View Full Version : where should i find some good cage items

11-24-10, 04:05 PM
iunno if i can just grab a branch from outside or what, isn't there a good chance of getting mites if you pull something in from outside? and also what should i construct hide #2 out of. hmmm

11-24-10, 05:30 PM
Yes you can grab branches from outside, then either bake them in the oven at 350 for like 20 minutes, or soak them in a bleach solution overnight, followed by a couple day soak in plain water. (Change the water a few times) As for hides, I use recycled plastic containers. There is a great thread on here where someone made a hide by siliconing rocks together to make a cave.

11-24-10, 05:39 PM
Yes you can grab branches from outside, then either bake them in the oven at 350 for like 20 minutes, or soak them in a bleach solution overnight, followed by a couple day soak in plain water. (Change the water a few times) As for hides, I use recycled plastic containers. There is a great thread on here where someone made a hide by siliconing rocks together to make a cave.

nice, thanks.

11-24-10, 05:42 PM
NP we're all here to help each other! Just wait, there will be other great ideas.

11-24-10, 05:42 PM
Plastic coffee can work great. Clean really good and cut a hole in the lid. Plastic or regular flower pots work great. Depending on the size of your snake you want something that when they are in it coiled up they can touch both sides. This help them feel secure. My snakes love the coffee can hides, because they can hide completely inside and watch for anything that moves in front of their hide. Just like a cave or hole in the wild.:)

11-24-10, 05:57 PM
Plastic coffee can work great. Clean really good and cut a hole in the lid. Plastic or regular flower pots work great. Depending on the size of your snake you want something that when they are in it coiled up they can touch both sides. This help them feel secure. My snakes love the coffee can hides, because they can hide completely inside and watch for anything that moves in front of their hide. Just like a cave or hole in the wild.:)

im pretty sure my snake is 10-15 lbs, 5 1/2-6' ish, he won't fit in a coffee can, but still good ideas.

11-24-10, 05:59 PM
Litter box like for cats. Works good for bigger snake. Didn't you say you are going to be building a bigger cage for it ? If so you can get wooden dowels at just about ant hardware store. Get one that will fit from side to side drill hole in the ends and side of cage then put screws in the end. Make perfect branches for heavier snake. Here's a old pic to give you a idea of what it looks like.


11-24-10, 06:02 PM
Litter box like for cats. Works good for bigger snake.

he LOVES the one he has on the left, i need to find something similar to that.

11-24-10, 06:05 PM
I bought a rabbit/guinea pig house made of plastic from a pet shop, it comes in two pieces so two hides for the price of one. It is great for my SD retic and should be big enough for when he is full grown.

11-24-10, 06:20 PM
I had a bunch of plastic toy bins from when the kids were little. They no longer used them so I cleaned them up, drilled holes in them and....voila Hides! Now everybody has one or two.

11-24-10, 06:30 PM
he LOVES the one he has on the left, i need to find something similar to that.
For a glass cage this work good.
FLUKERS DECO BAMBOO BARS (http://www.dnjreptilestore.com/51021.html)

11-24-10, 06:32 PM
also when i got him, i remember the guy being like "he doesn't really go to the hot side of the cage often at ALL" and i always am under the opinion that those heating pads get hot as hell, so for the moment i just unplugged it and fixed the light above the cage. we'll see if he wasn't going to that side because of the stupid heating pad.
they have thermostats to regulate what temp those pads will sit at right?

11-24-10, 06:35 PM
I might also suggest switching from aspen to cypress mulch for better moisture retention.

11-24-10, 06:46 PM
they have thermostats to regulate what temp those pads will sit at right?
Yes you can get them at almost any pet store.

11-24-10, 10:51 PM
also when i got him, i remember the guy being like "he doesn't really go to the hot side of the cage often at ALL" and i always am under the opinion that those heating pads get hot as hell, so for the moment i just unplugged it and fixed the light above the cage. we'll see if he wasn't going to that side because of the stupid heating pad.
they have thermostats to regulate what temp those pads will sit at right?

im pretty sure i was right about him not liking that side because of the heater mat, the guy didnt have a regulator on it so it was pretty hot. ill prolly just use the lamp until i get one.


11-24-10, 11:32 PM
Great places to find handy items, Salvation Army thrift stores, goodwill stores and rummage sales.

Our BP has a cardboard box that my hiking boots came in for a hide, and he does not seem to care, he pretty much lives in that box.

11-25-10, 04:18 AM
Litter box like for cats. Works good for bigger snake. Didn't you say you are going to be building a bigger cage for it ? If so you can get wooden dowels at just about ant hardware store. Get one that will fit from side to side drill hole in the ends and side of cage then put screws in the end. Make perfect branches for heavier snake. Here's a old pic to give you a idea of what it looks like.

what is that pink thing it looks like fresh meat

11-25-10, 04:45 AM
what is that pink thing it looks like fresh meat

looks like a heat rock.

11-25-10, 05:23 AM
Great places to find handy items, Salvation Army thrift stores, goodwill stores and rummage sales.

Our BP has a cardboard box that my hiking boots came in for a hide, and he does not seem to care, he pretty much lives in that box.

same with my corn. she basicly is either in the bedding under the water bowl or in the shoebox i cut a hole in for a hide

11-25-10, 07:45 AM
im pretty sure i was right about him not liking that side because of the heater mat, the guy didnt have a regulator on it so it was pretty hot. ill prolly just use the lamp until i get one.


a thermostat is the most important thing in a sety up.

it stops you cooking your snake to death

i use heat mats in all my tubs

ceramic set ups in all my vivariums

heat mats are not very good at giving ambient air temperatures

ceramics give great ambient air temps

cheers shaun

11-25-10, 09:49 AM
UTH (Under-Tank Heaters) can and will get too hot if unregulated. Even lights can provide to much heat if their wattage is too high for the area or they are placed too close and also need to be monitored.

If you're looking for a cheap alternative or temporary way to regulate your UTH you can pick up a lamp dimmer from most hardware or department stores for around $10. You'll also need to pick up a digital thermometer with probe (I like the Zilla one 'cause it's black, but the yellow ZooMed one is sometimes cheaper) which you should also be able to pick up for around $10-15 from a pet store. This combo works best in a room where the temperature doesn't vary much.

Non-proportional (On/Off) thermostats (like the ReptiTemp 500R) can cost around $50 and digital proportional systems $150+ just to give you an idea.

Lamp Dimmer

11-25-10, 03:59 PM
what is that pink thing it looks like fresh meat
It a old heat rock doesn't for just in there for looks and something to rub against when shedding.