View Full Version : Aru Scrubs

01-29-11, 03:51 PM
Anyone have experience with these guys? Percy Maybe? I have the opportunity to pick up a pair for $100. Curious as to if their aggresive reputation is well deserved.

01-29-11, 08:17 PM
For that price, get them. As long as they are not fresh imports...which could raise all sorts of health issues that are a pain in the butt. If they are CB or long-term (i.e. longer than a year) captives, I'd go for it.
Scrubs can be tame or nasty, just like any other snake. I have a Moluccan scrub python, and she has days where she is my best friend, and then there are those days where she wants to rip my face off for no good reason. Treat them with respect and care...don't let them get near your face and handle in short, easy sessions with gloves on. It's possible they will calm down; it's also possible they will be face eaters forever.

But honestly, when a snake is as beautiful as a scrubby, who cares if it's a face muncher?

01-30-11, 12:19 AM
hehe, so true, they are so beautifull how could one pass them up, specialy at that price.

01-30-11, 04:00 AM
Just remember this guys are Aussies version of a Retic just not quit as big, so always be aware of the potential for danger. They also ungodly speed. I seen video an i swear they got to be one of the fastest striking pythons there is. I say if you ready get them. Also make sure you got room for a big cage when they get grown.
Best of luck and if you get them we want pictures, and i mean tons of pics. lol :)

01-30-11, 01:12 PM
They were produced by Bushmaster. The current owner is moving them out to make room for their Blackheads and Womas. I'd really like to get down to see the collection, even if I don't get the Scrubs. They say the male is crazy mean, and the female is quite docile. Right now, I am trying to get a couple of enclosures set up Just in case. Here is a pic of the female. They are at 4' currently and pounding large f/t rats. I'm thinking a little over a year old.

Chuck, from the info I have found Aru Scrubs do not get as large as the Amethystine. 10-14 ft (Still a sizable snake) But, yeah I hear you. I am definitely taking all of this into consideration. I think this is a heck of an opportunity if I can swing it before someone else snatches them up.

01-30-11, 02:52 PM
Dam she sweet looking!:)

01-30-11, 04:35 PM
Hey Greg that looks very much like a Morelia Kinghorni / Amethystine python. I have no experience with aru scrubbies, but do have a bit with M. Kinghorni. Scrubs are great snakes to keep as they get pretty big and remain very activeunlike many other large species. I have a couple which would love to kill me and and the other is very calm most of the time. I am also picking up another male which is meant to be extremely aggressive which will be fun ( I like challenges lol ). If you feel confident and have your partner on your side that will help out go for it mate, they are my favourite python hands down! You could always build a monster cage like me and lose your spare room haha ( i am nearly done just need to get home from work then it will be a quick couple of days to set up, i will post more pics when done )

01-30-11, 05:01 PM
Thanks for the input everyone. I have been looking around for info on aru scrubs, but it seems to be scarce. I'd assume that temp and humidity would be about the same as a jungle carpet, but I don't want to go off of my assumptions. And I don't want to get the snakes unless I can access everything I need to know at a moments notice. The temptation is very great to get them and it does seem to be a great deal. I'll try to get a couple quarantine cages up by weeks end, and if they are gone by then, I guess they are gone. If not, well.......:crazy2:

01-30-11, 10:39 PM
Beautiful snake! Good luck with the research and keep us updated!

02-01-11, 12:47 AM
Thanks for the input everyone. I have been looking around for info on aru scrubs, but it seems to be scarce. I'd assume that temp and humidity would be about the same as a jungle carpet, but I don't want to go off of my assumptions. And I don't want to get the snakes unless I can access everything I need to know at a moments notice. The temptation is very great to get them and it does seem to be a great deal. I'll try to get a couple quarantine cages up by weeks end, and if they are gone by then, I guess they are gone. If not, well.......:crazy2:

The temp for scrubbies are pretty much the same as most other carpets but i give my guys a hot spot of around 38-40 degrees celcius. They seem to love the hot spot and remain very active in the heat or cold. With my biggest cage im hoping to have a hot spot of just over 40 and a cool area of around 24, which should be plenty varience for them. With the humidity i have found them to be in no real need of it, although unless i try to get no humidity around here my house is around 30% anyway. I just give mine a large soaking dish which they go in and out of all the time.

02-02-11, 04:27 AM
Thanks again Percy. I'll shoot for 99 degrees F. For the hot spot. Looking at (Hopefully) Picking them up over the weekend. (Fingers crossed)

02-02-11, 05:57 AM
No dramas mate. They are just really big morelia but are extremely impressive snakes to keep. I have my background in just have to have all the lights fitted and thermostat hooked up and away they go. I pick up my new male this weekend so will post picks once i have the two of them in there.

I have my fingers crossed for you too mate, i know you will love them!

02-05-11, 02:22 AM
Well folks, you convinced me. (and I convinced my wife. ) I'll be picking them up today around 4 pm cst. It'll be about an hour drive each way but it will be well worth it, as while I am there I should be able to see Black Head and Woma Pythons as well!:yes:

02-05-11, 01:07 PM
^^ Woohoo! Can't wait to see the pics and congrats!

02-05-11, 04:40 PM
Well, I got them home and they absolutely hate me.:yes: They are awesome! I will open a new thread for them. Thanks all For the input!