTS=Blue tongue skink
BOI=Board of Inquiry
RES=Red eared slider
F/T=frozen thawed
RI=Respiratory Infection
Sorry if I repeated any.
I will think of more.....
I personally think this is a great contribution :) thank you
Hopefully we will have a complete list :)
03-07-11, 12:36 PM
CB=Captive bred
You have to be careful with this one as there are quite a few people who use CB to mean "captive born" rather than "captive bred". An example would be adult snakes harvested for the skin trade being allowed to lay their eggs or have their young before they are slaughtered, then the eggs/young are sold. The babies are born in captivity but are not captive bred.
CBB = Captive Bred & Born
Farm raised = self explanatory
Turtle farms and alligator farms are common, but the term also seems to be used for the slaughter house "farms" as well sometimes.
STP = Short Tailed Python
03-07-11, 01:24 PM
You have to be careful with this one as there are quite a few people who use CB to mean "captive born" rather than "captive bred". An example would be adult snakes harvested for the skin trade being allowed to lay their eggs or have their young before they are slaughtered, then the eggs/young are sold. The babies are born in captivity but are not captive bred.
CBB = Captive Bred & Born
Farm raised = self explanatory
Turtle farms and alligator farms are common, but the term also seems to be used for the slaughter house "farms" as well sometimes.
STP = Short Tailed Python
You are very right...sorry. We get lazy when we talk and say CB meaning captive bred and born.
CH=Captive hatched
UTH=under tank heater
SIGB=Solomon island ground boa
p/k=pre killed
LTC=long term captive
WC=Wild caught
MVB=Mercury vapor bulb
Pits=snakes belonging to the Pituophis family
RETF=Red eyed tree frog
WLP=White lipped python
CWD=Chinese water dragon
MHD=Mountain horned dragon
IBD=Inclusion body disease
MBD=Metabolic bone disease
03-07-11, 02:47 PM
Oh, I know, I do the same thing but when looking at ads I always question which one it is.
03-07-11, 06:33 PM
Hey Wayne I made a new list I was just wondering if you could replace the list in my original post with this? thank you! :)
0.1 BP= One female Ball Python
1.0 BP= One male Ball Python
2.1 BP= two male Ball Python and one female Ball Python etc...
AFT=African fat tail
AHS=African house snake
ATB= amazon tree boa
Balls/BP= Ball Python
BCC= boa constrictor common
BCI= boa constrictor imperator
BCL=Boa constrictor Longicauda
BOI=Board of Inquiry
BRB= brazilian rainbow boa
BTS=Blue tongue skink
BURM= burmese python
CB=Captive bred
CH=Captive hatched
CP= Carpet Python
CWD=Chinese water dragon
F/T= Frozen/Thawed
GTP= Green Tree Python
Herp= Herpetology/Herpetoculture (Study of Reptiles/Care for Reptiles)
HOTS= anything poisonous
IBD=Inclusion body disease
IJCP=Irian Jaya carpet python
In Blue= State of eye color a snake has before shedding
JCP=Jungle carpet python
KSB=Kenyan sand boa
LTC=long term captive
MBD=Metabolic bone disease
MHD=Mountain horned dragon
Morph= "Color Phase" a genetic mutation that alters pigmentation
MVB=Mercury vapor bulb
p/k=pre killed
PAM=Provent a mite
Pits=snakes belonging to the Pituophis family
RES=Red eared slider
RETF=Red eyed tree frog
RETIC= reticualted python BCO=Boa constrictor occidentalis
RI=Respiratory Infection
RSSB=rough scale sand boa
SIGB=Solomon island ground boa
UTH=under tank heater
Viv= Vivaria
WC=Wild caught
WC=Wild caught
WLP=White lipped python
03-07-11, 10:18 PM
dom =dominant trait
co-dom =co-dominant trait
het = heterzygous
homo = homozygous
03-07-11, 10:20 PM
Hey Wayne I made a new list I was just wondering if you could replace the list in my original post with this? thank you! :)
I plan on it. Any more additions folks??
