View Full Version : Sleeping positions / Temperature (hot/cold spots)

12-31-02, 04:54 PM
My 9 month old BCC would sometimes sleep in a coiled position with his head leaning against either the glass or the water bowl looking up. Is this normal. Also what is a safe temperature should my 35gallon tank be in during the day and night? (Temp during the day hot & cold spot, as well as during the night hot & cold spot.)

I use an infrared bulb in the night time and a regular white bulb during the day. I also read on this site that I can also cover the screen lid during the night if it gets too cold in my room with a towel.


12-31-02, 06:28 PM
I find a hot spot of 90-95 degrees works well with the cool end being at around 78-80 degrees. I let my ambient temp drop down no lower than 76 overnight, and I maintain the 90-92 degree hot spot 24 hours.........

I'm not sure what you mean if he is sleeping with his head like that. Do you mean he rests it like he is looking up at something? If so this can be an indication of mites, RI, or worst case (but not as common) IBD.....

01-01-03, 11:04 PM
If there resting it on the glass or bowl i wouldnt worry, but if they are staring up into space and there neck is kinked then i would take them in for a vet exam.. :D

Them and Us
01-02-03, 09:25 AM
well i didn' know that. i don't have that problem bts another useful thing to know.