View Full Version : What's The weather like in your part of the world today?
12-16-10, 04:13 PM
I'm dreaming of someplace warm. Last Saturday we got hit with 18" of snow, followed by sub zero Temperatures. Monday night it hit -21 f. Currently it is 17 degrees and we are looking at a low of 4 overnight.
12-16-10, 04:30 PM
Let it snow,,Let it snow, Let it snow,, somewhere else lol Getting hit with a thick blanket of snow. Gotta love Canada EH!!!!LOL
12-16-10, 04:51 PM
I want to come to your house. We haven't got enough snow to even make a snowman.:no:
12-16-10, 05:16 PM
right now its 22* and just had a snow ''storm'' not sure how many inches but its was less than a foot... but it rained right b4 and last few days the roads were all frozen, so more of less snow than snow i guess?
dont nnow how to explain it, ohio sucks... lol
12-16-10, 05:37 PM
Currently 1celsius and expecting snow either overnight or in the next couple of days.
12-16-10, 05:41 PM
It's snowing here! :) It's 25 Fahrenheit and snowing fairly well out around Philadelphia. First snow of the year, and it's sooo pretty!
12-16-10, 05:44 PM
We got about 6 inches here and about 16 degrees gonna get the sled out for the first time this year
12-16-10, 05:44 PM
overcast and wet with no chance of a white Christmas never had one probably never will
red ink
12-16-10, 07:01 PM
ehh... bit cool bout... 22 Celcius.. cloudy.. should be better by next week hopefully in the 30s (just a slight rub in for people over the big water lol)
Getting another light snowfall here and it's around -18*C (0*F). We've already had a couple good snowstorms and a week a while back of solid -40*C which is the same in F.
12-16-10, 09:35 PM
Cold as cold can be... very little snow, just lots of wind and cold.
12-16-10, 10:39 PM
76 today, about 55 at night. Just gorgeous weather.
12-17-10, 01:45 AM
Around 15 degrees F. Partly cloudy. 5-12mph wind.
Hmmm, I live in Ohio so its very unpredictable. Been snowing the last couple days, maybe a week or so but the cold is lingering. Its about 12 degrees and I love it! I love the cold and the snow but my reptilian friends beg to differ. I've always been worried about the temp for them but never have had an issue (but still worry, I know you would). I feel like people here in Ohio love to hate the weather but love to brag about it's diversity.
12-17-10, 11:13 AM
I want to come to your house. We haven't got enough snow to even make a snowman.:no:
its the complete opposite over here mate
we got way too much snow:no:
we had 2ft on the roads last week
this week started of not to bad
tonight we are at minus 10
with snow forcast for the next few days hitting minus 20 as well
cheers shaun
12-17-10, 11:20 AM
We are the other end of the country shauny - been warned of 10inches of snow over the weekend - i wait with baited breath!!!
Last time they threatened massive snowfalls i could barely gather enough to make a snowball let alone a snowman!!
12-17-10, 12:31 PM
Our forecast for the week. :no: At least the sun will be shining.:freakedout:
Farmington, Minnesota (55024) Conditions & Forecast : Weather Underground (
12-17-10, 02:52 PM
It's been snowing all day here so far and the snow is that kind of snow that turns into the most slippery type of ice as soon as you pack it down, lol. In about a 5 minute drive(to the store) 3 individual cars that happened to be driving just ahead of me ended up crashing in front of me. And one truck slipped right across the 4 lane road right into my path and into the curb.
