View Full Version : Water Snake Tank Build Log

02-03-11, 06:18 PM
I am building a viv for my northern water snake. The tank is a 75 gallon. I wont be setting it up with live plants because she would tear everything up. Im making a background out of Great Stuff and quickset, a waterfall, and a heater to keep the water at about 78F.

This is Bertha, my water snake:

Here is the tank with the divider siliconed in(I've been taking pictures with my ipod until I find my camera, so they're a little blurry):

I used contact paper so I could take the background out to cover it with quickset. Here Ive laid down the contact paper:

I used up about 2 and a half cans of Great Stuff to cover the back of the tank. You can see when I ran out of the first can:

I took the Great Stuff background out of the tank but, I had to cut it in half to fit out because of the bar crossing the middle of the tank. It came right out because of the contact paper. If I were to do this again though, I would use something like butcher paper because the contact paper was a pain to get inside. Here are the background pieces out of the tank:

I had the trim the pieces so they would fit after I apply the quickset.Then, I started carving the peices:

02-03-11, 06:19 PM
Then, I started on the waterfall. I made it out of Styrofoam, I made it in two pieces to access the filter and heater. I will be covering it with quickset(sorry for bad picture quality, I found my camera but now can't find the cord):

The background curled up because I dont think I let it cure long enough. So, I decided to scrap the GS and make the background of of styrofoam, also:

The filter I am using is a Zoo Med 318 turtle clean filter, it has a dual intake and 30-55gph(not my picture):

The heater I am using is a Tetrafauna Aquatic reptile Heater, it has a thermostat preset to 78F(my water snake likes to soak in warm water)(again, not my picture):

I took this from my thread on another forum, so it's only broken up into 2 posts, because of the amount of pics, so I think its a little harder to follow my madness:):yes: Also, I found some type s mortar I had laying around, is this safe to use if I soak it in water and vinegar for 2 weeks like concrete to neutralize the ph?

02-03-11, 06:53 PM
don't see many of yer pics :P