View Full Version : Respiratory Infection

12-20-10, 05:57 PM
So I traveled up to Toledo the other day and unfortunately an old friend of mine had his Ball Python in a 20 high tank at 68 degrees.

Made me sick to see.

So, worried about the Pastel I took it out to examine. It unfortunately had a swollen throat underneath the jaw muscles. I held the snake up to my ear and could barely hear a couple "pops" every now and then when the snake took a breath.

I told him what I thought was going on (RI) and offered to take the snake home with me.

The BP is now in the 20 gallon with a higher watt bulb keeping the tank at about 92 degrees.

It's been about 2-3 days since I've had him home with me and I've noticed the swollen throat has been deflating.

I know the best thing to do is go to the Vet but I don't have the money to spare on snakes that aren't mine.

Im keeping the temp up and it seems to be doing the job but I was wondering if there is anything else I could do?

As his Christmas present I'm cutting a hole in the solid wooden top and placing a screen covering the hole and placing and outside heating lamp for the safety of the snake :)

12-20-10, 08:57 PM
Add in a daily soak in a Rubbermaid tub in water that is 92-95 degrees FAHRENHEIT (should be about bath water temp). Put a lid on it and soak him for about 20 minutes a day, then pull him out and wrap him in a towel to carry him back to his warm cage so he doesn't get chilled. I have found that the combo of warm humidifying soaks plus elevated cage temps works in a lot of RI cases, without the use of antibiotics.
If the snake is already responding, I would think you're probably not going to need a vet visit. Just keep an eye on him, add the soaks, and if he isn't better in a week, call the vet.

12-21-10, 07:02 AM
pm'd you a link to an alternative treatment that i can vouch works

cheers shaun

12-21-10, 11:27 AM
Thanks guys :) will keep you updated

12-21-10, 04:59 PM
keep us updated and snap a few pics when its healed plz i love pastels

12-29-10, 03:59 PM
I know this thread is a little older but I just saw it.

If the snake only had the swollen jaw and a bit of a popping noise you seem to have caught it in some early stages and it's fairly easy to cure from there. Only advice I have is to keep the light on 24 hours a day if you aren't already and make sure it's red so it's not screwing the night/day cycle. May have to up the wattage on the bulb to obtain the right levels of heat.

I had an RI once on a burm and this is what I did. Even if the temps get higher than 92 it'll be ok for the short period of time you'll have it there.

12-30-10, 09:14 AM
I know this thread is a little older but I just saw it.

If the snake only had the swollen jaw and a bit of a popping noise you seem to have caught it in some early stages and it's fairly easy to cure from there. Only advice I have is to keep the light on 24 hours a day if you aren't already and make sure it's red so it's not screwing the night/day cycle. May have to up the wattage on the bulb to obtain the right levels of heat.

I had an RI once on a burm and this is what I did. Even if the temps get higher than 92 it'll be ok for the short period of time you'll have it there.

if you raise your temps 3 or 4 degrees it helps the snakes immune system and can do the job if the ri is caught early on

cheers shaun