Scary stuff sometimes :Wow:
It's a nice and sunny 50F here in Seattle! ;)
12-17-10, 07:27 PM
Dry, sunny and warm, well 5d or so, no snow :) i like snow on the mountians, not on my drive to work lol
12-18-10, 07:29 AM
Well we had aour "massive snow fall" last night - must be at least an inch!!! lol
12-18-10, 08:29 AM
Cold here in the north east of England, with snow forcast for tomorrow,tiss the season to be jolly and a covering of snow will add to this festive season:)
12-18-10, 04:16 PM
woke to find everything blanketed in snow and its still comin down have about 4-5 inches. yuk as I live by the cascade mntn range I love to see the mountains coverd in it but imo it can stay Ther
12-18-10, 11:47 PM
12-19-10, 12:27 AM
Beautiful Pic Wayne. Though I hate the cold, it does create beauty!:yes:
its the complete opposite over here mate
we got way too much snow:no:
we had 2ft on the roads last week
this week started of not to bad
tonight we are at minus 10
with snow forcast for the next few days hitting minus 20 as well
cheers shaun
We are the other end of the country shauny - been warned of 10inches of snow over the weekend - i wait with baited breath!!!
Last time they threatened massive snowfalls i could barely gather enough to make a snowball let alone a snowman!!
That`s the snow just starting here in Grangemouth ........... Its costing me £55 a week on heating ..... here we go again....:)
I took a few shots of my garden today and I thought I`d see if there was already a snow thread or something so this one`s perfect :) We`ve had some really dusty snow here, it`s like flour! I`ve never been skiing or anything so I`ve never seen snow like this before. This is the most snow I`ve seen since I moved to England. We had a nice blue sky today aswell which made it even more beautiful :)
Note the bird taking flight from our apple tree in one of those shots :) It`s a field fare, they come for the apples every year.....
12-19-10, 05:59 PM
wow great pictures
12-19-10, 06:38 PM
You have a lovely garden Feebs! I'll bet it's even prettier when it isn't covered in snow.
Oooooooooh yes :) We`ve put our hearts and souls into that garden. It was derelict when we moved here, they`d even taken the top soil when they left!? lol Mad... It gave us a very blank page though. The whole area I live in used to be an orchard a hundred or so years ago and a lot of the fruit trees are still alive and now in our gardens. All the houses have fruit related names too lol Ours is called Little Apples :)
12-19-10, 07:40 PM
still amazing
12-19-10, 07:41 PM
You have a lovely place there Febo.
12-19-10, 07:50 PM
snowed most of today and some more tonight
its no where near as bad as last week,its more of a powdery snow
last week was the kind of snow thats great for making snowballs.sticks together easier harder to get the car through though.....!!!
minus eight tonight
cheers shaun
12-20-10, 03:55 AM
Looking out the window it is snowing again here, looks like it is settling on top of the previous fall that is now frozen so driving should be good fun later!!
12-20-10, 03:57 AM
12 degrees with a 100% chance of snow today. Yee Haw!
12-20-10, 04:01 AM
I'm not keen on winter driving at all. Guess I'm getting old, but driving in the winter when living in remote areas scares me.
Cheers Wayne :) Yeah I put a thermometer out last night and left it for an hour. When I checked it it said - 7.8 ! I`m dressed in full body thermals and my astro suit at the moment because my workshop is just crazy cold. I had to refil my quenching bowl yesterday because it froze....
12-20-10, 07:54 AM
I'm not keen on winter driving at all. Guess I'm getting old, but driving in the winter when living in remote areas scares me.
although i'm not in a remote area wayne i still have a policy of the car only being used for essential journeys
if for no other reason rthan the snow and ice knocks bits out of your car
i can only imagine what it would be like being miles from anywhere getting stuck or going off the road
hows the creek levels at your place now mate ?
cheers shaun
12-20-10, 08:59 AM
i quite enjoy the challenge of driving in the snow and ice - the difference being i am in a town so should the worst happen there is help readily available. I certainly wouldnt be driving around in the countryside miles from anywhere in the snow and ice!
12-20-10, 11:51 AM
I love winter driving i just hate all the stupid people who forget how to drive in it.
12-20-10, 01:36 PM
although i'm not in a remote area wayne i still have a policy of the car only being used for essential journeys
if for no other reason rthan the snow and ice knocks bits out of your car
i can only imagine what it would be like being miles from anywhere getting stuck or going off the road
Out here a woman died a couple years ago when her car slid off the road and went up into a big pipe. No one noticed she was there until the next day.
