View Full Version : Gecko Pic`s No 2

11-25-10, 11:38 AM
My female Iza, this is an older image from last year, i`ll get some more when she comes back out folks ( she`s been hiding for the last few weeks )



11-25-10, 11:43 AM
nice looking Geckos

11-25-10, 11:49 AM
nice looking Geckos

Cheers mate, she`s my wee baby lol

You`l have already seen them pic`s Wayne , i`ll get more up soon :)

11-25-10, 12:27 PM
Love your geckos =)

Do you know what morph(s) she has?

11-25-10, 01:33 PM
Love your geckos =)

Do you know what morph(s) she has?

Cheers Grimleo :)

She`s a Hypomelanistic Leopard Gecko ( normal size ) She has a reverse stripe, not sure if all hypo`s have this ?

I`v mated her with Victor( giant ), the first born i`v kept so i`ll post him tomorrow


11-25-10, 02:06 PM
Nice, looking forward to seeing Vic. How heavy is he? I really like the giant leos.

I was curious about Iza because I have a leo girl that I got from Petco that looks a lot like Iza and I can't tell what specific mutations she has. She's got a bright orange tail, hypomelanism, and dark black eyes(no grey). I don't know my morphs that well but I think those are all different mutations?

11-25-10, 02:27 PM
Nice, looking forward to seeing Vic. How heavy is he? I really like the giant leos.

I was curious about Iza because I have a leo girl that I got from Petco that looks a lot like Iza and I can't tell what specific mutations she has. She's got a bright orange tail, hypomelanism, and dark black eyes(no grey). I don't know my morphs that well but I think those are all different mutations?

Can you post a pic of her please

This is Victor, the last time he weighed in at128 1/2 grams. He lost part of his tail because the guy who i got him from had both males in the same tank so i decided to take on my very first reptile, he also needed a stich or two further up the tail :(



More here (http://i1013.photobucket.com/albums/af257/saattadad/izzy083.jpg)http://www.ssnakess.com/forums/general-lizard-forum/84771-gecko-pic-s.html

11-25-10, 02:47 PM
Handsome boy :D He's been through a lot, yeah? Poor guy. It's a good thing he's in a good home now. :yes:


She's about to shed soon but you can still see her color and patterns. :)

11-25-10, 03:47 PM
Handsome boy :D He's been through a lot, yeah? Poor guy. It's a good thing he's in a good home now. :yes:


She's about to shed soon but you can still see her color and patterns. :)

Don`t quote me on this but i think you`v got a carrot tail going with the amount of orange on the tail. Looks to be going down 3/4 of her tail.

She`s very cute mate


11-25-10, 03:59 PM

I've always figured she was a carrot tail or tangerine or some sort. At least I'm more sure, for the most part. xD

11-25-10, 04:12 PM

I've always figured she was a carrot tail or tangerine or some sort. At least I'm more sure, for the most part. xD

I had a look at the tangerines & they look to have less orange down their tale then your wee lass.

I`am sure someone will come along with the answer your looking for mate