View Full Version : New corn. <3 Also; is this normally? & Any name ideas?

02-21-11, 02:44 PM
Sooo, picked up my new corn snake today. <3 She is absolute lovely. The previous owners called her "Ruby". I guess it does suit here but I don't know what I think of it...any ideas?


02-21-11, 02:44 PM

Also..The aquarium that she came in had this in it...never seen anything like this come from my ball python...:S

02-21-11, 02:50 PM
Congratulations on your new little baby girl! She is adorable! Ruby is a nice name, Rose is also a nice name for such a little sweetie pie and roses also have their own scent, just in case she decides to musk you!:)
So how is her temperament like?

02-21-11, 02:53 PM
what about popcorn or kernel?

02-21-11, 02:54 PM
Just noticed the last two pictures, is that supposed to be poop, doesn't look normal. You can always get it tested at any vet! Just in case! Looks like it was fresh in one.

02-21-11, 03:25 PM
The last two pics look like musk to me. She may have been a little nervous due to the move. Gotta love corns! They are so inquisitive. Congrats to you and her, (Whatever you decide to name her.)

02-21-11, 03:28 PM
Her temperment is great so far.. Previous owners warned me she likes to pretend to be a rattlier, which I rememeber from housesitting for them when she was smaller, but she seems pretty happy and comfortable. I know I should be letting her settle in her aquarium, but she was out of her hide watching us while my neighboors were over and I couldn't help but pull her her out for some pictures. She loved the attention, but wasn't fond of the camera. . . very camera shy compaired to my bp, who loves the camera. lol Get those pics up soon.

And I think it is supposed to be poop, because you can see a bit of calc. to the side, which I see my ball python pass. It's the super liquidy brown..chuncky bubbly stuff that freaks me out.
I'm going to take it in to work with me tommorow, (work @ a vet for cats,dogs, and pocket pets) and I could take it in and get it looked at under the scope for parasites, but I don't know if any of our snap tests, for any illnesses or whatever, would work with a snake. :S I'm very close with Blue's vet though (used to work with her as well, lol) and I could try phoning her and asking if there is a test my clinic can order.
They wanted to feed her today when I picked her up.. I was a bit concerned bout feeding her then moving her around so much, throwing her in the car and a new aquarium at home, but they already had a pinky (I think she could easily take a fuzzy or more than one pinky) warmed up and insisted on it, so atleast I know she's a great eater.

02-21-11, 03:30 PM
That would be great if that's all it is , Pirate~
They had just put that paper town in today apperently, and thats what I brought her home in (I had pillow cases but they said the aquarium would be better), so that makes sense.

02-21-11, 03:50 PM
If she is an adult, she can easily take an adult mouse no problems. I have two corns, each are roughly a year and a half old and they eat 1 large mouse every 10 days. You wouldn't think by looking at their heads that they could do it, but it is amazing what a snake can swallow.

I would almost guarantee that the stain on the paper towel is musk, but if you are concerned, then by all means take it in. :)

02-21-11, 05:18 PM
Hard to say from the pics how big she is? Can you guestimate length and width? My adult takes large or xl mice every fortnight but "looks" bigger than yours..........

I would agree that it looks like musk, does it stink loke something died a few years ago and has been decomposing in a sewer ever since?? If so it is likely musk!

02-21-11, 06:18 PM
She is about wo years old, She's atleast two feet long. Her thickest area is a bit smaller that my thumb maybe? When I go to pick up something I'm just going to ask to look and pick out a small mouse or large fuzzie or whatever looks like it would be the right size.

And yes~ It did smell something aweful. Assuming when she does pass something it looks normal, I'm not going to worry about having it check by a vet.

02-21-11, 06:24 PM
She is about wo years old, She's atleast two feet long. Her thickest area is a bit smaller that my thumb maybe? When I go to pick up something I'm just going to ask to look and pick out a small mouse or large fuzzie or whatever looks like it would be the right size.

And yes~ It did smell something aweful. Assuming when she does pass something it looks normal, I'm not going to worry about having it check by a vet.

Does that sound small for a 2 year old female?

I hope that it was something other than poop, maybe she regurgitated! Especially if it smells really bad, but I doubt it because its pretty small amount of stuff.

02-21-11, 08:34 PM
Sounds small to me, (just my opinion - not a corn expert by far) but she was in a tank with little floor space. Maybe 20x20". Put her in a bigger one, gonna up her food intake, and hope she grows.

02-21-11, 09:49 PM
Pretty snake. its a hypo lavender??

02-21-11, 10:43 PM
Thats what I was told.
New pics. ;3 I know I should leave her to settle in, but she seems to love the attention and I couldn't help it.. Curled up in my shirt after a while and it was so cute I had to take a picture.

