View Full Version : Let's see your snake rooms!

02-23-11, 01:30 PM
Ill start off, Ill post new pictures tonight when I get home from work and I will take some new pictures. Unlike in the pictures below, all my racks are now full, so I will get some updated shots tonight. Hatchling rack all the way down the middle of the room coming this summer.



02-23-11, 01:41 PM
Awesome snake room <3 I wish I had an awesome room like that D: I just got my room.. Which is shared with several animals. I'll take pics when I've finished cleaning(in the process).

02-23-11, 01:49 PM
Awesome snake room <3 I wish I had an awesome room like that D: I just got my room.. Which is shared with several animals. I'll take pics when I've finished cleaning(in the process).

Looking forward to pictures!

02-23-11, 02:35 PM
Nice Room Derek! Can't wait to see the updated photos. Do you control the heat and humidity in it as well? And if so how?
And Sapphyr, looking forward to your pics as well!

02-23-11, 02:41 PM
Nice Room Derek! Can't wait to see the updated photos. Do you control the heat and humidity in it as well? And if so how?
And Sapphyr, looking forward to your pics as well!

Yes the heat for the large white rack and little black rack is controlled by a helix thermostat and the big animal plastics T25 cage is controlled by a ranco thermostat. The humidity I just monitor with a digital accurite temp/humidity gauge and spray as needed.

02-23-11, 02:46 PM
I meant, is the room heat and humidity controlled. I had assumed, you control your racks and cages. Incidentally, which thermostat do you prefer?

02-23-11, 02:51 PM
My reptile room is my living room, i spend twenty hours in there some days so like having them close by.


The blue chair you can just see bottom left is my recliner.

02-23-11, 02:55 PM
I meant, is the room heat and humidity controlled. I had assumed, you control your racks and cages. Incidentally, which thermostat do you prefer?

Oh sorry! The room is not controlled separately from the rest of the house. Although my room snake room is upstairs and it stays around 70-75 in that room depending on the season. As far as humidity, Sometimes in the winter I will set up a humidifier in there to keep the humidity up because its soooo dry in the winter and then obviously just spray cages individually when needed. I prefer the helix thermostat, Mainly because of its illuminated display. One bad thing that I dont like about the helix is that if it fails, It does not shut off the heat source so it will get as hot as it can. Im not sure if ranco is the same way? But the ranco was a bit cheaper and has more outlets on it compared to the helix. I like them both though.

02-23-11, 02:59 PM
Thats really nice rob! What are those cages made out of? It looks like you have put alot of thought into the insides as well.

02-23-11, 03:03 PM
They are all melamine sealed with silicon, the reptileshop i goto has a sideline in building vivs to order so they all came from there. Hoping once the lottery win happens to buy all boaphile vivs, or at least fibreglass/ plastic setups anyway!

02-23-11, 03:09 PM
They are all melamine sealed with silicon, the reptileshop i goto has a sideline in building vivs to order so they all came from there. Hoping once the lottery win happens to buy all boaphile vivs, or at least fibreglass/ plastic setups anyway!

Looks very good my friend!

02-23-11, 03:13 PM
Thank you, as per another thread posted tonight i think we can all look at our own collections/housing and say i wish i had.......... But it will do for now, as long as the animals are happy and healthy what we think is irrelevant to an extent!

02-23-11, 03:15 PM
Agreed! :)

02-23-11, 03:48 PM
I actually think I'll be taking my pictures once my gnat problem is fixed. It's just annoying to have pictures of my room but have little gnats flying around in the pic ;c ... Then again, I could always photoshop them out.

02-23-11, 04:35 PM
we are moving back to NC in another 6 months and hoping to get a house where i can have my own room.

snake room/bedroom,
adding 2 more cages in about 2 to 3 more weeks

02-23-11, 04:57 PM
Jenn, where did you get that rack on the left?

02-23-11, 05:58 PM
heres mine not the best but it works great for me right now soon to have bigger stackable viv's!!! ( my bedroom)

02-23-11, 07:30 PM
Okay so here are some updated pictures...





02-24-11, 01:23 PM
Jenn, where did you get that rack on the left?

we made that one

02-24-11, 04:49 PM
For now they're all in my bedroom. I have a huge room in the basement i am making into a snakeroom. It's like 26x11 tons of room. Anyway for now this is my set up.



Isaac's Ark
03-15-11, 11:56 PM
One of our humble rooms time for new cages but the over all lay out will be the same. By the end of the summer you will see a little less wall and a lot more racks.

