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01-23-11, 11:15 PM
Hey, my name's Sean, I just picked up a baby Anery type A (I think) Corn. His name is Vermicelli :)

01-24-11, 04:50 AM

01-24-11, 09:32 AM
Welcome to the forum!!!:):)

01-24-11, 11:38 AM
Hello and welcome! We'd love to see pics once your new corn is settled in!

01-24-11, 05:52 PM
I'll try to have a few up later today; I'll be taking some during his feeding this afternoon, hopefully :)

01-24-11, 05:58 PM
If you have JUST got him you want to let him settle for a week before feeding/handling etc, lets him learn his environ,ent and get over the stressof moving home.

01-24-11, 11:25 PM
LankyRob: Noted, but too late! I got him last week, so not quite exactly a week ago. I'm thinking this is going to be a case of no harm no foul, because he quite readily consumed his pinkies and has not regurgitated. I was wanting to try and keep him on the schedule that the store had him on, so I went ahead with today.

I've read 48 hours between feeding and handling, is that accurate or should I give him more time?

Also, what is the best non-invasive way to get an idea of gender? I'm nowhere near skilled enough for probing or popping, but would like to get somewhat of a clue.

01-25-11, 12:28 AM
48-72 hours is the general rule of thumb. I give all of mine about 60-70 hours between feeding and handling.

There is no non-invasive way to sex your snake! Both popping and probing should be done by the pros. The vet or a reputable breeder can determine its sex for you, and maybe even teach you how to properly do it.

01-25-11, 07:23 AM
hello and welcome

i give all mine 3 days after a feed before i consider handling

i don't feed on a regular schedule either

carpet hatchlings get fed every 7 days

from the age of 2 years every 7 to 14 days randomly

adults every 14 to 21 days again at random

i also vary my food types and sizes

cheers shaun

01-25-11, 09:19 AM
Ch^4: Duly noted, thank you! As for the sexing issue, I've heard that one can get a general idea by comparing the shape of the tail around and behind the vent. Obviously it's not 100 % accurate, but will it not give some idea?

Shaun: Thanks for the information, between you and Ch^4, I guess it's lookin' like three days non-contact :). Thanks as well for your input on feeding schedules.

One more question: I've found sources online that mention "power feeding" corns, basically on a slightly quicker pace when they're juvenile, to help them reach adolescence more quickly. Essentially they recommend 5-day intervals until the snake is about 30 inches long. Thoughts on this?

01-25-11, 11:40 AM
Power feeding is not a good idea, making the snake grow too quickly just means that its organs etc have to work harder and puts a lot of strain on them. there should be no rush to get the snake to adulthood, feed weekly when young and fortnightly when adult and you should have a nice healthy snake for the next twenty odd years.

01-25-11, 01:02 PM
Yes everyone I know of that has powerfed...the snake ends up with health issues!!! I would just be patient:):)

01-25-11, 03:11 PM
Awesome, good to know. Thanks guys :)

01-25-11, 03:16 PM
Hello and welcome Aboard! Can't wait to see pics of your corn.

01-25-11, 04:02 PM
How can you put the pictures directly in the message body? Is it through Photobucket?

01-25-11, 04:38 PM
I copy the img code from photobucket into the text area when posting. Found that to be theeasiest way.

01-25-11, 04:46 PM
Here are the best pictures I have so far, taken with a phone camera, so it's pretty horrible quality as I shake like a leaf most of the time I'm trying to hold anything still.

http://i1101.photobucket.com/albums/g439/blindfireak40/168110_1832349573468_1382262002_32094302_8178967_n .jpg

http://i1101.photobucket.com/albums/g439/blindfireak40/164328_1832350133482_1382262002_32094303_1593639_n .jpg

01-25-11, 04:48 PM
That didnt work, click on thephoto you want in photobucket and tere shpuld be a box on the screen with a few different things in, copy andpaste the one that starts IMG, before you post you can click preview to check it wroks.

01-25-11, 05:05 PM
Finally got it figured out!! Thanks! Better pictures to come in a few days, after he's all done digesting :)

01-25-11, 05:27 PM
thats how you post a pic VVVVV

01-25-11, 05:28 PM
dang spent to much time ^_^ posted the guide too late

01-25-11, 06:48 PM
Heheh nice one jr, i find it much easier since i got the photobucket account as you just copy and paste without hsving to go through the uploading bit.