02-22-11, 12:58 AM
Beautiful girl!! I agree with those who said "Rose" or "Ruby", but I'd maybe name her something like "Oh No!" or "Surprise", cuz her eyes seem to make her look constantly surprised, especially in the 5-8th pictures :)

Once again, lovely little girl :)

02-22-11, 04:39 AM
Personally i would say she is a yearling, here are pics of my two yearlings to compare. They both hatched in March 2010



02-22-11, 11:08 AM
Does look about the same size as my baby.
She didn't even have a visable lump from the pinkie they fed her so I'm deffinetly getting something bigger for her. ;/

02-22-11, 12:08 PM
My two ate their first fluffs yesterday - they have had HUGE pinkies at the shop the last few months so have been feeding them as the fluffs they had were way too big but this time the seemed to be "normal" sized pinks and fluffs.

02-22-11, 12:30 PM
Well, I just changed her paper towel over; no signs of any mites dead or alive. Checked the inside of her hide for feces. (It's black and the little white flecks are easy to see; Blue had the same kinda of hide when I first found mites on her and it was covered) Didn't see anything. Hope it stays that way. <3 Going to follow through with the second nix treatment when it's time but if I still don't see anything I may just go ahead and take both snakes out of quarantine.

02-22-11, 12:31 PM
She could have been a slow eater (refusals) when she was younger. There's really no set numbers for weight/age, they all grow at their own pace. As long as she eats regularly for you and maintains a good figure (should be shaped like a loaf of bread) I'm sure she'll grow up just fine.

I'm not sure what to make of that poop, does look a little light and runny, but could be due to the stress of the move and new environment. If she looks healthy otherwise - no wheezing, mucus around the nose or mouth, and you don't see any sign of mites - I wouldn't stress her with a vet visit, but doing the fecal test is a good idea, let us know if anything shows up.

Not sure if you caught my post in the Post your Milk, Corn, King thread where you first posted her picture, but I also think that she is not a hypo lavender.

Mary, that looks like a snow to me. I have seen some quite pinkish hypo lavs, but the eye colour does not match. If it was carrying the lavender gene the center of the eye should be dark red and surrounded by blue-gray whereas a snow's eyes will be pink. It does have a nice clean contrast between the bright pink saddles and background, so it could be a coral, which is a hypo snow.

Looking at more pictures of hypo lavs, it seems the saddles have a purplish tinge and the pink usually shows in the background colour. Did the previous owners produce her? If not, they may have been sold the snake with incorrect info. Or it could just be a morph name mixup, coral...cotton candy? I hope you don't mind me pointing this out, I just figure you'd want to have the correct info about your new little girl. Either way, she is one beautiful snaky :)

Hypo Lavender (aka Cotton Candy):

Hypo Snow (aka Coral):

Images taken from Ians Vivarium Cornsnake Morph Guide (http://iansvivarium.com/cornsnakemorphs.php).

02-22-11, 12:40 PM
No, I didn't catch that post. Thank you much for reposting it here.
I don't mind you pointing it out at!!~ She does look much more like the second picture.
They did not produce her, and they didn't even know what "hpyo- lavender" was - they just refered to her as candy cane, so it could very much be incorrect info. I looked up pictures of other candycanes, and realised she was much more pink then them, but I don't know very much about corns at all so I wasn't sure. Thanks, got to change that sigg. :)

02-22-11, 04:31 PM
Contacted the prev. owners asking about Rubys genetics. This is what they sent me;

"i was told that it was a cottoncandy but we did get it from the pet store but it was the owners friend that was the breeder and its the yellow markings on her side that was what made her the cotton candycorn snake ! cuz when we got her she did not have that yellow marking but i coundn't tell you if thats true or not mary sorry "

02-22-11, 05:30 PM
Pretty snake! Love corns!

02-22-11, 07:43 PM
Thank you. She's been a great addition. Complete opposite of my lazy python.

02-22-11, 09:56 PM
I think its a snow like mine :D

02-22-11, 10:28 PM
I deffinetly think she's a snow or hypo snow. :) I will charge my camera and get some more pictures up tommorow.

02-23-11, 10:28 AM
I think its a snow like mine :D

I thought snows were supposed to be pure white??

I have 4 snow garters and they are pure white, not one dab of colour anywhere??

02-23-11, 10:45 AM
Snow Corns are usually quite light, but can have hews of pink, yellow and even green and there are many line breed snow morphs that emphasize these. Hypo tends to make the colouring much brighter, hence why I think Mary's Ruby might be a hypo snow.

02-23-11, 05:29 PM
Blizzards are pure white when adult!

02-23-11, 09:34 PM
If you want pure white check out a Whiteout (http://iansvivarium.com/morphguide/whiteout/) :D

The same brilliant white as a Blizzard, but with the Diffused genetics there is even less pattern present and no belly pattern, producing a near perfect white corn snake.

02-23-11, 09:41 PM
Very nice indeed!:)