View Full Version : Still finding my way around.

Drew Curtis
12-09-10, 03:04 AM
Tried to get some pictures of Maddy my new Demerils boa last night but they are all pretty c**p. Got a couple of fairly decent ones of Coco though (pastel royal/ball python).

12-09-10, 03:13 AM
Beautiful snake, but man you shouldn't have it round your neck like that. It would take milliseconds for it to knock you out out if it decided to even slightly constrict. I would hate to see you or the snake hurt when you hit the deck.

12-09-10, 03:38 AM
I agree with Rob.

I let my snakes wrap my arm, but never my neck.

12-09-10, 10:20 AM
Letting a snake wrap itself around your neck is, probably the single dumbest thing you can do with a non venomous snake. It's not just asking for trouble, it is begging on bended knee, hat in hands, eyes averted to be the poster child for every group who wants to ban snakes. It doesn't matter how tame the snake is, it doesn't have to *want* to hurt you, it will constrict if it starts to lose its balance, and you will not be able to get it off without hurting it before you pass out from the pressure on your carotid artery or jugular vein.

I'm not trying to insult you, I'm just trying to warn you because what you're doing in those pictures is potentially life threatening to both you, and the snake. And when someone dies, or is injured by a pet snake it feeds the people who want to see our hobby banned.

12-09-10, 11:37 AM
give him a break guys

12-09-10, 04:04 PM
6-12 sec of perfectly applied pressure from that lil guy doubtful but I guess it could happen lol not the best of habits to develop they get bigger

12-09-10, 04:18 PM
6-12 sec of perfectly applied pressure from that lil guy doubtful but I guess it could happen lol not the best of habits to develop they get bigger

Lol, you never been choked out by a martial artist?? Milliseconds of even gentle pressure in the right spot and your out before you know whats happening. If the snake hits that spot unintentionally you would wake up on the floor (hopefully) and have to try to find your snake. On the down side and the snake panics due to your unconsciousness and limpness, and the fall, and maybe you just dont wake up............

12-09-10, 04:44 PM
Anyway beautiful snakes. Love to see more pic of this guys. :)

12-09-10, 05:08 PM
actually rob I study jiu-jitsu so i most def have ben choked out and it takes an average of 6-12 seconds for an adult to black out do to a carotid choke but i get the point its not a very safe practce lol and i usualy tap

12-09-10, 05:18 PM
In a fight situation, where you are likely already on the floor, you can probably hang on longer. Standing and being unexpectedly put out, not just by carotid choke but other nerve techniques also, by the time you realised what was happening it would definitely be too late. But i think we agree on the fact it isnt safe having snakes round yer neck! Lol :yes: :)

12-09-10, 05:29 PM
true not to mention it only takes 3-5 lbs psi so with ur snake around ur neck if positioned right i supose u might not even notice irs happening sorry if i came off sounding like i wasnt agreeing with the dangers of having a snake around ur neck i wouldnt think of it with my retic enki

12-09-10, 06:01 PM
Nay worries, think we are all singing from the same hymn sheet so to speak. Also didnt mean to cause any offence. Snakes roind necks is my trigger, tends to make me quite "passionate" in my viewpoints.

red ink
12-09-10, 06:04 PM
Welcome dude hope you haven't been scared off.

12-09-10, 06:29 PM
Truefully at that size the only way they could hurt you is if they bit you. But it is a bad practice to let them make a complete loop around your neck. I had a 8 and 1/2 foot RTB get spooked an choke me out in under 10 seconds. I let it wrap around my neck and always though i am a big strong guy i be find. Yeah right! If it hadn't been for my sister and brother-in -law showing up i be dead. I was already turning purple when they pulled her off of me.
If it seem like people are being harsh it just because we care about you and your snakes safety.:)

Drew Curtis
12-10-10, 03:30 AM
My god, what a response! I will be more careful what I say and do on here in future. There was more venom than in a pit full of vipers! lol.

Drew Curtis
12-10-10, 03:36 AM
My god, what a response! I will be more careful what I say and do on here in future. There was more venom than in a pit full of vipers! lol.

12-10-10, 04:43 AM
As marvel said, it is only out of care for you and your animal, hope we havent scared you off!

Drew Curtis
12-10-10, 05:57 AM
Must admit I was taken aback! My initial enthusiasm for seeing so many responses was rather deflated when I read the content of most of them.

12-10-10, 06:09 AM
6-12 sec of perfectly applied pressure from that lil guy doubtful but I guess it could happen lol not the best of habits to develop they get bigger

i taught judo mate

i can put you out in 3 or 4 seconds mate only using 1 hand and the neck of your tee shirt.or i can apply enough pressure with 1 finger of each hand for the same effect.i use it to demonstrate to folk how easy it is to knock someone unconcious

we have a rule in the club if you get let yourself become unconcious instead of tapping out.you are banned for 6 weeks from the club.this is to give you time to think hard about how serious it is to allow yourself to be in that position

its just way to easy to induce brain damage for it not to be taken serious mate

the point im trying to make is it takes very LITTLE pressure to close shut a vien.

the only thing keeping your vien open is your blood pressure and thats not hard to stop the flow of mate

ive taught judo for over 20 years and if i shut your cartoid arterys down your out in 3 or 4 seconds

brain damage will start mildly after 10 ish seconds

20 to 30 seconds will lead to permenant damage

shutting the cartoids down immediatley starves the brain of oxygen

dont want an arguement im only pointing out basic human anatomy mate

cheers shaun

12-10-10, 06:19 AM
Must admit I was taken aback! My initial enthusiasm for seeing so many responses was rather deflated when I read the content of most of them.

theres no need to feel deflated mate

folk are only showing concern for your well being

surely thats nothing to get deflated about ?

snakes round peoples necks are something herpers feel strongly about as it can lead to death

there have been reported cases in the states of snakes being spooked and strangling their keepers

it dont take much to stop the blood flowing through your cartoid arterys and you will be uncocious within seconds

people are just trying to point out the dangers mate

please dont take it as a personal attack

its personal concern for your well being nothing more

all the best shaun