View Full Version : advice #2

01-12-11, 09:25 PM
My children's python still hasn't eaten he deficated and urinated 3 times in less than a month should I take him to an exotic vet??

01-12-11, 10:37 PM
How long has it ben since it ate last

01-12-11, 11:43 PM
I got my snake from a breeder december 31 I believe the breeder said he ate around the 13th so he says but my snake is deficating and urinating its been 3 times in less than a month and when I saw him pee it was just liquid and green lime feces

01-13-11, 12:13 AM
i think it should be fine. just keep offering the snake food twice monthly and once its not sketchy about its situation it will eat. snakes can go an easy 8 months without eating

01-13-11, 12:53 AM
Agreed with the feasting. However, I'm not sure that "lime green" fecal matter is considered "normal."

01-13-11, 01:36 AM
oh i didnt see that part. it could easily just be urine and fece's and the color was mixed. i wouldnt worry tho unless there is blood in the stool or this discoloration continues

01-13-11, 01:47 AM
i read up about children's python defectating
DEFECATION: Your snake has to get rid of its excrement just like any other
animal. It will usually defecate 5-7 days after eating, and it will have 3
components; a white chalk (uric acid – urine), a discoloured conglomeration of
fur (the pelt), and a dark brown stool (the poo). There will be a fair amount of
fluid at the same time. Snakes feeding on Pinkies will not have the pelt in their

okay his stool is green and his urine was like white chalk but today fluid was coming out and green stool again hope he's not sick :/

other than that my snake is drinking enough water he's being active and exploring his habitat a couple of days ago when i tried feeding him he struck at the mouse but let go and was trying to strike at me and my bf so should i see a vet or not i dont want to go to a vet and spend money for the vet just to say he's fine thanks guys

01-13-11, 01:48 AM
well his stool was green the three times he defecated

01-13-11, 01:51 AM
hmmm. take him to the vet. they will give you a sample container and you will have to save the sample and give it to them at your next appointment.

01-13-11, 01:53 AM
You might want to keep a stool sample and take it, along with your snake, to the vet. Try to keep the stool moist (if possible); the refrigerator should work (double bag it or bag it and put it in a tupperware).

Lime green feces, three times in a row, sends a red flag up in my book...I may be wrong, but it's always nice to be safe.

(if it's more of a deep green, I would be less concerned, but lime green concerns me.)

01-13-11, 01:58 AM
there goes my paycheck :( oh well as long as i find out what's wrong with him and get him better thanks guys i'll post an update about his results thanks a lot guys!!!

01-13-11, 04:50 AM
Hi Steph.
As expected on this forum you have been givern excellent advice by all who have answered your post, especially keeping a stool sample.
I am loath to comment on what may be wrong with your snake as i am not a vet, but my suggestion would be, to contact the breeder/supplier tell them of your concerns, any genuine breeder will gladly take the animal back and replace or refund you.
Snakes do need to settle in their new enviroment, some take longer than others. I am sure you have researched the animal and temps and conditions are correct. Its good the animal is drinking and offering fresh water is 3-4 times a week admirable.
I would offer food, even leave a freshly thawed food item in overnight,snakes often pass a small amount of greenish material with uric acid pellets(note small amount).
Contact the supplier Steph:)

01-13-11, 09:20 AM
Agreed with the feasting. However, I'm not sure that "lime green" fecal matter is considered "normal."

you sure it was'nt lime green erates mate ?

a lot of my carpets throw these out

if it was feces was it runny ?

a lot of carpets etc go off their food at this time of year due to breeding season

are you handling your snake ?

if so i'd stop handling and give him some peace and quiet

only change his water as quickly and quietly as possible every 7 days

he may be needing time to settle in

what was he eating for his last owner ?

if it was rat pups these are notourious for giving runny poops

cheers shaun

01-13-11, 10:25 AM
I agree with Shaun all his points.

You seem panicky Steph and that's not good for your snake. Leave it alone for a week. Attempt to feed it then and see how that goes.

01-13-11, 12:43 PM
Mst admit in terms of poop i ga e my yoing corns rat pups instead of mice pinkies one week as it was all they had in the shop, very stinky yucky poo followed and as soon as they went back on ,ice all back to normmal.

01-13-11, 03:44 PM
i'm going to leave him alone for another week if the problem persists i'm taking him to a vet asap

01-13-11, 03:45 PM
thanks a lot guys !!

01-13-11, 11:30 PM
he did it again a couple of minutes ago
followed by fluid

sorry for the sh**ty quality my blackberry curve cam sux


01-14-11, 12:14 AM
I don't want to induce panicky behavior, but to me, that does not look normal. Also, it sounds like he's defecated 4+ times in the last month, with only one meal?

