View Full Version : HOME MADE ENClOSURE

01-16-11, 08:52 PM
hey guys:)
right now i have 2 boas. one colombian and a hog island. i have them in a 75 gallon tank (they are separated right noe cuz of UPI). now i eventually want to build them an enclosure where i can have 3 different spaces of the same size where i can control seperatly the 3 environments. im planning on doing alot of reasearch on how to build a GOOD one that will last their entire live or close to that. I thought i would start off by asking you guys :) i plan on starting to build this summer. any suggestions on what to use. like best wood, best heating ect... cant wait to here from you! :crazy:

01-16-11, 11:23 PM
i would build each one one of these, and keep them seperate. its always a better idea to keep snakes seperate. I build these tanks for my snakes, and as you see in the thread they look great stacked up. How to build 4x2 enclosure for $100 - Redtailboa.net (http://www.redtailboa.net/forums/how-tos-tutorials/28742-how-build-4x2-enclosure-100-a.html)