Sliding off the road into a patch of woods (too many trees) out here is something we all have done at least once, hitting the windscreen with my face was no fun... and the clincher was the double 360 I spun at highway speeds, miraculously I ended up in my own lane still going forward and straight long enough to pull over and regroup. (that was scary!)
I stay off the roads when they get slick. We keep everything well stocked in the winter so if I get stuck at home for a week or so there is plenty here to keep going.
hows the creek levels at your place now mate ?
cheers shaun
The creek receded and is now mostly frozen.
The crew pulled out, to harsh to work.
Resuming excavating in the spring.
The timber operation is over, have a lot of new roads and slightly thinner woods, and Jim is going to return in the spring with just his bulldozer and spend a couple days fixing up the ruts and digging out the pond.
Absolutely stunning picture Wayne!
I'm not keen on winter driving at all. Guess I'm getting old, but driving in the winter when living in remote areas scares me.
I too agree with this; I learned how to drive in terribly harsh winter conditions including black ice, whiteouts, and ice storms for the entire duration of the winter. While I do feel secure behind the wheel, I do not enjoy it (partly because of what you said Chuck--many people suck at driving in the snow!). When I was younger, my Dad lived an hour from civilization, meaning it took nearly 2 hours to get home in the winter. You might see another car once in a day, if you were lucky. As you said Wayne, it is scary driving in isolated areas during the winter.
Now that I live in more of a metropolitan area, I am certainly more confident venturing out in the snow, but avoid it because NOBODY can drive in the snow in Seattle! We had a pretty gnarly storm a couple weeks back and I stayed at home for 3 days straight!
12-20-10, 03:42 PM
23 degrees and so far 3" of fresh powdery snow, and it's still falling.
I don't mind driving in the snow, it's the ice that is a pain. Not too mention, as stated above too many people forget what they are doing when driving in the weather. IMO they should stay home as they make conditions worse for everybody.
Really cold with clear sky's it's been raining for months straight but thats seattle weather for yah God i miss nyc weather :( </3
01-02-11, 04:27 AM
Brr cold lol
01-02-11, 04:38 AM
Well i will give you all a wave from warm sunny Australia. I spent a few days up at the gold coast which was terrible as its extreme floods up there. Last i heard before flying home was a few of the towns we drove through on the way up( drove up there but left early on a plane due to a friends untimely death ) were basically under water.
Been home for a few days and been enjoying 33-38 degrees celcius ( 91-96 ). I fly out to work in a underground gold mine on tuesday where they have been averaging 48-52 degrees celcius ( 118-125 ) which will be fun to work in!!! I will be spending nearly 4 weeks there which should be enough to strip the xmas weight and then some lol.
01-02-11, 10:58 AM
a couple days warm spell here, rain and melting during the day, light freeze at night.
If only the whole winter could be this mild.
01-02-11, 12:14 PM
It's almost really nice down here. It's in the high '40s. A bit of rain is coming down today, but since it's pretty warm out, it's not too bad. I almost can't believe it's January and this warm!
01-02-11, 02:05 PM
It's cold here.:no: Right around 15 degrees with chances of snow the next couple of days. :no:
01-02-11, 06:08 PM
I live in a lil town in southern ontario and were gettin the exact same weather as you wayne!! pretty crappy lol
01-02-11, 06:28 PM
Just checked foreast and there is a chance of snow again here for the next couple ofdays, be a nice change from the rain!
01-07-11, 06:25 PM
Low tomorrow of -12 Good time to bundle up with a beverage of choice.:yes:
01-08-11, 08:34 AM
snowed from 5pm onwards last night right through to 6am today
we have roughly 8 inches of powerdery snow everywhere
the good thing is it can be swept off the paths with a brush
no need for shovels as its not the frozen solid moist type of snow
although it was minus 3 last night
ive noticed most times it snows my male carpets go into breeding mode
charging about wrecking their tanks all night
statred slowly heating my diamond back up on tuesday
will heat her over a 4 week period
then offer her first food in 14 weeks
cheers shaun
01-08-11, 03:15 PM
Non stop snow storm....