After that week is up, I'd likely take him to the vet. In the meantime, I'd contact the breeder you got him from and see if any of his other snakes are exhibiting similar behavior. In my 15 years of keeping, I've never seen a dumpy that looks like that (and I've seen some pretty nasty dumps!).

Is the bedding red around the feces because of your camera? IF that is blood, you definitely want to get him to a vet.

01-14-11, 12:27 AM
the breeder i got him from had a female that died from a Respiratory infection and supposedly wanted to re home him because he didn't have time for him since he had other snakes to take care of i bought jake for $40 dollars guy i bought him from said he ate 2 weeks before i got him so he supposedly fed him dec 15th so he says but the red looking area was the fluid which turned the aspen that color plus my phone camera sux my snake comes out of his hide to explore drinks enough water right now he's basking on top of his log..........but i'm def gonna try to get him to a vet tomorrow if i can since my bf works and i have no car to get there i kept a sample of his feces the the fluid i hope he'snot sick :(

01-14-11, 02:35 AM
Hi Steph, thats definatly more green in a stool than i was imagining, sometime snakes that have not ate/drank for a while produce a small amount of green urates, but this is all green. Indeed a vet should be consulted, but if this is your first introduction to snake keeping i would still be tempted to contact the seller,(first snakes should be fun and unproblematic) important you (as i am sure you are)remove faecal samples,and hygine for yourself and the animal is paramount.The vet may well be able to run tests on the sample in the photo.
The snake is obviously with a caring keeper, i could list many things it could be, but you are doing the right thing in contacting a vet. When you got the animal does it appear dehydrated,(green feaces are sometimes present with animals with kidney or liver problems) as you stated it drank often.
Problem is Steph, reptiles dont often show symptoms untill whatever ails it is fairly advanced.
Keep us all posted with progress Best wishes:)

01-14-11, 02:55 AM
I believe if my snake would've been with the previous owner he would've died like the female snake he had.I'm really glad i got him so i can see whats wrong and get him better
and yes he drinks water every day i would catch him by his dish just gulping the water thanks so much for the advice i'm definitely getting him checked out !

01-14-11, 03:26 AM
Pythons can be very thirsty animals, but your chap may be drinking more than norm,i really hope its a simple case that a course of antibiotics clears up, or if the vet examines the stool under a microscope worms of some discription are found. But as you said the previous owner lost a animal to RI their husbandry techniques have to be questioned, and what has your new charge endured or suffered in the past. As said keep us posted and good luck.:)

01-14-11, 03:35 AM
i sure will keep you all posted once again thank you all for the wonderful advice !

01-14-11, 09:20 AM
when storing a stool sample you need to keep it moist and in the fridge

seal it in a poly bag then put that into a plastic tub with airtight lid

get the sample to the vet asap

python man has covered most of te reasons

i hope it all turns out ok for your snake mate

cheers shaun

01-15-11, 01:51 PM
thnx i have an appt on monday to see a vet but they want a stool sample the same day -.-

01-15-11, 01:57 PM
Keep us updated. If he doesn't defecate the day of the vet visit, hopefully you can bring the sample pictured above, provided it has been stored properly.

Good luck! Your python will be in our thoughts.

01-20-11, 05:09 PM
so i had to reschedule since i have no car and my bf works on weekdays for him to take me i have to make an appt for the weekend but now he's looking dull and his eyes are clouding up i believe he's in the process of shedding soon

01-20-11, 05:10 PM
and he hasnt defecated since then

01-20-11, 09:33 PM
I'm curious to what a vet will find in this snake. If it's a captive bred snake and the 'breeder' doesn't have any wild caught animals then I highly doubt this snake needs antibiotics. What could it possibly have if it's not an RI?

Try feeding live food after the shed. If it's the snake in your avatar try a small rat or adult mouse.

01-21-11, 08:14 PM
I went to pet smart and purchased a formula called repta aid it gives the snake nutrients calories/energy when not eating and rehydrates them and also looked on the reviews which were all positive and also purchased a 2 in 1 digital hydrometer and thermo which is pretty nice and yes thats jake in the pic h'es small

01-21-11, 10:37 PM
Sorry I know I've read all the posts buy can't remember if anyone has touched on bile salts I've read that in animals that haven't eaten for extended periods will release excess bile salts with the urstes giving them a green color just wondering if someone with more experience could elaborate on this hoping for the best

01-25-11, 05:01 PM
my baby just shed a few minutes ago !