View Full Version : New addition to the family

12-18-10, 01:08 PM
meet Asmodeus, my new Coastal jag, no pics yet, camera isnt working

but i had to share anyways

12-18-10, 01:16 PM
Congrats! Nice name, we can't wait to see him! How old is he?

12-18-10, 01:26 PM
approx 5 months, with my female at nearly 8, a year from now foresee an excellent pairing pics of both, and their setups will be posted asap

12-18-10, 01:44 PM
dirty pool my friend LOL i was stoked to see some pics when i clicked this thread :P Grats on the new snake, i cant wait to see it :)

12-18-10, 01:47 PM
sorry freebody, i wanted to wait till had pics to post, but ive had him two days, and it didnt seem right keeping him from you guys

12-18-10, 02:19 PM
details on the parents of my jag, the Male was a Banded Jag Produced by Paul Harris @ UK Pythons in Europe. The Female was a Striped Coastal produced by Ben Team Her parents are undocumented but they are unrelated to each other visually I believe her to be of Pure Coastal Blood but I can't be sure of that

12-18-10, 03:51 PM
they sound great!, i totaly understand, if your like me its not like i can call up one of my buddies and tell them i got a new snake and what it is, they would be like woopdy doo another snake, your even more crazy now, who cares what kind it is, or the fake, oh that sound cool soo "change the subject" lol so i always come here so people can be happy about it, rather than anoid of my excitment. some people just dont understand, but we do :)