01-08-11, 06:14 PM
Off and on snow....
01-08-11, 06:29 PM
Rain, rain and more bloody rain!
01-08-11, 08:28 PM
-1 degree and falling. And I get to head off to work. Yay.
Michael Roth
01-08-11, 08:48 PM 2_n.jpg
This was yesterday afternoon, the first of 20 cars in the ditch on the way home.
01-09-11, 08:08 AM
One flipped right up the road from my house yesterday.. the roads were a mess.
and it's still snowing today, I'm a stocked up so we are staying right here safe and warm.
01-09-11, 08:27 AM
snow snow and more snow
i really hate snow
48hours non stop there's roughly 12 to 15 inches of snow everywhere and all my male carpets are driving me nuts in breeding mode
had to take all their water bowls out again last night as they play football (soccer) with them all night long
i'd swap you for your rain anytime rob (never thought i'd ever wish for rain)
cheers shaun
01-09-11, 09:24 AM
Would happily swap our rain for your snow shaun, snow is a "dry" cold rather than a "damp" cold and doesnt play my pain levels up as much as the rian does.
01-09-11, 03:12 PM
I don't mind the snow, but I hate the cold. Last night the temps got to -14 with a humidity level of around 70% I have the start of arthritis in my knees and hips, so the cold coupled with the high humidity really makes them joints sing.
01-09-11, 03:39 PM
Would happily swap our rain for your snow shaun, snow is a "dry" cold rather than a "damp" cold and doesnt play my pain levels up as much as the rian does.
thats nuts rob
its the opposite for me
my metal plates play up just before and during snow fall
i'm lucky its not rain for me as we get so much of it during the summer up here mate:yes:
cheers shaun
01-09-11, 03:40 PM
I feel your pain Greg, hope it settles down for a while for you.
01-09-11, 03:53 PM
I don't mind the snow, but I hate the cold. Last night the temps got to -14 with a humidity level of around 70% I have the start of arthritis in my knees and hips, so the cold coupled with the high humidity really makes them joints sing.
i get cortizone (bad spelling ? ) injections in my knee joint greg
they hurt like hell for 24 hours but give you 6 to 8 weeks nearly pain free
cheers shaun
01-09-11, 06:12 PM
Cortizone is good but you are only meant to have three injections per year. I had them in my shoulder for a while before they xrayed it and realised that i has broken it. That first 24hours is a bitch but the weird numb feeling afterwards is more than worthwhile.
01-09-11, 06:18 PM
Thanks for the info guys. I just may check that one out. my dad had cortisone before he had his hips replaced.
01-11-11, 09:20 PM
Snowing hard and heavy, the plows have gone by several times this evening already.
red ink
01-11-11, 10:51 PM
Raining around me this week.....
Northern Aus underwater land mass the size of Texas, Brisbane city under threat of flooding and a full shutdown of the city central for the next couple of days... Some areas townships on the westside of QLD wipe out by inland tsunami.. Horrible and heart breaking... damage in terms of $$$$ in the billions damage to wildlife unimaginable.... that's reptile country up there.
^^ Sorry to hear. I hope the weather takes a turn for the better.
It's snowing in Seattle, again...
01-12-11, 12:07 PM
Raining around me this week.....
Northern Aus underwater land mass the size of Texas, Brisbane city under threat of flooding and a full shutdown of the city central for the next couple of days... Some areas townships on the westside of QLD wipe out by inland tsunami.. Horrible and heart breaking... damage in terms of $$$$ in the billions damage to wildlife unimaginable.... that's reptile country up there.
we have pictures in our newspapers of huge floods in ozz mate
are all in a very bad way cars etc being swept away.....!!!
the cost in human and wild life is so sad to see
i hope it all gets better for you all soon mate
cheers shaun
red ink
01-13-11, 07:15 PM
One of the voiceless victims of the floods.....
