View Full Version : cheap therms./DIY help please?

12-31-02, 06:06 PM
the thermostat we bought cost £50...£50!!! thats a heck of alot of money to me! can anybody recommend a cheap thermostat? (available to the uk)
Also, i was thinking about making my own? or probably just a dimmerswitch... any hints/tips/info on DIY ??

12-31-02, 06:37 PM
Not sure what you guys have over there, but you can pick up dimmers fairly cheap at any hardware store. Most people wire their own, but you can also (for a little more money) buy ones that are already wired up and all you have to do is plug them in :)

01-01-03, 07:53 AM

Try this site.


They carry both analog and pulse proportional thermostats. Hope this helps.

01-01-03, 06:55 PM
the last one i bought was a habistat one........the most expensive one there............therefore the stupid people i got it from made me pay £30 more than i needed to...thanx edwin:) now i know never to buy one from them again! ever..ever! rrgh! im mad.. :D
first i think ill try my hand at making one.....if that fails miserably then i think ill get that £22 one.....fairly cheap! but does anyone know if they go any cheaper?;)

01-03-03, 08:32 PM
Hi XxRachxX,

Glad to be of help. I have seen habistat for sale slightly cheaper before, but just can't remember where. I will post it if my memory returns.

Like what Linds said, you could wire a dimmer yourself. It is fairly easy to do.

01-07-03, 05:45 AM
They have one there for 14$ the mat stat :P

01-08-03, 02:19 PM
you can see a step by step guide in this thread http://www.ssnakess.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=8858