View Full Version : Hello everyone

11-23-10, 04:42 PM
Just wanted to say hi to everyone. I am a new owner of a beautiful Ball Python that I bought from a gentleman that couldn't take her with him to his new house. I was told she is 14 months old and she was handled all the time. So far she is the best snake i have ever seen. She loves to climb on me and is a great eater. These were taken with my phone so they aren't the best. She is currently in a 20 gallon glass tank until i can build her something better.



11-23-10, 04:46 PM

11-23-10, 05:26 PM
Hello and welcome to the forum

11-23-10, 05:49 PM
hello and welcome

cheers shaun

11-23-10, 06:38 PM
Hello and welcome! Have any question feel free to ask. You'll fine we got a helpful bunch of people here. :) Nice looking ball python. Is this your first snake?

11-23-10, 06:44 PM

11-23-10, 06:45 PM
Yes its my first but definitely not my last. I do have one quick question. My snake just shed again for the 2nd time in 2 months or so but this time her eyes didn't shed. Is there any way i can help her out or should i take her to the vet?

11-23-10, 07:24 PM
you can take a q tip that is not all shedding and puffy and use it to apply vasiline to your snakes eye caps and kinda rub it on. thats what my vet told me to do when my snake had stuck eye caps

11-23-10, 07:26 PM
Put her in a damp pillow case, tie it shut and leave her in there for a couple hours. If that don't work you can try very gentally to get it wet and rub it off. If you try rubbing it off be careful so you don't hurt it eyes.