Rockhampton Floods | Rockhampton floods | Herald Sun (
Ipswich flood | Ipswich flood disaster | Herald Sun (
The Galleries
01-16-11, 08:29 PM
The floods are extrmely bad for both people and the environment. Just think of all the cane toads happily moving down through NSW and into Victoria. I feel for anyone who has been directly or indircetly affected by these floods.
On another note I was working down in a undergound mine a couple of days ago and will continue to be here for a while. Its 1.2km down in the earth where im working but my god its hot. We had temps of 44 degrees celcius as our ambient temp with nearly 90% humidity. I was absolutley dripping with sweat working in that heat. Then to make it better once i was on the surface it was nearly 49 degrees with a huge dust storm rolling in. The things we do for money LOL
01-16-11, 08:42 PM
Well, mate, I for one would be more than happy, to help you use up some of that excess money that you have.:yes:
01-16-11, 08:50 PM
Haha Greg i have been spending a lot of money on my old friend jack daniels at night lol. If you fly over here i might just take you herping and you could always come work with me!!!
01-16-11, 09:16 PM
Now that sounds like good times Percy! I'll trade your JD for a good rum, but the opportunity to go herping in OZ and sweating my you know whats off in a mine is preferable to freezing them off here!:yes:
01-16-11, 09:20 PM
You take that back about jd lol I get my one day off today after working for 14 days straight, 12 hours a day minimum then work another solid 16 nightshifts before going home. Doesnt sound as fun now does it lol
01-16-11, 09:24 PM
Australia Minnesota Australia Minnesota.......Doesn't matter what we're dinkin mate as long as I am in Australia and warm, I'll drink it with you mate!
01-24-11, 09:06 AM
This morning it was so cold out, the snow was crunchy, and my dogs were limping (probably because there paw pads were freezing)
Went to the store real quick and the suspension struts on my truck are froze up, makes for a bumpy ride.
The furnace has been running almost non stop..... I hate it.
02-10-11, 04:56 AM
-23 degrees on my way home from work this morning. Things are looking up though, it's supposed to hit 40 this weekend. I'll be breaking out the shorts before you know it!
wow! a lot of snow in your side of the world. i would want to see some but i think it is really bad in the long run...
i live in Philippines where the temps run around 28-32 Celsius.. humidity is more or less at a constant 65%...
it is actually perfect for my snakes as they no longer need any heating source what so ever.
02-10-11, 08:29 AM
wow! a lot of snow in your side of the world. i would want to see some but i think it is really bad in the long run...
i live in Philippines where the temps run around 28-32 Celsius.. humidity is more or less at a constant 65%...
it is actually perfect for my snakes as they no longer need any heating source what so ever.
I envy you ;)
Tropical climates are so nice.
02-10-11, 09:44 AM
You know, I never see anyone from Kentucky around here. Real shame, but I'm real close to Ohio. Like, an hour away from the boarder. Actually going to be moving to Cincinnati, Ohio in the next few years.
Anyways, it's a pleasant 6F here and sunny. Yes, I said pleasant. Then again, I'm the freak that goes out in this weather in short sleeve shirts. LOL
02-10-11, 11:48 AM
I am in north Ohio... it was like negative 6 or so, I believe that was with NO wind chill... its cold as ****.... excuse my language.... lol.
02-10-11, 03:56 PM
I am in north Ohio... it was like negative 6 or so, I believe that was with NO wind chill... its cold as ****.... excuse my language.... lol.
As long as you bleeped, it's good in my eyes. Don't think any young ones would be able to figure it out easily. LOL
Anyways, wow, -6? That's freaky, 'cause it was like.. -4 up in Michigan.
02-14-11, 01:25 PM
40 degrees here the last couple days. I just can't wait for all of this nasty dirty snow to melt and the smells of spring to arrive!
