View Full Version : Howdy! :]

01-15-11, 07:59 PM
Hey guys, I'm Laura, I'm brand new to this site, & that's because I'm a brand new Beardie owner! My boyfriend got him for me for my birthday. :] His name is Gulliver. I did a TON of research & when my boyfriend asked what I wanted for my birthday...I simply said "A bearded dragon!"...little did he know everything was all set up. :]

I would love to get into reptiles/amphibians of all types! I've had turtles when I was younger, I have a dwarf African frog...not too exciting & I used to have a green Anole.
I love animals of all types. I've had several guinea pigs, a hammie, a mouse, 4 rabbits, lots of fishies, & 2 dogs that I no longer have, & countless cats.
Now, we have my baby bearded dragon, whom I'm in love with; 3 dogs, Dobby a mutt, Albus is a yellow lab, & JuMei is a Lhasa Apso; I have 4 rescue cats, Jasmine, Peony, Sweet Pea, & Sirius; two goldfish, Phineas & Ferb; then there's Thomas my frog.

(If you aren't catching on from some of the names, my mother is a HUGE Harry Potter fan).
Oh yeah, & Lucky & Freeway, my horses. :]

That's a bit of my animal story, I hope to be adding many reptiles/amphibians & mammals to my family soon. :]

01-15-11, 11:15 PM

01-15-11, 11:21 PM
Welcome, and from one beardie owner to another as well! I want to see some pics of your guy ASAP. And if you ever need info or help feel free to look me up :) Though there are many people on this site that know plenty...information and help is at no shortage around here.

01-16-11, 12:37 AM
Welcome aboard

01-16-11, 09:31 AM
Welcome aboard! You sound very passionate about animals, you'll fit in here perfect! As Nenna said we'd love to see some pics!! and you should get yourself a snake LOL come on you know you want one lol!!and Horses are beautiful!!

01-16-11, 10:39 AM
hello and welcome

cheers shaun

01-16-11, 11:04 AM
Welcome to the site! :)

01-16-11, 12:56 PM
Welcome! We like pics!

01-16-11, 01:16 PM
Hello and welcome!

01-16-11, 08:36 PM
Hello and welcome to the forum.