View Full Version : Gasp, First post.

02-16-11, 02:07 PM
Well, the little notice at the top of my page suggested that since I have yet to make my first post, I do it here... makes sense, so why not. lol.

My name is Mary, and I've visited this site a few times before to read up and certain things, and have finally gotten around to registering myself.

I'm currently nineteen years old, working as a vet assistant and will be going to school in Sept, first for a year of general arts and sciences, then three years to ear my advanced diplomia in veterinary technology.

I have four furbabies. The oldest being an eight year old pitbull named Bandit. I also own two cats each around a year old, Sylvie and Scubert. The newest addition to my pack is a now almost three month old german shephard puppy, Shyy.

I currently only have one scaley~baby. :(
A 26" female ball python named Blue. She's just a little girl now, but I'm hoping she'll reach a decent size. Been through quite a lot with that python... Expecially the fight against mites...

[Which btw, if anyone reading this is having an issues with mites look up the posts on this site regarding the nix mite fix. Worked with in hours with no concerns. :)]

I am having some issues as of late with her vivarium set up, whch is actually why I've registered with this site, but I'll save that for my second post.

To finish off I guess I'll say that I'm very interested in expanding my one tank, to a collection of snakes... I'm currently hoping to invest in a either a irain jaya python<3,woma python, boa constictor, . Then maybe one day I'll work my way to the giants. <3

Well.. I guess that's all I have to say for now. Please keep an eye open for my next post, which I'll be asking for help regarding my vivarium. thanks.
Mary <3

02-16-11, 03:14 PM

02-16-11, 06:10 PM
Welcome! We love to see pictures!! (hint, hint :D)

02-16-11, 06:12 PM
Hi Mary! Welcome to the site!:)

02-16-11, 06:41 PM
Hello and welcome!

02-16-11, 07:55 PM
Highfive for 19 year olds c: Anywho, nice to meet you <3 We love pics here c:

02-16-11, 08:07 PM
welcome and as said pic's are much appreciated

02-16-11, 09:48 PM
So, my memory card is no where to be found. lol. Heres an old picture from when I first got her.


I pomise more will come..Please keep an eye out for my next thread sometime tommorow regarding her tank set; that will have loads of pictures.

Thankyou everyone for the warm welcome.

02-16-11, 10:00 PM
Welcome hope you find and learn all u can here

02-16-11, 10:18 PM
thanks. <3

02-18-11, 12:42 AM
Hello and welcome to the forum.

02-18-11, 06:44 AM
welcome! i have the about the same age BP. :) PICS!!! :P

02-18-11, 09:59 PM
Frost, what are you feeding your BP? They told me to feed her a pinky every two weeks; but I knew that wasn't enough! D: Poor thing looked so underweight when I first got her. I'll have to dig up pictures but I'm not sure what file, or even what computer their in right now. lol. Anyways, she's on ratpups now, but last feeding I didn't notice any bulge so I'm thinking time to get something bigger maybe?


Here are a couple. Lol, my camera doesn't want to upload so I'm having a hard time today for some reason. Getting close to shed time so she's looking pretty dull right now; I promise many more will come. <3

I thought this one was adoarable; Wanted to try and get a tongue shot as she is very curious /interested in the camera but focus sucked, and I'm trying to figure out this camera and its settings. Gave up fast on the tongue shot as I has lots to do today

Last one for now.


Thatnks for the interest. <3 My baby loves the camera; but i dont have many friends interested in looking at her model shoots. :P

02-18-11, 10:10 PM
She's a beautiful girl!:) Thanks for sharing your pictures!

02-18-11, 11:43 PM
Awww~ c: So cuuute~ I love BP's when they have a frontal photo shoot. Looks like they got a :3 face goin' on. LOL

02-19-11, 05:54 AM
She is a cute lil' bugger. That's why I wanted a BP for my first. And such good personality - if you believe snakes have such a thing - after spending more time with them the past few years I do now.
I have to tell people to watch out for my puppy biting them - I have no worries that Blue would bite.
Last night before giving her a final nix spray down I was soaking her in a large bowl in the kitchen to help with her shedding, and while I was doing something she climbed out and started moving across the table - no where fast so I wasn't worried. Then my mom of all people went and picked her up... Guess you'd have to know my mom to know how awesome this is...For the first few weeks Blue was home all I heard was "OMG you have that thing on you! omg~ omg! omg! its looking at me! omgomg! omg mary! omg is it going to bite! omg why is it squeezing your arm!?!?! omg!" lmao. Sooo, it was nice to see her so calmy pick her up and pass her to me (she didn't seem interested it holding her for long :P lol). I love when my newphews and neice come visit cause I can trust her with them completely...-it's them I have to keep my eye on ! lol.
Perfect little pet. <3 Cuddles better than either of my cats or puppy. :)