02-14-11, 02:03 PM
Nice and warm here today
02-14-11, 02:14 PM
Upper 40's all week and high of 63 Thursday. Which is why i am having my new snakes delivered on Thursday.:)
I hope you all are going to be sending some of that warm weather up to your neighbours in the north:)!
02-14-11, 03:38 PM
And to us over the water, still raining here!!
And to us over the water, still raining here!!
Rain, at least it would melt the snow faster, were probably going to have now on the lawn till June, I'm sure:Wow:
Here's a picture of my husband and he is 6 foot tall, taken a while back and we have even more snow now.
02-14-11, 07:43 PM
And to us over the water, still raining here!!
Doesn't it always rain there?? :rolleyes:
Oh, and today was schizophrenic for me...fog, clouds, rain, sun, in that order. Ended up around 60 F I think?
02-14-11, 10:03 PM
Oh wow.. I haven't seen that much snow since our great snow of.. '95? And that was only like.. a 5 - 6 foot tall wall of snow!
It was a lovely 46 degrees earlier today. It's now 11PM at night and 37 degrees.
02-15-11, 07:18 AM
Doesn't it always rain there?? :rolleyes:
Oh, and today was schizophrenic for me...fog, clouds, rain, sun, in that order. Ended up around 60 F I think?
Lol, certainly feels like it this time of year - another wet day today!
More snow for us, wish the wind would die down so I could snow blow the stuff of the driveway!:no:
02-15-11, 09:39 AM
yesterday, 45 degrees, rapid melting all around, then last night it dropped down to 15 degrees and is staying cold, but the forecast calls for the high 50's after that.
Those rapid changes will surely flood the creek, if it does I'll go out back and take some pictures.
There's a lot of snow out there, and if it melts fast, it will drain into the creek, and that lazy little waterway turns violent quick.
in 1996 we had similar weather circumstances and the ice broke up, then got jammed up under a bridge upstream from my house.
The water had no where to go except down the road, I live on a corner... Guess who got the brunt of that mess.
02-15-11, 09:46 AM
Nice fishin from ur front porch :)
02-15-11, 09:52 AM
It's rather chilly here today- about 35F. Yesterday it got up to 55F.....sooo nice. Where's that warmth today?
02-15-11, 10:44 AM
Owch, well hope all goes well Wayne. Certainly hope that creek holds up well and doesn't make a giant mess again. ;c
It's a pleasant 29 degrees today, cloudy skies. Nothing like a pure white sky in the winter.~
03-23-11, 05:10 AM
Out my window right now......
hahaha!! we have perfect 78 degree weather here!! :) I love the southern states..suntans here I come!!
03-23-11, 05:43 AM
hahaha!! we have perfect 78 degree weather here!! :) I love the southern states..suntans here I come!!
Rub it in...
03-23-11, 06:24 AM
it's POURING rain here atm. it has been for a few days and will continue for a while.
03-23-11, 06:35 AM
Day before - tee shirt
yesterday - hooded sweatshirt
today - watch it snow out window & Travel advisory in effect.
School closed, kids home, fun times abound for sure.
03-23-11, 06:38 AM
snow snow and more snow, we got about 7 or 8in of snow last night and there is another 8in for today :( I CANT WAIT TO MOVE BACK SOUTH ONLY 5 MORE MONTHS YAY......
03-23-11, 06:39 AM
Day before - tee shirt
yesterday - hooded sweatshirt
today - watch it snow out window & Travel advisory in effect.
School closed, kids home, fun times abound for sure.
haha, i feel like i would hate and love that. :)
for obvious different reasons.
i've only been to the snow a few times, but i love it.
03-23-11, 12:05 PM
We finally have warn enough weather (14Celsius) that i have put my winter clothes away, not quite in shorts yet but out and about in t-shirts, hopefully from now until October time!
03-23-11, 01:17 PM
Thanks in part to that fab ocean current that carries the warm right to you.
