View Full Version : how often do you snakes get loose?

02-18-11, 07:37 PM
if they even do get loose................i have read that all snakes are good escape artists, have your snakes ever got loose? if so how did they do it and what can i do to the enclosure to prevent this escape, afraid it will be killed by my dog if it gets loose

and what size tank would i need for a baby rosy boa and when will it be time to upgrade to reg tank( i want to do it as fast as possible)
what about the size for adults is a 30 gallon wide too big?(30 x 12 x 16), if so i assume 20 gallon wide would be plenty of room

02-18-11, 07:40 PM
get locking lids and make sure the holes arent to big if its a custom viv.

02-18-11, 07:53 PM
Locking lid, clasps, heavy duty velcro stripes, pad locks if you have kids. It also depend on the type of lid that you have on your tank, is it mesh, wooden, cage!
Always double check to make sure that you didn't forget to close and secure the lid after feeding, cleaning, playing. Make it a habit, just like when you have children, you can never be too safe.

02-18-11, 08:08 PM
first and foremost with any viv, never walk away without ensuring it's locked down.

a large number of escapes come from absent minded feedings.

I know I have left vivs open by accident before.

02-18-11, 11:40 PM
Nobody answered the question in the topic.


02-19-11, 12:13 AM
Weeeelllll then I will? I've only owned my BRB for 3 weeks by far, and he's yet to escape. I really doubt he will, as well, since my lid is a locking lid.

For a Rosy Boa, I'd say 20g would be fine. Not sure how long it'd take to upgrade. I'd guess maybe 6 months? Not an expert on Rosies.

02-19-11, 12:27 AM
i used to have a BRB YEARS ago that escaped and was gone for around a week, then i found it coiled around the base of my computer chair one night. since i rehomed him years ago i didn't have any reptiles since about 3-6 months ago. then i got my big dumerils, then i got my BP, then i got my gecko. (and i don't believe any of them will be escaping ;) )

02-19-11, 02:54 AM
Once about 14 years ago; I was young and didn't heed Wayne's advice (check the lid or door before you leave the room).

02-19-11, 06:07 AM
Seems people have covered the question about securing the tank.

I've had my python for a few months now, and she only escaped on me once so far.
First off, I have to admit it was my fault. x.x I had been drinking and right before I was going to bed I refilled her water dishes with clean water. My viv. has sliding front doors, with a little clip lock (works fine for now but I'm already looking for a better one for when she gets bigger and will easily be able to open this one, as U can if I pull on the door hard enough without touching the lock.) And I guess I didn't shut one side all the way enough for it to click locked... Must of found the crack and opened it enough to crawl out...in the morning...no python~
Was a scarey couple of hours - reminds me of the feeling when you see your indoor cat run out the door. lol.
I checked everywhere I could think of, but no luck, and I had to be at work by 2 pm, and couldn't manage to get it off to keep looking for her... My room is in the basement, so I was really affraid of her getting to cold on the ground considering how long she must of out for, or that she would find some way into the walls, as I know there are spots down here it would easily be possable for her. When I had to leave for work I was really upset- and assuming the worst that I'd never find her.. I threw some blanklets all balled up near my heaters, hoping maybe she'd find the dark warm space and cuddle up.
Thankfully, my dad found her. He pulled a bookshelf out after I left and look behind the one next to it, and there she was - apperently half stuck/hanging. Not really sure how he and my newphew managed to get her outta that situtation but they did- and I was veeeery happy to see her when I came home. She was cold- and ticked right off with me...That was the first night since shes gotten used to me she didnt want anything to do with me, seemed like she wanted to leap right out of my hands - but besides that- fine. And I know place a peice of tape over each sliding door to reassure myself I've shut it all the way each time..

02-19-11, 08:24 AM
It was a two part question. ;)

and what size tank would i need for a baby rosy boa and when will it be time to upgrade to reg tank( i want to do it as fast as possible)
what about the size for adults is a 30 gallon wide too big?(30 x 12 x 16), if so i assume 20 gallon wide would be plenty of room

A 30 gallon wide with plenty of hides would give you a lot of room to work with, and it's easier to get temperature gradients with a tank that size.

Unless a rosey keeper says it would stress out, I'd vote for the bigger tank.

I think 20 wides are the same dimensions, just shallower (not as tall) ??

02-19-11, 08:46 AM
Only had one escape so far, baby corn in a second hand viv managed to squeeze through a hole that i had missed when checking the viv out. Since that incident (and buying brand new vivs) no escapes.

02-27-11, 03:24 AM
Hi i have a retic that opened my bathroom door and ate 2 of my prize 20 pound siamese cats. Signed Deadly Weapon

02-27-11, 08:57 AM
^^ lol poor kitties!!

Ive had several escapes, One bci escaped from a tub was found 3 months later in my couch!! I also have a 07 female who is an escape artist!! I have all my adults in key locked proline or boaphile 4x2 cages. She squeezes out the top corner!! shes gotten out about 6 times. One morning I went to pee and she was wrapped around the bottom of the toilet lol
I "think" I'm not sure but I think rosy boas stay small so I think that tank sounds fine. There should be more bci questions lol I would feel more helpful lol

03-06-11, 10:32 AM
When I was a kid we had a BIG ball python, one of the biggest i have heard of! we got this snake when it was ten years old and when it was 16 we fed it and when it started constricting we walked away (was on F/T).

Sometime when we were gone, it decided to stop eating and just make a run for it... the snake was lost almost 11 months and when we had our attic checked out by pest control he freaked out and told us a big snake was in the attic, I have honestly never seen this snake that healthy, he was kept plump with whatever he was catching up there!

Best piece of advice i can give you is when feeding a snake in a tub, just because it has started eating the prey item, doesn't mean that it will finish, and when a snake is out of his enclosure you should never take your eyes off of it.

Make sure that you find some way of sealing heating and AC vents shut because that's how my snake got out of the room.

03-30-11, 10:24 AM
My ball python escaped once and only once. I've had him for nearly 2 years, my mom made me promise he wont escape. he was able to push up on the wood lid i had i think either he bent the lid just enough to get through it was only 1/8 plywood but now i have 5/8 plywood and i removed the light he was climbing on the push up against the lid and placed it ontop the cage

03-30-11, 08:37 PM
I've had in my care over 2000 snakes in last 12 years.
Never had one get out.

03-30-11, 09:09 PM
I do admit mistakes in the past, but I make sure they are secure, it's been years now since the last escape.

03-30-11, 11:17 PM
My retic escaped the first day I got him luckly he just curled up around a house plant and the dogs and cat left him alone and visversa. I made sure that can't happen with any of my other snakes locks all around.

03-31-11, 06:16 AM
It seems to me from my experience that they try to get out when they are to hot or to hungry.Id bet you if you fed them alot they would not try to get out cause they are satisfied or to fat to climb out . Deadly Weapon

03-31-11, 07:06 AM
It seems to me from my experience that they try to get out when they are to hot or to hungry.Id bet you if you fed them alot they would not try to get out cause they are satisfied or to fat to climb out . Deadly Weapon

Tho a snake that is too fat to escape will die young anyway...........

03-31-11, 09:06 AM
When my snakes stop trying to escape, I worry about them.

03-31-11, 10:36 AM
When my snakes stop trying to escape, I worry about them.

yea... Luke is always looking for a way out... I am really dreading the day if he ever manages it...