01-02-03, 09:33 AM
If ever you have grammatical errors in your text or would like to modify something that you have written, you may do this by simply pressing the EDIT button on the bottom left of your post (it is located right under your avatar).
You can only modify your own posts, not someone elses. Then you will appear in a window similar to when you hit a new thread button, but it has your text in it .. modify, press the submit button and poof! It is corrected (it does show a new date and time stating the time of the correction at the right of the avatar.
Unfortunately, any posts in the ads forums cannot be modified or even replied to by any members.
Take care
You can only modify your own posts, not someone elses. Then you will appear in a window similar to when you hit a new thread button, but it has your text in it .. modify, press the submit button and poof! It is corrected (it does show a new date and time stating the time of the correction at the right of the avatar.
Unfortunately, any posts in the ads forums cannot be modified or even replied to by any members.
Take care