View Full Version : Too much snow in MI

02-02-11, 08:18 AM
this is what it looks like in MI today the snow drifts are crazy.

where is my car?
back of the truck


this is what it looks like outside 10mins ago its worse now is a white out http://www.redtailboas.com/images/smilies/frown.png

02-02-11, 10:45 AM
That isn't good! Let's hope for a heat wave! ;)

02-02-11, 10:52 AM
Hope your snakes are well fed! It would be a pain to go find something. In Texas we are under a hard freeze. We don't have that much snow but everything is pretty much shut down. I don't even know if anything will be back until Friday when it is supposed to get above 20 degrees.

Thank god it isn't like those pics above. Wouldn't know what to do with that much snow!

02-02-11, 11:04 AM
i breed rats so im good there, i just hope the power will stay on. im from Oklahoma and i never seen this much snow before.

02-02-11, 11:47 AM
i miss the snow :[ i'm sick and tired of rain

02-02-11, 12:08 PM
I feel your pain, I give down know Ohio and we are getting ice and snow. It sucks, we are pretty much snowed in side we give cleaaaaar out in the country.. the 30 mph winds don't help either.

02-02-11, 12:12 PM
I think the power going out for a length of time would be any of our worst nightmares with this cold. Our poor reps would freeze!

Must stink to be a wild snake or lizard right now.

02-02-11, 12:15 PM
i miss the snow :[ i'm sick and tired of rain

It's not that bad in the Seattle-Bellevue area! We've had sunshine the last two days! :)

If you miss snow, go to the east side of the state; last time I visited family in Spokane, WA, they had over 4 feet! But it was 0 degrees...

02-02-11, 12:23 PM
we are moving to NC in 7 months and every time i feel like i miss snow im going to look at the pics and vids i took today lol.

02-02-11, 02:18 PM
crazy lol. i like how it imprinted the door perfectly and stayed :)
i always have mixed feelings about living in the snow. i never have, so it SEEMS like it'd be cool, but it's prolly a hassle lol.

/but i live in nice northern california where it never snows lol.

02-03-11, 06:41 AM
i feel for you mate

i hate snow it causes nothing but hassle over here

our country was at a standstill a few weeks back nothing but chaos on the roads

at least you breed your own rats so your snakes are all well fed mate

cheers shaun

02-03-11, 06:52 AM
how many snakes do you have jenn? and what sizes?
i was just wondering what size rats you feed them all and how long the rats to take to grow up and if it's worth it in the long run to breed rats vs buying them. i have my big dum who eats large or jumbo rats and they are wayy expensive, but i assume it'd take a while for a rat to get that big. but i recently got the little BP, and it would be great if i could switch him over to little rats, then he could just continue eating bigger and bigger rats as he grows.

i just don't know if breeding would be less $ then buying food for 2 snakes. probably pointless to breed rats for just 2 snakes, but i do have a big rat that i bought as a feeder like 2 months ago and my dum went off feed because of the season. he's been living in a cubby in my room just out in the open like 4 feet off the ground and he never escaped, but lately i put him in a birdcage cuz he's messy. i don't actually know if its a boy or a girl, but that'd be cool to get one of the opposite sex and breed them if it's worth it.

02-03-11, 07:48 AM
about the rat you already have here is a link that will help you tell what you have Sexing Rats (http://www.ratz.co.uk/sexingrats.html)

i have 15 snakes 17 as soon as it gets warm. right now i have 2 BP that eat med to large rats, 2 RTB that eat large, 3 RTB that eat meds, 2 RTB eats small, 1 GTP that eats small, 1 rat snake eats small, 1 burm that eats large rats to small bunnies, 2 retics that are on weaned but moving to small, and 1 retic that eats large to XL rats.

i was paying about 300 for rats and bunnies that lasted me 3 to 4 months, for my rat bedding and food i think i pay about 30 a month and right now im feeding 34 rats was more but i just put down about 12 in the last 2 weeks.7

this is what i use to see what size my rats are,

Pinkies: 1-4 days old 3.00-8.00g

Fuzzies:10-13 days old 9.00-19.00g

Pups: 14-18 day old 2.00-29.00g

Weaned: 21-25 days old 30.00-44.00g

Small: 26-32 days old 45.00-84.00g

Medium: 33-42 days old 85.00-174.0g

Large: 43-60 days old 175.00-274.00g

X Large: full adult size 275.00-374.00g

XXLarge: 375.00-475.00g

XXXLarge: 475.00-600.00g +

if you want to breed rats for only 2 snakes i say go for it you can always sell the ones you dont feed to your snakes. i will start out with 1 male and 1 or 2 females.

02-03-11, 08:08 AM
lol chicago is the same way....

02-03-11, 11:01 AM
I thought we had alot of snow!!!