View Full Version : Royal bedding.

01-03-11, 09:50 PM
How well does aspen bedding work with royal pythons?

01-04-11, 12:44 AM
Not so well. It molds easily and doesn't really hold humidity.

I have been switching all my moderate-humidity snakes over to repti-bark. It holds humidity well and seems to resist mold. It is also easier to spot clean and can be reused (instructions on the package). Hope that helps!

01-04-11, 12:48 AM
Aspen and Carefresh are too dry for Royal bedding.

Repti bark & or eco earth are better and look nice.

01-04-11, 01:06 AM
yea i didnt think it would be very good lol i just had to ask tho.

01-04-11, 07:29 AM
i use it for all my snakes and everyone does good on it.

01-04-11, 07:49 AM
I also use repti bark - havent tried reusing it yet but will on my next change over. As said above very easy for spot cleaning and you can add more to fill any low spots.

01-04-11, 01:07 PM
I use aspen for mine and he does just fine. He has a perfect shed every time. I use coconut bark for higher humidity species, but my BP has always done better on aspen than Repti-bark.

01-04-11, 02:52 PM
I used apen when I first got Enki and I thought it smelled funny

01-04-11, 06:12 PM
im thinking of switching maynard over to a tub. because i am donating ghonda to a breeding project well donating is a loose term seeing as im getting like 80$ but she is going to a project none the less led by a friend of mine. and i figured i could put maynard in a tub and reduce space. for and 18'' snake what size tub is acceptable i want at least 1 hide and 1 water dish, the bedding will be sphagnum moss i think. any ideas

01-05-11, 08:44 AM
Why would you use moss?

I use aspen with all of my ball pythons. I have never had a humidity problem. If it gets wet spot clean it out and add a handful more. Very easy to use stuff. It's absorbent too.

Since ball pythons tend to prefer smaller enclosures I believe the rubbermaids 2221 and 2218 or 2219 are the ones you want to look at. I don't use hides in my tubs as they feel secure enough in there. Remember ball pythons are a little odder than other species, they really like tight spaces.

01-05-11, 12:25 PM
Sphagnum moss might be a little overkill for a BP.

I did use aspen for a few years with no problems, but found myself performing full cage cleanings much more often than with the repti-bark. In my experience, urates "travel" through aspen much easier than through repti-bark, and the bottom of the viv gets dirty very quickly.

All of my colubrids are on aspen, mid-humidity snakes on repti-bark, and high-humidity on either eco-earth or repti-bark.

And for no apparent reason, my adult BP is very active and loves all the space I give him. His current enclosure is 48" L x 12" W x 20" H, and he uses every inch of that space. I am switching my balls over to a rack, with tub sizes of 35" L x 18" W x 13" H. I know that this much space is not necessary, but I've found it to work quite well. I think the extra space also induces activity and curiosity, but this is simply my own opinion.

Good luck and keep us posted!

01-05-11, 06:01 PM
so the moss is out now. and probably go with a eco earth bedding. this is great guys thanks

01-05-11, 10:42 PM
Its terrible... im switching to jungle floor bedding, or cypress mulch...

01-05-11, 11:17 PM
Lol I just started using eco earth and so far its great my humidity is holding well thers no weird smell and u can see wet spots clearly and a little goes a long ways I think it looks good to very earthy and natural way better than news paper i think may be a little rough during a full clean but can't b that bad

01-05-11, 11:18 PM
when is a full clean not rough lol