02-02-11, 03:19 AM
YouTube - Chas And Dave - Gertcha [totp2] (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fOiuDAPHxCE)
YouTube - I'm Considering a Move to Memphis Music Video (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ctiog-nHHA)
Hiya folks :) I haven`t been in the forum for a good while and I`ve had a couple of forum friends contact me recently so I thought I`d better get myself in here and say hello! :yes: I`ve finally finished my workshop and it`s now up and running so I`m in there as often as I`m able at the moment. It`s super nice to be sat at a bench again and I`ve already got various people placing orders for jewellery. Of course I`ve got my snakes to look after aswell, they`re doing well, although I did lose a couple fo Corns a while back. Very sad that. I`d grown one of them on since it was a baby too :( It looks like the problem was a female snow I`d bought in as fresh stock. Quaranteen wouldn`t have helped a bit because the bloody thing still seems fine so it`s obviously immune to whatever it gave my other Corns. I`m waiting on a nice fresh turd to take in to my herp very at the moment to try and see if we can find out what it is. Unfortunatly I may be forced into an unpleasant and tough decision with this. Going any further than simple testing will, as the vet put it, cost a fortune. I`m as certain as I can be that this snake is carrying a deadly virus. Lets hope I can find out what it is and get it treated, after all, it`s a beautiful Corn.
I`ve also been busy doing some computer aided design models for my wife who is an architect. She`s been after a modelling gimp for ages! lol Now she`s got one. Mind you, the programs I`ve learned are very useful for my workshop too and my other project I`m about to start on. This one is super duper exciting. I`m about to start work on an observatory for my scope :) I`m just waiting for the frosts to stop and I can get a builder in to do some concreting and then I can get started :) I can`t tell you how excited I am about that! So that`s what I`m doing and planning and thinking about etc... How have you lot been? :crazy:
YouTube - I'm Considering a Move to Memphis Music Video (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ctiog-nHHA)
Hiya folks :) I haven`t been in the forum for a good while and I`ve had a couple of forum friends contact me recently so I thought I`d better get myself in here and say hello! :yes: I`ve finally finished my workshop and it`s now up and running so I`m in there as often as I`m able at the moment. It`s super nice to be sat at a bench again and I`ve already got various people placing orders for jewellery. Of course I`ve got my snakes to look after aswell, they`re doing well, although I did lose a couple fo Corns a while back. Very sad that. I`d grown one of them on since it was a baby too :( It looks like the problem was a female snow I`d bought in as fresh stock. Quaranteen wouldn`t have helped a bit because the bloody thing still seems fine so it`s obviously immune to whatever it gave my other Corns. I`m waiting on a nice fresh turd to take in to my herp very at the moment to try and see if we can find out what it is. Unfortunatly I may be forced into an unpleasant and tough decision with this. Going any further than simple testing will, as the vet put it, cost a fortune. I`m as certain as I can be that this snake is carrying a deadly virus. Lets hope I can find out what it is and get it treated, after all, it`s a beautiful Corn.
I`ve also been busy doing some computer aided design models for my wife who is an architect. She`s been after a modelling gimp for ages! lol Now she`s got one. Mind you, the programs I`ve learned are very useful for my workshop too and my other project I`m about to start on. This one is super duper exciting. I`m about to start work on an observatory for my scope :) I`m just waiting for the frosts to stop and I can get a builder in to do some concreting and then I can get started :) I can`t tell you how excited I am about that! So that`s what I`m doing and planning and thinking about etc... How have you lot been? :crazy: