View Full Version : Snake Body Painting

02-03-11, 04:30 PM
Watched Face Off that I recorded the other night and they showed a really good body painter as a guest judge. A couple of his pieces involved snakes and I thought it would be fun to share his work here to see what others thought.


02-03-11, 04:34 PM
that's pretty cool :)

02-03-11, 05:02 PM
And once again mass media portrays people with snakes around their necks, i despair, i really do :no: :( :no:

02-03-11, 05:04 PM
Well lets look past that Lanky cause there were other pictures shown of these people holding them correctly and such that weren't 100% appropriate for the site. These were the ones that showed the paint the best.

02-03-11, 05:12 PM
The fact that they held them correctly at some point doesnt excuse them being put around someones neck.

What should have been a great advert for our hobby encourages inexperienced people to buy snakes and think thats it is fine to hold them like this.

02-03-11, 05:17 PM
=/ hopefully if they are going to buy a pet they'll do enough research to know not to put it around their neck. although that probably won't happen -.-

02-03-11, 05:22 PM
Dam that one hot looking retic.11574 lol I what one where can you buy Retic like that at? lol

02-03-11, 06:12 PM
Well considering how hard it was to find these pictures (these particular ones others of the same shoot are much easier) I don't think these are particularly circulated. Whatever the case wrong or right the images are still beautiful to me.

Though I have to ask why it is a bad idea (other than constricting) to have a snake propped around your neck and or body. On the first picture it looks like the model could easily be supporting the rest of the snake in his arms. In the second picture the snake is wrapped around her body and neck and it still looks like her arm that isn't shown could easily be helping to support the snake.

02-03-11, 06:39 PM
Have you ever had something as weak as acorn snake decide to clamp onto an arm and not let go? It's not particularly nice and i had bruising for about ten days. I am a big guy and the corn was only four foot, there is no way i or my wife could get it off i just had to wait it out as i didnt want to harm the snake.

Scale this up to something a little more muscly like a royal python and you could be looking at broken bones and or nerve damage.

Scale it again to a retic or burm ..................

Now imagine that the snake is either around your chest or neck instead of an arm. Either someone kills the snake or harms it badly enough for it to let go or the snake "wins". Also add to this that if you collapse through lack of oxygen or the snake feels threatened cos it is being grabbed that it will start to fight rather than just "hold on"

From certain perssure points on your neck you can black out in under a second.........

02-03-11, 06:45 PM
I have to agree here, although I have put snakes around my neck it is not smart....only one time one off mood lol cooooooll pics though pretty neat:)

02-03-11, 06:52 PM
Understandable and if people want to be stupid it is their choice...and if in being stupid they hurt themselves or get themselves killed then so be it. I look at these pics and see a controlled environment and not amateurs screwing around. Obviously the snake nor the people were going to be hurt in any way. I also see beautiful artwork.

02-03-11, 08:19 PM
or try letting a 3 ft 4 inch ball/royal python squeeze your hand its not very pleasant it does cause pain and its no where near the size or strength of the larger constrictors even if not using full strength

02-03-11, 08:25 PM
Oh I have had a large snake squeeze my arm before I know what you are talking about. I was trying to show off some beautiful art and I didn't realize it would be so...controversial for the way the snakes were held. If anything I thought it would be criticized for the behinds and nudity rather than the way the snakes themselves.

02-03-11, 09:02 PM
Thanks for sharing! That's pretty interesting...what network aired the show?

02-03-11, 09:13 PM
i think its on chiller that or its on syfy but i think those pics are amazing despite the controvercy lol

02-04-11, 07:45 AM
Oh I have had a large snake squeeze my arm before I know what you are talking about. I was trying to show off some beautiful art and I didn't realize it would be so...controversial for the way the snakes were held. If anything I thought it would be criticized for the behinds and nudity rather than the way the snakes themselves.

I do appreceiate the art, and i am not criticizing YOU just the way the pictures/snakes are portrayed. Even in a "controlled environment" if the snakes decided to squeeze the only way to stop them would probably be to kill them.

02-04-11, 07:46 AM
lol sorry Nenna they are beautiful pics it is quite cool:):)

02-04-11, 09:01 AM
That's really cool! I love that show!

02-04-11, 07:10 PM
:)Beautiful art work and thank you for sharing. :)

02-04-11, 07:29 PM
Thanks for sharing! That's pretty interesting...what network aired the show?

It is on the ScyFy channel on Wednesdays but you can watch reruns on Monday. It is called "Face Off"

02-04-11, 07:30 PM
I do appreceiate the art, and i am not criticizing YOU just the way the pictures/snakes are portrayed. Even in a "controlled environment" if the snakes decided to squeeze the only way to stop them would probably be to kill them.

Sorry I snapped a bit to hard there Lanky. Being cold does that I guess though I know it is no real excuse.

02-04-11, 07:45 PM
And supposedly we get more snow tonite as if we havent got enough as is

02-04-11, 07:49 PM
And supposedly we get more snow tonite as if we havent got enough as is

Good god >.< I thought today would be the last day of this mess. It is already going to be hell enough to get some snake food tomorrow and now MORE snow! I guess my girl can just wait it out well enough even though she has not been eating for 3 weeks.

02-05-11, 04:13 AM
Sorry I snapped a bit to hard there Lanky. Being cold does that I guess though I know it is no real excuse.

No offence taken, i read through some of my posts and it did sound like i was getting at you rather than the originator of the pics. No harm no foul :):):)