View Full Version : Questions about a gravid boa?

12-01-10, 12:57 PM
Hey guys as some of you know I put my male with my female (surinames) together and she had the big bulge that lasted for like a day and a half. Now she seems to be going into a shed. All she is doing is laying on her side all day and hardly moves! Is this a normal thing? I took her to the vet and she told me she Is plenty big enough and has enough weight to her, but I'm really nervous. She's my baby. Any advice or explanation of the process would be greatly appreciated! I've been ready a lot of literature, but nothing beats your guys experience. Having had litters.

12-01-10, 01:05 PM
them laying on there sides is normal when they are gravid as is the swell the disappears 48ish hours latter. a good book to read is The Boa Constrictor Manual by Philippe de Vosjoli

12-01-10, 02:04 PM
Right on! Thanks brother.

12-01-10, 05:17 PM
no problem if you have any more questions just ask