Nice snake, hope to see the 'nicer' pics soon!!

01-26-11, 01:13 AM
ah well i dont have a photo bucket and yea cant wait to see the good pics ^_^

01-26-11, 06:10 AM
Photobucket is free and great if you post pics on forums

01-26-11, 04:14 PM
i tried to make a photo bucket yesterday and it pretty much gave me the account then when i tried to log in it was telling me my stuff was invalid. so im good on the photobucket lol

01-27-11, 08:57 PM

http://i1101.photobucket.com/albums/g439/blindfireak40/163735_1841021790268_1382262002_32111321_6035299_n .jpg

http://i1101.photobucket.com/albums/g439/blindfireak40/180529_1841023110301_1382262002_32111324_4786481_n .jpg

http://i1101.photobucket.com/albums/g439/blindfireak40/180350_1841023950322_1382262002_32111326_4662206_n .jpg

Unfortunately, still on the phone camera. One of these days I'll take nice pictures, I SWEAR!

01-28-11, 03:59 PM
what kinda of an axanthic corn is that (hope i got the word right im trying to be more learn the technicalities)

01-29-11, 12:30 AM
Anerythristic, actually, and if you can't pronounce it don't feel bad. I pretty much amazed everyone at the pet store AND the vet. I think he's Type A. He's mostly brown and tan, and should get some yellow as he matures. From what I understand, Type B is just pure black and grey patterning. Correct me if I'm wrong, everyone :)

01-29-11, 11:47 PM
Ians Vivarium (http://iansvivarium.com/cornsnakemorphs.php) is a great Cornsnake morph reference. Charcoal is the common name for Type B and is what it's listed as there. From the above pics I was going to guess Ghost, a combo of hypo and anerythristic.

01-30-11, 01:20 AM
Holy crap, Marica, I do believe you may have something there!! I was just going off of the pet store information, which seemed to be reasonably in line with expectations, but he DEFINITELY looks more like he's headed towards the Ghost adult than the Anery adult!!

I'm so excited!! Now I REALLY want to breed him once I'm out of school :)

01-30-11, 05:29 AM
I have an anery type a with the yellow on the neck. Yours definitely looks lighter colouring than mine, i will post a pic here


01-30-11, 07:03 AM
your corn looks very nice rob. whenever i go to the pet store and see the tiny baby corns i find it hard to believe those tiny little things can eat a pinky!

01-30-11, 07:52 AM
I know what you mean - that one is a right pig - one week i could only get rat pups instead of pinkys. He ate his and then the other corn had gone blue and didnt want to eat so i offered him a second one and he ate that too!

01-30-11, 04:38 PM
Beautiful, Rob! How old is that guy?

Speaking of going blue, mine just has. About how long until I can expect a shed? And where do you keep your humidity?

01-30-11, 04:45 PM
Hello and welcome to the forum. I myself have done some powerfeeding with young snakes to see what the effects were. To me there were absolutely zero health effects on the animals that were powerfed other than the rapid growth. Powerfeeding will not bring on safe breeding any quicker it will only increase your snakes size, breeding should only be attempted at 4 years of age in my eye's but many start as young as 3.
I have spoken about feeding patterns before and as long as you slow down to a fortnighlt feeding routine around 16-18 months of age i have found there to be no ill affects or any sterile snakes. This is only from my experiences and i am yet to have a documented study by a reputable person say that it does have any negative side affects. In reality nearly all snakes in captivity are overweight compared to their wild counterparts.

01-30-11, 05:30 PM
Beautiful, Rob! How old is that guy?

Speaking of going blue, mine just has. About how long until I can expect a shed? And where do you keep your humidity?

He was born in March last year. I do nothing special for the corns humidity but where i live relative humidity is around 40-50%, all my snakes have a hide stuffed with damp sphagnum moss which seems to help with their shedding.

I did some research into breeding corns and the general thought seems to be that they should be 3 years old, 3 foot long and 300 grams. This was before my adult turned out to be male not female :(

01-30-11, 05:47 PM
Excellent, it sounds like the humidity here is about the same or higher...with the light on, the tank stays at about 45%, climbs to about 55% at night. I think i'll get right on the sphagnum moss thing, sounds like a good idea.

And good to know on the breeding information. I'm hoping to acquire another corn after my schooling is done (in about 2.5 years), and maybe when that one's old enough it can make babies with Vermicelli :)