View Full Version : Another pumped up newbie!!

01-01-11, 12:08 AM
hey everyone!! i made my official decision about a year ago that my next pet is going to be the "sexiest" animal on the planet, a snake. A month ago i finally had enough time and accomodations to start my new hobby, so i bought a young snow corn, approx 6 months old, and absolutely fell in LOVE with her. My hobby is rapidly turning into an addiction and a week later bought a beautiful year old creamsicle corn. it sure didnt take long before i needed another one! except now my tastes have evolved into something a little more exotic, and 'dangerous' ;). at first, a ball python was my choice. relatively small, yet large enough to be considered a large constrictor, and friendly!! that would soon, however, lead to a problem.. just a little TOO friendly.. after handling about 10 different ball pythons, all of which had the same reaction (sitting in my hand and basically doing nothing).. ok, maybe they just need a little time, but my little snow corn, Capone, seems more dangerous to me then they were! So a ball python was eliminated. not wanting to buy a fully grown python or boa, my options for acquiring a new baby snake were running low. then i set my eyes on a 5 month old jungle carpet and i absolutely NEEDED to have it.. Not doing any previous research, i was a little concerned the first time i held it because in those 3 or so minutes he would strike randomly every couple seconds and landed about 5 bites on me. Although cute and virtually painless, i was not looking forward to the day that its 7 feet of pure muscle delivering a lightning quick strike to my face. but after doing some research and discovering that this type of behaviour is not uncommon in young snakes, i felt much more assured. I'm looking very forward to spending the next several years with my new buddy, "Phantom" as well as my corns, Capone and Hades, and of course, all you wonderful snake lovers!! Kind of in a hurry to get new years partying started, but many pictures are on tomorrows agenda.. Thanks for reading and happy 2011 all!!

01-01-11, 12:33 AM

01-01-11, 12:47 AM
Welcome! Some have said snakes are like potato chips...you can't have just one. Glad you could join us here and I hope to see some pictures soon :)

01-01-11, 04:23 AM
Welcome, i would be more concerned if a Jungle Carpet baby WASN'T biting me!! Think most of us have one of those that we are at various stages of training them not to bite so often.

Would love to see some pics of your animals.

01-01-11, 04:45 AM
Hello and welcome! One helpful hint if you go to pick him up and he strikes pick him up anyway. If striking at you gets you to leave them alone then they will do it even more. Last thing you want is to reinforce this behavior. You can all wear glove until he get use to handling.:)

01-01-11, 12:05 PM
Welcome and congrats on your new found Morelia addiction!

01-01-11, 01:12 PM
Welcome and congrats! Morelia are great snakes....so much variety and so pretty!

01-01-11, 05:34 PM
Hello and welcome to the forum.

01-01-11, 09:45 PM
Welcome! Some have said snakes are like potato chips...you can't have just one.

Amen to that one...see my signature. ;)