View Full Version : amazon tree boa

12-08-10, 04:23 PM
just picked up an amazon tree boa wondering if i could get some care tips thanks

12-08-10, 04:47 PM
pic of the girl

12-08-10, 04:53 PM
pic of the girl

nice girl.

12-08-10, 05:52 PM
Sweet tree boa. Willow783 would be the one who could answer your question. I know she got a two or three tree boas.

12-09-10, 12:30 AM
Great looking ATB! My girlfriend has been dying to get a hold of a Halloween phase......I said "not until I get my SD Retic!"

12-11-10, 10:04 AM
I have emerald tree boas, not Amazons, but the care is pretty much the same. ATBs require a bit less space, but the more space they have, the more they will explore and be relaxed for the most part. Exo-Terra and ZooMed make great arboreal tanks: the 18"x18"x24" should be fine. You'll want perches of various heights and sizes for her to perch on...ATBs don't coil like ETBs and GTPs, they kind of drape themselves over the branches. Plastic or resin fish tank branch sculptures work well, as do scorched PVC pipes, and fake twisty vines. Try to stay away from the real vines and branches because of the risk of parasites. You'll want high humidity- use a fogger or mister to keep relative humidity around 70-80%. You don't want it constantly wet though, let there be a dry-out period at night. Constant dampness can breed RIs, but the high humidity in the air is important. For one enclosure, I think foggers give the best of both worlds- high humidity without soaking the cage. Feed once a week for babies up to a year old, then once every other week is fine. Don't overfeed- a food item that leaves a very slight bulge is sufficient. And don't take it personally if you get bitten, repeatedly- I have yet to meet a friendly ATB. Best of luck with you new girl..she's beautiful. And hopefully some other arboreal keepers will come on here and give their care advice too. :)

12-11-10, 10:16 AM
nice snake mate

willow knows her boa's

cheers shaun

12-11-10, 02:52 PM
Thanks Shaun. But there are plenty of people around here who know far more than I do.