View Full Version : Size vs length and Weight Ratio

01-19-11, 07:35 AM
Hi Folks,

there is somebody selling me a Super Pastel Ball and he says it is 4 months old only. It cost about 200 USD. I wanna make sure i make the right choice since this is my 1st ball (i already own a albino burm) so i will be doing all the standard checks (clear eyes, responsive, no physical damage or deformities.. etc...).

but i wanted to make sure that i am really buying a juvenile. so my question is there an estimated weight, length, age ratio for BP?

also last note... me being new might be tricked into buying a pastel sold as a super pastel... any sure indicators that what i am holding is a super pastel?

thanks in advance!!! :)

01-19-11, 09:28 AM
If you could post a picture or two before buying it i am sure someone could tell you if it this. We have a couple ball python breeders on here.

01-19-11, 09:32 AM
My BP is 8 months or so old, about 20inches long, widest girth about an inch an a half. Just to give an idea with sizes.

01-19-11, 10:42 AM
I don't have a weight for you off the top of my head, but a super pastel for $200 seems a little low to me. Even late 2010 males are going for $350-450.

Can you post pics? That should clear things up.

01-19-11, 12:16 PM
Here's an example of a pastel (note the price):
kingsnake.com Classifieds: Pastel Ball Pythons ( Starting at $90 shipped) (http://market.kingsnake.com/detail.php?cat=32&de=817829)

And here's a good example of a super pastel (note the price):
kingsnake.com Classifieds: REMARKABLE SUPER PASTEL $350! ~NICE AMOUNTS OF PURPLE!~ ONLY 1 LEFT! (http://market.kingsnake.com/detail.php?cat=32&de=825133)

Super pastels show more blushing (essentially fading) in the head and in dark regions on the body. The colors are also more vibrant. Hope that helps.

If you can get a healthy, super pastel for $200, that is a hell of a deal. Keep us updated.

01-20-11, 12:07 AM
thanks folks! i will try to get the pics before buying... at 200 USD i found it a bit questionable...

01-20-11, 12:15 AM
Here's an example of a pastel (note the price):
kingsnake.com Classifieds: Pastel Ball Pythons ( Starting at $90 shipped) (http://market.kingsnake.com/detail.php?cat=32&de=817829)

And here's a good example of a super pastel (note the price):
kingsnake.com Classifieds: REMARKABLE SUPER PASTEL $350! ~NICE AMOUNTS OF PURPLE!~ ONLY 1 LEFT! (http://market.kingsnake.com/detail.php?cat=32&de=825133)

Super pastels show more blushing (essentially fading) in the head and in dark regions on the body. The colors are also more vibrant. Hope that helps.

If you can get a healthy, super pastel for $200, that is a hell of a deal. Keep us updated.

this are very good examples... thanks a lot! i love this forum!! hehehe

01-20-11, 12:32 AM
its a good one you chose a good place to learn

01-20-11, 10:11 AM
for peace of mind i would only buy from a reputable breeder reccommended by friends or forum members who have dealt with the breeder before

also trust your gut feeling in the lead up to the sale.if something don't seem or sound right then walk away from the sale

better to be safe than sorry

i only work with carpet pythons so i can't help you with your size question

cheers shaun

01-20-11, 10:45 PM
thanks Guys! i am very anxious to buy since this is my 1st ball. and my 2nd snake (i bought a 4month old albino burm for 150USD ). so want a good morph but not too expensive... i am actually thinking of just getting a normal for my 1st. i will post some pics once i get the chance.

01-22-11, 08:24 AM
Hi Guys, finally gave in and purchased my 1st ball python... it is has really light pigments and it is really cute, but i think this is a Pastel BP and NOT a super pastel... i got it for 160 USD

Please see pics below. Also appreciate if you have any comments in its looks.. - morph?
- it is too thin? or any abnormalities?
- what age it is...
- other general observations...
- general advice... :)

sorry to ask so many questions... i am really excited and scared since this is my 1st BP... :)

my cage set-up... the one on the left is for my ball

Pastel BP?

01-22-11, 10:03 AM
Nice snake, one thing tho - you have no hides in its tank?

Is that light for heating? I can see no temp guages or thermostat probes etc? Were they removed for the pictures? Also is the lid secure? Our BP can hold himself vertical to almost his full length and if that top isn't secure he will push himself out.

01-22-11, 10:51 PM
they are removed for the pics...

01-22-11, 11:24 PM
they are removed for the pics...

thankf for the advice on the lid? i didn't know the are that strong...

01-23-11, 05:38 AM
If you look through the stories of escaped snakes on this forum you will see that pretty much every snake needs a decent lock to stop them escaping. Pound for pound snake muscle is SOOOOOOO mcuh stronger than human muscle.