View Full Version : WOW scary

02-09-11, 05:11 PM
i woke up this afternoon (lol) and look into my snakes enclosures and i see that Ghonda has dragged her hide into the water dish and totally ruined it cause its cardboard, but then when i bend down closer to look at her. pow right there in front of her tank is Maynard just chillen in a coil outside of his cage. i apparently put his lid on wrong when i was showing him to some people and he was just out, scared the crap outta me. just thought i would share

02-09-11, 05:15 PM
Lol, at least he was still there, always a good idea to double check the enclkosure before leaving it. I am kinda paranoid after my escaped corn last year and find myself checking the vivs everytime i walk by just in case i forgot to lock them.

02-09-11, 05:26 PM
yea im going to get locks. also im going to try and build custom lids for their aquariums, i have a pretty detailed idea of what im going to do and i want to start them by spring.

02-09-11, 05:55 PM
Lucky you :D they say that usually you will find your escape artist within 20 feet of there tank in like the first 12 hours. To bad I the only thing I found of my first corn snake was a shed a floor down from his tank :P

02-09-11, 05:59 PM
yea he was like a half foot from his tank lol im glad he didnt drop off the table cause i have 3 dogs and a cat. and the cat and one of the dogs like to sleep under the table

02-09-11, 09:07 PM
Grats, I have heard of ppl letting there cats snoop around supervised to help find missing family lol but sounds like you dont need to.

02-09-11, 09:17 PM
not this time thank god, im just glad he stayed on the table he must have been there for half the day all night then another half of a day before i found him without even knowing he was gone.

02-11-11, 12:57 AM
yea im going to get locks. also im going to try and build custom lids for their aquariums, i have a pretty detailed idea of what im going to do and i want to start them by spring.

good thing he didn't escape... can you show me pics of your custom lids once they are done... i am using aquariums as well.

02-11-11, 01:07 AM
I get special aquariums that have snap down lids that require you to put them under a latch to close the lid. It is nice but it makes the aquarium cost more because it is supposed to be specialized for reptiles only...anything to get a few extra bucks I guess.

02-11-11, 01:19 AM
good thing he didn't escape... can you show me pics of your custom lids once they are done... i am using aquariums as well.
sure will, all i need to do now is get a drill and some wood

02-12-11, 12:33 AM
I actually have my snake in an aquarium without any lip at all. I've put a metal screened lid on top with a weight, but I'm thinking she'll need a stronger lock system soon. I'm wondering if using tie-down straps will work--any suggestions?

02-12-11, 12:38 AM
I got a great suggestion! Use reptile related enclosures! Something like a PVC enclosure. Where you don't need weights to keep the snake in!

02-12-11, 12:50 AM
Thanks, Aaron--it's definitely a thought. I like my aquarium, however, since if has rounded corners and I can see what's going on no matter what angle I'm sitting at. Any other suggestions?

02-12-11, 03:02 AM
some people just have to work with what they got. im building custom lids so they are more effective. with locks and such so it wont be an issue anymore

02-12-11, 06:18 AM
lucky he was waiting for you...
i have to put 2 1gl water jugs on top of my yellow rats tub, and one night i forgot, my little boy had to use the bathroom at around 2am he came running in my room talking about a snake in the bathtub i got up and yep there is my yellow rat snake wanting to take a bath lol. now i always make sure the jugs are on his tub.