03-23-11, 01:27 PM
This is my big Jungle outside yesterday for her first photo shot of the year. A sunny nice 75 degrees. :) Been sitting outside last couple days reading and soaking up the sun.:)
03-23-11, 04:43 PM
Lol, do snakes like trampolining?? Nice pics tho :)
03-23-11, 05:24 PM
Lol, do snakes like trampolining?? Nice pics tho :)
I put her on there so i could get some pics of her stretched out to really show her length.
04-05-11, 06:33 AM
yesterday - first thunderstorm of 2011
today - snowing like mad
04-05-11, 07:25 AM
on sunday it was alittle warm in the upper 40's and then it got cold again started to snow got about 1in in like 30mins then we had a thunderstorm all in one day...i think MI is just telling us bye and giving us all shes got lol.
Can't wait for the snow to leave, it snowed here on the weekend, 20 cm!:no:
Wasn't impressed at all, we still have about 3 feet of snow on the lawn, it's gone from the driveway, no more ice!
Come on spring!
04-05-11, 07:38 AM
spring? i think up north we are just going to bypass spring and summer and just get fall this year lol.
Sunday morning it was in the mid 60's. Then by 10am it dropped 10 degrees, got windy and started to snow/rain. Then by 1 it was snowing good. Only got a dusting, but it still sucked. Yesterday it was in the 50's and windy, today in the 70's and windy. Saturday it got up to 85.
04-05-11, 10:07 AM
Its snowing a little here, but no enough to make walking in the bush difficult. I took my cousin for a nature walk and saw about 30 deer, and a half a dozen muskrats.
I think the fluctuating weather from +5 to -20 is confusing them lol
04-05-11, 10:50 AM
Sunday during the day was warm, by 6:30 it was snowing so much I couldn't see across the street, then at 4am there was a huge thunderstorm.
today it's incredibly windy here..... our garbage and blue bins have vanished from the boulevard...
04-05-11, 12:12 PM
Sunny and 55 today! Saw my first frog yesterday. Hello Spring!:yes:
04-05-11, 01:18 PM
Gota love the confusing Canadian weather lol. If you don't like the weather, wait 5 minutes.
We got almost a foot of snow this past Saturday. Previously it was seeming like Spring was on it's way with almost double digit (celsius) weather and just a few remnants winter's snow left. My boss is enjoying a little vacation in Mexico so I took these pics to show him what he missed out on. These are from Saturday morning and it continued to snow steadily the rest of the day. By the evening we couldn't even see the tops of our fence posts.
04-05-11, 01:27 PM
Nice, ill take a walk today and take some pics.
04-05-11, 02:20 PM
i wish it snowed here, i love the snow. the closest we get is slushy ice hail/snow stuff lol.
Calgary is setting a record this winter as I believe we are approaching 150 days with snow on the ground.
Apparently some people in the district just north of me had fun building a giant 4.5 metre tall snowman this past weekend. Here's the story with some pics. (
04-05-11, 02:37 PM
Lol, hail rocks, slush sucks. About a month ago we had a crazy hail storm, i took a walk outdoors and found a rabbit that had been killed by hail lol, free lunch!
04-19-11, 01:30 PM
More snow forecast tonight and tomorrow. :unhappy: I'll be sure to post pics.....:unibrow::no: :pissedoff::mad:
04-19-11, 01:34 PM
It's cold here too.. sucks
04-19-11, 01:58 PM
cold here too and snowed alittle i think north part of the US dose not understand its SPRING cant wait to move back south lol.
04-19-11, 03:15 PM
Can I tag along? I won't take up much space.
weeeelll It was in the upper 90's now a thunderstorm popped up..loooove texas...NOT!!
04-19-11, 04:51 PM
weeeelll It was in the upper 90's now a thunderstorm popped up..loooove texas...NOT!!
