View Full Version : what kinda t am i
12-29-10, 11:51 PM¤t=2010-12-29_19-32-04_531.jpg got this as a gift they said it was a pink toe lookes like a rosehair to me
12-29-10, 11:53 PM
Hm looks as if that didnt wrk I will try again
12-29-10, 11:56 PM ums%2Fe6%2Fdemon930_2008%2F2010-12-29_19-34-39_990.jpg%3Ft%3D1293686854&pbauth=1_uLEBonVPfaLdh1h3YMYz2Y4NVv%2BKsl4SbK9C5LK ML054EFE90Zrt%2BENfElaccYDPTjY4ONCQEoC%2Ba9liGy6JR 91CzyOkvGh3b%2Bwt7CEhfL7p4bGpVICeaSzOcifhWQacmykOs uQxBDw2CQWFteX6l9hoj%2BNtEUTckN0NzAgnLEY%3DHm looks as if that didnt wrk I will try again
12-30-10, 12:18 AM
12-30-10, 12:29 AM
12-30-10, 12:36 AM
Finaly lol well that's her they said it was a she lol and a pink toe I know colors vary but the one I had in the past was black and iridescent and had well pink toes my girl got her off cl I just want to make sure I can give her the care sheneeds seems healthy and active anything will help she's currently on the side of the tank wich I think is ten gal thanx
12-30-10, 01:28 AM thinkin what I got is a male rose hair lol
12-30-10, 08:03 AM
It's a spider! Kill it!
glad to see your back on form mate
have to admit that was exactley my thoughts when i seen the picture
oh feck....a spider.....kill it.....!!!:yes:
i'm terrified of house little spiders,that dude would freak the crap out of me if i came across it in person
your a brave man for working with them dudes mate
cheers shaun
12-30-10, 08:30 AM
That's a rosehair. A pink toe would be a shiny bluish-black with noticeably pink toes.
12-30-10, 03:15 PM
yea its a rosehair ive had one. great little buggers, just hold him often or he will get cage aggressive and be really scary
12-30-10, 03:56 PM
Yeah I owned a beautiful pink toe yrs back went to pick this one up my gf found her for me and I was like that's not a pink toe but ill take it lol daughter had left for college and it just sat on a shelf in thee basment and when she rememberd mom threw in son crickets looks to me like its got spurs on its front legs so purdy much they didn't know what kind or sex ill get em set up and take care of em I think ther amazing
01-14-11, 01:53 PM
Definetely a chilean rosehair!!! T's are cool pinktoes are awsome tho kinda fast and jumpy and generally docile a lil different in the humidity aspect of things but a beautiful tarantula!! I've owned many tarantulas the Usumbara orange starburst baboon ( Pterinochilus murinus) a beautiful species pure orange with a pumkin orange carapace...agressive and fast though display purposes only lol
Definetely a chilean rosehair!!! T's are cool pinktoes are awsome tho kinda fast and jumpy and generally docile a lil different in the humidity aspect of things but a beautiful tarantula!! I've owned many tarantulas the Usumbara orange starburst baboon ( Pterinochilus murinus) a beautiful species pure orange with a pumkin orange carapace...agressive and fast though display purposes only lol
They have a nickname OBT=orange bite thing haha cool spiders though
01-14-11, 02:46 PM
I like to look at Indian Ornamentals. Crazy spiders those are. Crazy crazy. I didn't have a fear of tarantulas until I met them.
01-14-11, 03:00 PM
:):)oh they're beautiful Aaron I'm a fan of ornamentals aswell P.Metallica's or Gooty saphire ornamental they are georgous!!!they are my fav
i love all pokies hahaha rob on youtube got bit by one ended up in the hospital
01-14-11, 03:37 PM
TarantulaGuy1976 RobC I know who you mean smart guy he is!! H.Maculata's are nice too:)
i used to be really into t's. now i like scorpions and pedes my centipede is awesome and a varacious eater he is roughly 5" and will kill and eat a adult male dubia 2 times a month he gets really fat on one i love him
01-14-11, 03:45 PM
YeaH i am very much into T's had a few emperor's over the yrs aswell...but a centipede farking cooool lol never had one a those
01-14-11, 05:17 PM
That obt lol looks awesome
05-05-11, 10:57 PM
nice looking rosey , i own 14 tarantulas 1 scorpion and a giant red milli , I love the ease of care and truly enjoy watching them ! I have a P. Cambridgei who is quite aggressive and an H, Spinifer who can give you a run for your money if hes not well fed!!
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