View Full Version : Got my pastel!!

01-24-11, 03:31 PM
I got my pastel today!! im really excited. i got her cage together really fast and had to rush to school though so pics will BE UP TONIGHT AT aout 8... (or in 3.5 hrs from now)

got him for $60 dollars after being told LAST NIGHT that he was $150... lol the guy i bought him from said "we are not going to get $150, so we marked it down same as a regular" i did not argue, and left :)

feel like i got a good deal even if he does brown out, i dont care :)

pics up later!

01-24-11, 03:53 PM



More to come.

01-24-11, 04:01 PM
awwww he is so cute, i love pastels i need to find my boy a girlfriend still.

01-24-11, 04:07 PM
Beautiful guy! Hope he doesn't darken up as he gets older!

01-24-11, 04:14 PM
Even if he does get darke will still be a very nice looking snake u have ther

01-24-11, 04:15 PM
Sweet BP, keep the pics coming!!

01-24-11, 04:43 PM
Thanks you all for the comments, the ribs will keep coming. If if browns out no big deal, he's still a pastel. I hope you find your guy hc girl friend soon!!

01-24-11, 04:53 PM
That's a very handsome snake....

01-24-11, 04:59 PM
:)Sweet looking pastel.:)

01-24-11, 08:24 PM
Thanks infernalis and marvel.

she is currently in her hide, so i will let him be... ( i keep saying her bc of all my other snakes are girls.. lol)

01-24-11, 08:32 PM
My friend received a pastel from someone who was mistreating it. He got it from the Petland around his house and they had it retailed as a normal. He looks very similar to this guy and he's about 1.5yrs

01-24-11, 11:21 PM
My friend received a pastel from someone who was mistreating it. He got it from the Petland around his house and they had it retailed as a normal. He looks very similar to this guy and he's about 1.5yrs

im sorry, im a little confused? could you elaborate?

01-25-11, 12:43 AM
Great catch LiL_Boa! I'm glad that you're happy with the cute lil bugger and you got a great deal (I'll have to get you to do some schmoozin' when I make my next deal ;) ).

Keep those pics coming! (Once she/he is settled in of course)

01-25-11, 12:57 AM
Wow! beautiful pastel... im envy... hope to get one soon. hopefully at that price... how old is he?

i went down on a very bad deal last week, got mine at 160 USD and it died after a few hours... :( :( :( he promised to replace it once he gets one, but the way the guy looked, im not betting on it...

Lesson Learned i know... only buy snakes from a reputable dealer!

01-25-11, 08:26 PM
Great catch LiL_Boa! I'm glad that you're happy with the cute lil bugger and you got a great deal (I'll have to get you to do some schmoozin' when I make my next deal ;) ).

Keep those pics coming! (Once she/he is settled in of course)

haha will do!! ill see what deals i can find lol

as for settled in, i check on him tonight, and he was very angry lil boy, i beleive he is stressed (all this will go onto a new post)

Wow! beautiful pastel... im envy... hope to get one soon. hopefully at that price... how old is he?

i went down on a very bad deal last week, got mine at 160 USD and it died after a few hours... he promised to replace it once he gets one, but the way the guy looked, im not betting on it...

Lesson Learned i know... only buy snakes from a reputable dealer!

at best guess on age, i would say.... 3-6 months, hes about 6-8 inches long and about as thick as a tube of normal toothpaste????

not too sure honestly, thats just best guesses... that is terrible about your pastel!! i hope he comes through with everything and you get a new one...

i got very lucky!