03-16-11, 03:08 AM
^ Can I come live with you?^

Isaac's Ark
03-18-11, 07:08 AM
LOL strictly Scales are a must to fill the tenancy forms

03-18-11, 02:50 PM
LOL strictly Scales are a must to fill the tenancy forms
Curious about the last pic, is that an oil filled radiator next to the stack? I'm assuming, if so it has an onboard thermostat, but do you also have a secondary stat inside one of the tubs?

03-18-11, 03:01 PM
Greg, i think it is a step, folded up, like a mini two step sepladder thingy.

Isaac's Ark
03-18-11, 06:32 PM
that is correct it is just a step stool.

03-18-11, 06:39 PM
I just wish I understood why I felt the plastic tubs seem so...impersonal. I know many of you have a lot of snakes but I mean to just have your snakes in a tub. I dunno I never understood it. I know there is nothing wrong with it, but a tub like that just reminds me of storage...like you are just storing your snake away instead of providing it a home.

Though don't get me wrong I am not saying anything is wrong with it...just don't understand.

03-18-11, 06:54 PM
the tubs don't look pretty and you can't watch the snake moving around, but i bet it's A LOT closer to the home they would choose in the wild then a lot of the vivs we provide. its smaller and darker and is opaque so i would imagine they feel safer then a clear viv.

03-18-11, 07:06 PM
I know what you mean nenna, personally would rather have less snakes with bigger vivs BUT i totally understand the logistics of breeding and keeping lots of animals as well.

03-19-11, 01:36 AM

temporary till I get the actual rack built, the weather won't cooperate with that! lol

03-19-11, 05:12 PM
Sure they aren't pleasing to OUR eyes but we shouldn't be keeping pets a certain way just to please ourselves. I use tubs because my ball pythons do best in them. Pure and simple.

03-19-11, 05:42 PM
Tubs also work better with baby that have high humidity requirements. Over the years i had 4 Bloods/Borneos the first two were keep in glass cages. Both die in under 2 months. Third one i kept in a custom it die in under a month. I could never keep the humidity up and babies are very touchy. Fast forward 10 years. I read a article about a breeder who kept all of his in tubs till they turn two. So i figure i give it another try. There's a lot more info out there than there was 10 years ago. Well i have a female Borneo that is now going on two years old. When she gets a litter bigger like all my snake they will be move to Boaphile cages like in my previous post.

Plus i don't use heat lamps. I found out that part of why i couldn't keep the humidity up.

03-19-11, 05:58 PM
Greg, i think it is a step, folded up, like a mini two step sepladder thingy.

they're called shauns extra legs rob (me being a short a**e)

we all can't be giants mate :yes:

you all have some really nice snake rooms folk's

i'm like wayne and have any spare space in the house full of tanks

like you rob i spend a lot of time in one room that being my bedroom the viv's are all 2 and half feet away from the bottom of my bed

the diamond tanks are all stacked and in my line of sight when i lye in bed so i keep the best view for myself

my wife has the black and white diamond jungle she claimed in her line of sight (2 jags as well)

not bad considering she did not like bieng in the same room as snakes when i first started herping (she even helps me give med's to the adult carpets )

cheers shaun

03-19-11, 06:06 PM
the tubs don't look pretty and you can't watch the snake moving around, but i bet it's A LOT closer to the home they would choose in the wild then a lot of the vivs we provide. its smaller and darker and is opaque so i would imagine they feel safer then a clear viv.

i don't like the fact you can't sit and watch your snakes through a tub as well as you could in a vivarium

i think thats why i only use tubs when its 100% neccessary

i think theres nothing wrong with using tubs and it is in no way detremental to the snake

they just stop me from gawping at my snakes like a love sick teenager:no:

cheers shaun

06-05-11, 08:43 PM
lol, gonna have to agree there shaun. much less interesting when you can't see what the snakes are doing all the time. it's nice when you get a snake that doesn't stress too bad so you can observe what's going on all the time without it getting pissed.

06-05-11, 08:56 PM
I'm contemplating keeping my next retic in a tub for the first year or so, shame to hide it but it is in their best intrest.

06-05-11, 10:24 PM
I would think twice about keeping a retic in a tub for very long. I find that they tend to nose rub a lot. I would go with PVC enclosures.

06-05-11, 10:42 PM
I've never had any of my non breeder males get nose rub, the females and juvies tend to be fine in whatever you put them in aslong as they can climb around.