View Full Version : New here. From Utah. BP owner.

01-02-11, 12:22 PM
Hello, snake lovers.

I am new to the fourms here. I've already read some interesting things. :p

I have a one-ish year old little girl. A Ball Python. She is so cute. Her name is Satine. (Yes, it's from the movie Moulin Rouge.) She had a problem with mouth rot when I first got her but I got that cleared up pretty quick. She is as healthy as ever and is growing a lot. She used to be so little. *misses those days* (:p)

I did have a question which maybe you might be able to help me with. I use a heating pad underneath her tank to keep her warm. Since I moved to the room I am in now I have noticed that it is very cold in there. So I added a light over top during the day. (Since she needs some "night" time too. :)) I moved her away from the window this morning because I was tired of having her be so cold when I picked her up. (Which I really should have done months ago. The window she was by has a leaky seal and lets cold air in. I tried to blanket it up but that didn't help. I just need a new window. lol.) Anyways, as I was moving her tank I realized the heating pad was not giving off any heat but it was still on. So I think the weight of the tank shorted it out or something.

So my question ... should I get another heating pad like the one I had and have to replace it every year or so or is there a heating pad that can take more weight and still work?

Sidenote: Satine is not without heat right now. I have another heating pad which has a safety off after an hour. So I have to turn it on every hour or when I can. Which is really annoying hence I bought the one that stays on all the time in the first place.

Thanks. And it's nice to meet you all. :)

01-02-11, 01:11 PM

01-02-11, 01:22 PM
first your heat mat should not be squished between your tank and the surface it is on. thats how you short stuff out and get fires. just a friendly warning (i dont want you to report a house fire later) anyways welcome aboard

01-02-11, 01:26 PM
first your heat mat should not be squished between your tank and the surface it is on. thats how you short stuff out and get fires. just a friendly warning (i dont want you to report a house fire later) anyways welcome aboard

I am aware of that. Is there any other heat pad that would work better?

01-02-11, 01:59 PM
Welcome to the site......Also you can get lil feet that usually come with most heatpads, to raise it up for airflow...go to walmart and get the same thing...they sell them for chairs and stuff!!!

01-02-11, 02:03 PM
Hello and welcome aboard! I'd recommend a ceramic heat emitter. Probably a 75 watt or so. It will keep your ambient temps up much better than a heat pad.

01-02-11, 02:04 PM
Welcome to the site......Also you can get lil feet that usually come with most heatpads, to raise it up for airflow...go to walmart and get the same thing...they sell them for chairs and stuff!!!

I never thought of that. That's a good idea. :)

01-02-11, 02:24 PM
hello and welcome

what kind of tank is your snake in what material is it made of ?

mats (heat pads) are not much good at giving ambient air temperatures

they only really heat the ground/bottom of your tank

it may be better if you change the type of heat source your using

i use ceramic bulbs with all my carpets

they are non light emmiting bulbs

my snakes get all the light they require coming in through a window in the room they're in

ceramic bulbs give good consistant temperatures and give great ambient air temperatures

you can get bulbs that give off light and heat but when you turn them off to allow for darkness at night you would need a second heat source for during the night

are you sure your heat mats not working ?

when touching a heat mat with your hand they dont feel that hot to touch as your body temperatures roughly the same temperature of the heat the mat puts out

cheers shaun

01-02-11, 06:00 PM
Hello and welcome!:)

01-02-11, 09:22 PM
Hello and welcome to the forum. The others have covered this well, but im thinking you might be using a fish tank. I would switch to a wooden/plastic tank as they hold ambient temps and humidity better.

01-02-11, 11:11 PM
I to have a heat pad that has an auto off all i could seam to find very annoying I midigated this with a plug timer7$ at lows dig multiple setings that is set to cut power when the pad turns off and then turns it back on 15 min later wrks great now. I also use a heat lamp white 120 in day red 75 at nite