View Full Version : Demented Christmas Music thread

12-23-10, 08:03 AM
This thread will get plenty of new songs posted to it right up until Christmas..

Over the years I have collected several Dr. Demento Christmas specials from the local radio station.

Feel free to download and keep or just play them. I have a bunch.

Since we are a Canadian forum, I will start with Bob and Doug........

12 Canadian days of christmas (http://www.reptard.info/Xmas/Mckenzie.mp3)

Who Let the elves out?

Who Let The elves out (http://www.reptard.info/Xmas/elvesout.mp3)

Frosty The dope man...

Frosty the Dope Man (http://www.reptard.info/Xmas/dopeman.mp3)

more to follow!

12-23-10, 08:15 AM

Fanboy Christmas (http://www.reptard.info/Xmas/fanboy.mp3)

12-23-10, 09:02 AM
Christmas Carols for Our Disturbed Friends

1. Schizophrenia -- Do I Hear What I Hear?

2. Multiple Personality Disorder - We Three Kings Disoriented Are

3. Dementia - I Think I'll Be Home for Christmas

4. Narcissistic - Hark the Herald Angels Sing about Me

5. Manic - Deck the Halls and Walls and House and Lawn and Streets and
Stores and Office and Town and Cars and Buses and Trucks and Trees and....

6. Paranoid - Santa Claus is Coming to Town to Get Me

7. Borderline Personality Disorder - Thoughts of Roasting on an Open Fire

8. Personality Disorder - You Better Watch Out, I'm Gonna Cry, I'm Gonna
Pout, and I Don't Know Why

9. Attention Deficit Disorder - Silent Night, Holy oooh look at the froggy -
can I have a chocolate, why is France so far away?

10. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder - Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle
Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells

12-23-10, 10:14 PM
a couple more....

On the Canadian theme again.....(BTO parody)

BTO Parody (http://www.reptard.info/Xmas/BTO.mp3)

The late Sheri Lewis with Lamb chop wants a snake for Christmas....

Lamb Chop (http://www.reptard.info/Xmas/lambchop.mp3)

Just click the links to play them.

Michael Roth
12-23-10, 10:41 PM
google cthulhu christmas carols... there are such classics as 'Its Beginning to Look a Lot Like Fishmen.'

YouTube - It's Beginning to Look Alot Like Fishmen (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XFo4jbqe_2Y)


12-25-10, 09:06 AM

01-27-11, 03:34 PM

This is one of my favorite vids