YOU!.....You just....shhhhhhh. I'll take your 90 degrees and rain any day! :freakedout:
04-19-11, 04:54 PM
lolol. it's been strange in norcal lately. first it was cold and VERY RAINY, then it got hot like summer for a week, then back to cold. now it's just gloomy lol. it has no idea what to do.
04-27-11, 11:45 PM
Violent storm cells, rain and more rain..
04-28-11, 12:24 AM
been a lot of tornado/severe tstorm warnings the last 2 days here! even a tornado confirmed about 1/2 mile from where i work! very rare around these parts!
04-28-11, 08:40 AM
hot and dry.
04-28-11, 08:55 AM
been a lot of tornado/severe tstorm warnings the last 2 days here! even a tornado confirmed about 1/2 mile from where i work! very rare around these parts!
We had tornado warnings last night. ;/ Lot's of bad storms this week. Been pretty warm though, except for last night. I have no idea how cold it got but when I came home and did my snake check everyone was a bit oo chill. x.x Wish it was summer already, Damn canada,
04-28-11, 09:08 AM
Im missing my snow! All this rain really bugs me....
04-28-11, 09:09 AM
rain rain rain and more rain and cold.
04-28-11, 09:13 AM
We are having the hottest April in ages - temps up in the high teens early twenties C - just wish it never got any hotter!!
04-28-11, 09:30 AM
and I'm still pumping water... lots and lots of water.
04-28-11, 11:30 AM
well... the sky just turned black, the wind picked up and it started to pour
04-28-11, 11:48 AM
well... the sky just turned black, the wind picked up and it started to pour
Sounds like the apocalypse... glad its not like that in Scarborough yet...
04-28-11, 12:39 PM
well lucky for me i live in Ohio, and for those of you from out of the states that means...
monday-warm and nice out
tuesday could be cold and windy
wednesday- thunderstorms and tornado warnings
thurdsday (today) windy and chilly!!
so our weather varies day by day... lol but for the most part it has been nothing but rain, stoms, winds, and flooding!
04-28-11, 12:43 PM
Simple rule for where I am at is If you don't like the weather wait 5 minutes it will change....( kinda like it has ADHD) lol
04-28-11, 03:27 PM
^ ahah yes, i know what that's like. I was at the cottage sitting in my room and then i looked outside and it was raining, i ran downstairs and to the other side of the cottage to take the laundry down and it wasn't raining on that side
04-28-11, 03:30 PM
92 and climbing
just an update it is very hot here in the philippines right now... 34 celcius in the day and about 30 in the night... i have removed my heating. i now realize it is more difficult to cool my vivs... any suggestions?
04-29-11, 12:21 AM
Crazy that's what it is its still snowing here makes no sence im tired of the cold
04-29-11, 04:42 AM
just an update it is very hot here in the philippines right now... 34 celcius in the day and about 30 in the night... i have removed my heating. i now realize it is more difficult to cool my vivs... any suggestions?
avoid direct sunlight, allow lots of air flow.. how is your humidity??
04-29-11, 05:43 AM
its been sunny ALL week here in Scotland :shocked:
unless i've been abducted by aliens and this is but a dream :wacky:
all you snow lovers go wash your mouths out snow is terrible horrible gets in the way stuff i hate it :yes:
greg don't you be sneaking off somewhere nice and warm without your wee scottish mate ;)
this place is as miserable as your place re weather just put my lottery tickets on so fingers crossed i can bail us all out with a winning ticket greg
cheers shaun
04-29-11, 09:19 AM
Yesterday the sky was black with crazy wind and rain like paintballs.
Lost 3 trees a window and the tarp/frame thing that covers our car during the winter (held down by 90 pounds in bricks) went over my fence... it only lasted about 45 minutes...
05-08-11, 12:25 PM
Awesome, sun is shining, people out back (paid guests) and planning a mothers day rib BBQ.. couldn't be better.
Coffee Black
05-08-11, 12:43 PM
Warm but overcast. I like it.
05-08-11, 03:02 PM
60's and Rainy, it's all good. I'll be collecting night crawlers tonight.
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