03-07-11, 10:22 PM
I plan on it. Any more additions folks??
I am sure there will be more...just let us think about it ...... ;)
03-08-11, 02:21 AM
I plan on it. Any more additions folks??
The New New List :P
03-08-11, 10:00 AM
In the "new new" list you failed to add my reply in regards to genetic short forms.
03-08-11, 01:03 PM
Did i? My bad ill edit it when i get home
hey dan, you're a genius! I just learned so much! thanks!
Could we make this a sticky?
03-11-11, 01:19 PM
Could we make this a sticky?
Surely, And I moved it to the correct category.
03-12-11, 01:17 AM
Hey Wayne just wondering do you think the improved list could be placed on the first page? I feel it would make it more readily accessible
could someone please explain husbandry?
03-12-11, 03:53 AM
could someone please explain husbandry?
Husbandry is the term used to describe care.
Feeding, housing, maintenance all are parts of husbandry.
03-12-11, 03:59 AM
Hey Wayne just wondering do you think the improved list could be placed on the first page? I feel it would make it more readily accessible
I moved the improved list to the first post.
05-26-11, 07:13 AM
DUM / DB - Dumerils Boa
05-26-11, 01:40 PM
Bcc is boa constrictor constrictor not boa constricor common
05-27-11, 04:22 PM
CITES = The Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora
FK or F/K = Freshly Killed
FT or F/T = Frozen Thawed
Annie = Anaconda
Lucie = Leucistic
Pinkie = New born rodents
P/h or PH= possible het
05-27-11, 04:40 PM
T- = Incapable of producing tyrosinase, a melanin synthesizing enzyme
T+ = Capable of producing tyrosinase, a melanin synthesizing enzyme
PTS = Prehensile-tailed Skink
SD = Super Dwarf
This one isnt a herp but... T(s) = Tarantula(s)
05-28-11, 09:50 AM
Bcc is boa constrictor constrictor not boa constricor common
Lol I was thinking this the whole time I was reading through this thread
05-28-11, 12:32 PM
My bad about that :P Hopefully Wayne can make some adjustments whenever he is available :)
07-09-11, 12:03 PM
Ahhh I was wondering what that meant... >.<
Sometimes when I read some of the stuff I'm just like O.o "What'd you just say?" LMAO
So I think is is an awesome idea, cause now I'm noooo longer confused.
07-09-11, 12:28 PM
Hmm.. what's an SD?
07-09-11, 12:29 PM
Super dwarf. Normally refers to reticulated pythons.
07-09-11, 12:35 PM
Ahh, thank you :)
10-29-11, 02:39 PM
Hey I was just wondering if someone could post the link to the different abbreviations and short hand used here. And how do o show my pets gender in the 0.0.0 format? I can't use the search feature cause my phone isn't only internet access and it won't let me search.
10-29-11, 02:45 PM
10-29-11, 02:48 PM
Glad to know that thread I started is being used haha
10-29-11, 03:12 PM
Wish it was updated more, we have tossed a bunch more things in there :(
Maybe you can fix "bcc" It does not stand for Boa Constrictor Common.
BCC stands for \ Boa Constrictor Constrictor.
10-29-11, 03:35 PM
My bad about that :P Hopefully Wayne can make some adjustments whenever he is available :)
Did that and merged the two lingo threads together.
10-29-11, 05:39 PM
Thank you Wayne :)
Bcc - boa constrictor, constrictor
11-15-11, 01:19 PM
Bcc - boa constrictor, constrictor
I am not being a smartarse, I swear. But isn't that redundant? I'm asking out of honest confusion.
I am not being a smartarse, I swear. But isn't that redundant? I'm asking out of honest confusion.
constrictor is both the species and sub species name in this case. Much like many people classify us humans as Homo sapiens sapiens.
