View Full Version : amel identity problem?

02-11-11, 03:31 PM
Not really a problem, but i suppose inqusitive me just trying to find out whats with my amel, with random black/grey and white checks on the belly? i say random cause some of them are like connected into rectangles but you can clearly see sqaures.

I dunno if you have seen photos of shiro hara? (and im not able to upload any recent due to my pc messing up, if i could upload via my blackbey i would, only old pics o.o)

But i thought i had an amel, after looking into this apparently they do not have the black pigment gene, looking more closely also on his either side there is a stripe on the top bit by his head that fades into saddles?

any ideas i would be greatful? I know okeetees have checkered bellys not amels? and motely's do? correct me if im wrong.
many thanks

02-11-11, 03:46 PM
Checkerboard belly patterns are normal for any corn, and the morphs will cause funky pigmentation my ("albino") corn has "ghost" checkers under it, the squares that should have been black are completely without pigment

02-11-11, 03:52 PM
ohhh okay, thanks infernails! (Y) =]

02-19-11, 09:29 PM
pics pics!

02-19-11, 09:39 PM
here is the thread!

02-19-11, 11:22 PM
I can't believe it has black on its belly when the rest is amel like that can you post pics of the belly?

02-20-11, 12:05 AM
If the belly still has black checkers, it could well be any of the 4 hypomelanistic morphs. They are very similar to Amelanistic, they simply have slightly MORE black pigment. Especially when they are young they are almost indistinguishable (to me) from regular amel.

Also, Motleys do NOT have the checkered pattern. Motley, Stripe, and Diffused are all without belly checkers, which makes it easy to tell what your snake might have in the genetic lottery :)

03-06-11, 04:53 AM
Not really a problem, but i suppose inqusitive me just trying to find out whats with my amel, with random black/grey and white checks on the belly? i say random cause some of them are like connected into rectangles but you can clearly see sqaures.

I dunno if you have seen photos of shiro hara? (and im not able to upload any recent due to my pc messing up, if i could upload via my blackbey i would, only old pics o.o)

But i thought i had an amel, after looking into this apparently they do not have the black pigment gene, looking more closely also on his either side there is a stripe on the top bit by his head that fades into saddles?

any ideas i would be greatful? I know okeetees have checkered bellys not amels? and motely's do? correct me if im wrong.
many thanks

first of all im going to apologies, because the posts I have replied back on to this thread are all over the place, this wont make sense but its because of the computer in the hostal that I'm staying at _._ round my boyfriends so can upload photos without a hitch! (any way thats general back to the point)

I managed to get some pictures of my amels belly o.o a wiggly little f-er i must say =D But i think infernails your right its ghost checks after looking closely i noticed that the black marks were moving down to his tail >.> one answer his poo made it seem like he had dark pigments when he did'nt XD
Heres some photos:


-on the bottom left you can see one of the checks are slightly darker o.0 but as explain not what i thought...



When i sent the post about the black pigments it must've been after a good feed :/

I guess it just shows how new i am to the snake stuff :sad:

03-14-11, 05:04 AM
the checkers are exactly the same as my amel, the bodies internals can also be seen through them giving a black shadow type of effect.

sorry if that doesnt help lol

03-14-11, 11:53 AM
That's okay +] nice to know! (Y)

Glasgow Corns
03-14-11, 12:25 PM
is a typical amel belly pattern, but amels belly's shouldnt be translucent and ou wont be able to see internally, some of the whiter morphs when younger it may be possible but not amels.

03-14-11, 12:27 PM
any of the milks or rats that normally have a checkerboard belly will have "ghost" checkers when no melanin is present (no black pigment).