02-20-11, 11:00 AM
.For the first few weeks Blue was home all I heard was "OMG you have that thing on you! omg~ omg! omg! its looking at me! omgomg! omg mary! omg is it going to bite! omg why is it squeezing your arm!?!?! omg!"

Story of my LIFE right now hahahahaha, almost a direct quote. What is it with moms and snakes??

02-20-11, 03:50 PM
Lol, not sure, but mine is noooot very happy to know I'm bringing in a new snake tommorow. <3

02-20-11, 09:18 PM
Mine was actually not as much against it as I thought...I jokingly said I was bringing another one home, cuz the petstore has a Lavender/Diffused (or maybe Motley) baby, and she said "Not 'till you sell your car."

Great improvement over "You can have a snake when you're living on your own in another city."

02-20-11, 09:24 PM
Yes - very much an improvement. Mines come around a bit now. :P Showed her pictures today, and she thinks the cornsnake I'm getting is adorable. Then we were talking about the extra tank I have, and I told her not to worry, I wouldn't fill it 'till I moved it Sept. She just laughed and told me not to lie. :P

02-21-11, 12:34 PM
I feel so old, you guys! I am "the mom" and I am the one who finally got the snake she has always wanted. I actually got it from my kids. It's my husband who is nervous around her and has never really held her--at least not unless I put her on his lap. None of us(aside from myself) has really been around snakes much--we've always lived in cities and only seen them in pet stores. My one son owned a couple of leopard geckos for a while, but that is about it. As a kid I lived across the street from open, rocky land (we called it the quarry) in Hamilton, Ontario where a clutch or two of garters lived so that's where my love for snakes began. I'm actually looking at rescuing a bearded dragon in the near future so I guess I'm just a unique Mom who continues to surprise the kids (and adults) in her life. Just as an aside, I also got my nosed pierced at the age of 39! Give your moms a break--they'll come around...if they see how happy you are with your reps, that will be all that it takes for them to be happy too (don't force them to hold your pets, however, as you may find yourself living somewhere else:yes:).

02-21-11, 03:40 PM
If you're still in Ontario we're neighboors a-vd. :P
Hehe, and they do come around. My mom is pretty cool. (She got her nosed pierced and belly button with me at the age of 47 :Poesn't have either anymore though)
And you're right - her seeing how happy my pets make me is probably the only reason I get away with it until I move out. Expecially with this snake because she knew I had wanted it for a long time, but couldn't take it when it was orginally offered to me (I was just getting my BP settled at the time and couldn't handle another one rightaway) so when I saw they were selling it again - my mom knew I couldn't give it up.
What sort of snake did you get? And good luck on finding a B.D. :)

Sidenote; corn home today~ pictures in this thread.

02-21-11, 03:42 PM
that didnt work? http://www.ssnakess.com/forums/elaphe-guttata-guttata/85565-new-corn-3-also-normally-any-name-ideas.html

02-21-11, 04:36 PM
welcome to the forum!!:)

02-21-11, 05:55 PM
I have a ksb named Eryx. She is approx. 6 months old and 14 inches long. I've had her since Dec. 5 and she & I have weathered a few storms since then (difficult sheds, not eating x6 weeks, being clawed by a cat...). It's been a real learning experience and I've loved it!! You can teach an old dog new tricks!!! The bearded dragon I may get is owned by a family who is related to a boarder we had a year ago. They evidently got it as a pet last fall, but no one wants to take care of it anymore. I'm waiting to hear from our ex-boarder to see if we can have it. Thanks for asking about me and my babies (all my kids are 14 and up so I'm just starting over in a new and interesting way). Hope you learn lots here, Whoaxmary. Enjoy your little ones! BTW, I now live in Edmonton but I still have lots of relatives in Ontario including a sister and a brother so I do visit the Waterloo area annually!