11-15-11, 01:37 PM
constrictor is both the species and sub species name in this case. Much like many people classify us humans as Homo sapiens sapiens.
Thank you :)
02-03-12, 01:00 PM
USARK - United States Association of Reptile Keepers
NARBC - North American Reptile Breeders Conference
Hybrid - the offspring of two animals or plants of different breeds
Pink - newborn mouse/rat/etc.
Hopper - weened mouse/rat
Hook - metal hooked rod used to handle snakes
Substrate - bedding of the terrerium (paper/wood shavings/dirt/etc)
Tongs - snake handling device similar to a rod with pincers
Tubing - clear peice of PVC or similar tubing used to safely secure the animals head to allow for hands on treatment
Probing - a method of sexing the animal
Popping - a method of sexing the animal
Tub - a plastic/rubber bin used to house reptiles
Rack - a shelving type unit used to house multiple animals
Colony - a breeding group of animals
Field Herping - looking for reptiles in the wild
Egg Tooth - modified scale on the tip of the mouth used to break through the egg
Neonate/Neo - a baby snake
Tailing - handling a snake by holding up it's tail and restricting it's range of movements
BHP - Black-Headed Python
Slug - an unfertalized egg
Temp Gun - a point and shoot laser thermometer
CHE - ceramic heat emitter
RHP - radiant heat panel
Might be some doubles, I don't remember all that were up there now lol
Wayne, could you change "bcc- boa constrictor common" to boa constrictor constrictor. It's on the first post.
08-15-12, 10:22 PM
very helpful!! thank you
08-15-12, 10:55 PM
I glanced through all pages in this thread and did not see any of these. If they have been previously posted blame it on my laziness for reposting them...
MBK - Mexican Black King (L. g. nigrita)
MSP - Milk Snake Phase (thayeri)
DOR - Dead On Road
PH - Possible Het
DH - Definite or Double Het (depending on context)
FT - Frozen Thawed
FK - Freshly Killed
Hypo-e - Hypoerythristic (Reduced red pigment)
Phenotype - Visual expression
Homozygous - Expressing a genetic trait
Multi het - Carrying multiple recessive traits
And a morph can be a naturally occurring phenotype. Especially with polymorphic species or subspecies. For example, California Kings have banded and striped morphs.
Grayband and Thayeri have many morphs that are not pigment mutations.
08-19-12, 03:49 PM
Glad I found this... I was a little confused! Haha..
0.0.1 unsexed
brb= brazilian rainbow boa
bcc= boa constrictor common
bci= boa constrictor imperator
atp= amazon tree boa
hots= anything poisonous
Burm= burmese python
retic= reticualted python
I know a ton of morph abbreviation but that wont help since mine are geared for bci's lol this is a good idea I get these questions alot
a genetics sticky would be awesome as well
Being a boa girl, I'm surprised this came from you :s
Well, I had a question on a reptile term I've been seeing a lot recently and this looked like maybe the best place to put it. What is meant by the word "dinker?" Been seeing it a lot with BPs and even some gecko/lizard species. I kind of have a vague idea of what it must mean from the context of where I've seen it used but I'd like a fuller explanation and to be sure my limited understanding is correct.
08-30-12, 03:19 PM
A dinker is a non morph animal that could possibly have a hidden trait.
Typically there is a spot or slight difference with pattern or pigmentation.
Thanks! That's about what I thought it was ...
10-26-12, 07:24 PM
god bless you morph people lol. seems complex although i dont have the enthusiasm towards morphs most of you guys have :)
01-21-13, 10:05 PM
Hmmm it's been almost two years since I made this post... time flies... Ill try to make an updated list for wayne to pop on the OP
very helpful!!!, thanks guys
03-07-13, 10:38 AM
Beardie is often used for Bearded Dragon too. I didn't see that on the main list.
04-04-13, 06:08 AM
Very helpful thanks
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