View Full Version : Sav Eating a treat

02-19-11, 09:43 AM
This is chomper 7 months old eating a fuzzy and for the first time i got him on cam standing lol 2 months ago i fed him from a vent on top of the viv he always checks up there lol

02-19-11, 10:04 AM

02-19-11, 10:05 AM
YouTube - Savannah monitor eating a treat (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pq5pq8ojwEE)

02-19-11, 11:13 AM
Decent video but you really need to supply your monitor with digging room. From the looks of it he's got barely any substrate. These animals love to dig and burrow.

02-19-11, 11:56 AM
lol kid that is 50 % sand and dirt 15 inches deep i built the cage for that

02-19-11, 11:57 AM
under the rocks on the right go to the bottom half of his house

02-19-11, 12:55 PM
Awww~ <3 So adorablllle~ x>

02-19-11, 01:01 PM
Very cute.

02-19-11, 01:04 PM
he looks great, i just love savs :)

02-19-11, 04:23 PM
he does look great, gj :)

02-19-11, 05:28 PM
thanks teanija..lol off topic your screen name its cool how did you come up with it

02-19-11, 05:34 PM
thanks teanija..lol off topic your screen name its cool how did you come up with it

haha, just something i made up years ago as a name and it stuck.
now its my email and my gamer tags for the games i play and everything :)

YEARS ago i was hanging out with my brother and his friends and they were trying to think of a nickname to give me, and as a COMPLETE joke, i said Monty Smite Higgins the 3rd. and my brothers friend looked at me and went......Higgins! and i was like aaw crap lol. and to this day people call me higgins. i've had people ask me if my last name is higgins and i just laugh and tell them no.

and sometimes my friend likes to call me anthony just for fun lol. it really confuses people how many nicknames i have.

my real name is zak lol, and my initials are ZIM B)

02-19-11, 05:37 PM
lol mine funny when i was in gr 8 my email was jay0133@...
jay short for jason and believe it or not 0133 was my personal bank pin number
i thought it would be a good way to remember it o well its different now lol

02-19-11, 05:39 PM
lol mine funny when i was in gr 8 my email was jay0133@...
jay short for jason and believe it or not 0133 was my personal bank pin number
i thought it would be a good way to remember it o well its different now lol

hahah, awesome :D

02-19-11, 06:24 PM
haha, just something i made up years ago as a name and it stuck.
now its my email and my gamer tags for the games i play and everything :)

YEARS ago i was hanging out with my brother and his friends and they were trying to think of a nickname to give me, and as a COMPLETE joke, i said Monty Smite Higgins the 3rd. and my brothers friend looked at me and went......Higgins! and i was like aaw crap lol. and to this day people call me higgins. i've had people ask me if my last name is higgins and i just laugh and tell them no.

and sometimes my friend likes to call me anthony just for fun lol. it really confuses people how many nicknames i have.

my real name is zak lol, and my initials are ZIM B)

ZIIIIIIIIIMMMMM! :D You probably have no idea wot I'm talking about, eh?

02-19-11, 11:38 PM
lol kid that is 50 % sand and dirt 15 inches deep i built the cage for that

My name is Aaron and you can refer to me as such please. Not "kid".

Secondly, I apologize if my remarks are wrong but from the video you can see the lip of the enclosure and it doesn't look like there's digging room. I'd like to see pics of the enclosure as one day I'd like to own a sav would need ideas.

02-20-11, 12:27 AM
haha gir is funny

02-20-11, 12:34 AM
my apologies, did not mean to offend you. but sure i could take a few the tank does not have stand its hard to explain but in the one side he can burrow 2 feet if he wants lol its kinda neat its hard to explain i hope you get it o well ill put some pics but its filled with 15 0f these