View Full Version : Picky Picky Picky

01-02-03, 08:45 PM
My little zigzag snow girl is honestly the pickiest eater out there. First she wouldn't eat at all and once i got her eating, it seems that she will only eat pinks bought at a certain store. She wont eat live, and she wont eat them if they have been frozen over a week. What a little bugger! Hopefully she will grow out of this as she gets older :)


01-03-03, 12:22 AM
And I thought I had a picky eater with my snow that has to inspect every inch of her mouse while I am holding it. She refuses to eat it if I just leave it in the cage, and she has taken up to half an hour of checking it out before she grabs it.

01-03-03, 09:30 AM

01-03-03, 09:30 AM
hmmm...... just a thought-maybe it's a snow thing LOL

01-03-03, 02:53 PM
oh man.....i love eating pics....but i was just about to eat....lol....dang...i feel sick.....oh well

Big Mike
01-03-03, 04:31 PM
Try scratching or rubbing the nose of the thawed pinkie. My little snow corn won't touch the pinkie if I don't scratch the nose first. When I do, she eats it right away.

01-04-03, 10:14 AM
my snow doesnt give a second thought...as soon as my hand goes in the cage with the pinkie he is gone after it and coiling around the 'DEAD' pinkie lol

01-04-03, 10:26 AM
My adult male snow takes FOREVER to eat.. I think he's just shy.. because if I up the pink in the darkest hide they have and put him in it [he's too pyscho for me to put a ink in after him. I like my finger without "shark bites"] he grabs and coils right away.. and stays coiled for a LONG something 20-30 minutes!