View Full Version : Vivs in my reptile room
11-22-10, 08:40 AM
blackheads and womas
diamonds and centrailians
wow thats some reptile room , did u build the vivs yourself ?
11-22-10, 09:23 AM
wow thats some reptile room , did u build the vivs yourself ? Hello to you Tman38, the vivs wer,nt built by me, they are from a supplier in the uk, who trade under Rhino vivs. I researched lots of suppliers and these guys did the business for me.Glad you like.
11-22-10, 10:23 AM
Hello to you Tman38, the vivs wer,nt built by me, they are from a supplier in the uk, who trade under Rhino vivs. I researched lots of suppliers and these guys did the business for me.Glad you like.
beautifull well made viv's mate
you have one of the most proffesional reptile rooms ive had the pleasure of looking at
if finances permit i was going to go for herptec viv's after my collection was complete.i'm now swinging towards to rhino's after seeing yours
very very nice set ups john
cheers shaun
11-22-10, 10:46 AM
beautifull well made viv's mate
you have one of the most proffesional reptile rooms ive had the pleasure of looking at
if finances permit i was going to go for herptec viv's after my collection was complete.i'm now swinging towards to rhino's after seeing yours
very very nice set ups john
cheers shaun Thanks my friend, nothing wrong with Herptek, pro racks etc etc, its a persons own choice for their individual requirements.I just got sick of having vivs of various sizes,models, and materials.To be honest having everything the same encourages better husbandry, in cleaning and general tidying up. I feel i owed it to the animals,and the practical value far outweighed the cost. however finances have to be a major consideration, believe me i had to do without to see the project out. But now and again i do feel a sense of pride, and always consider myself very very lucky.Take your time in making your plans, you have a great collection with a knowledge that will be with you a long time.
11-22-10, 10:53 AM
Fantastic set up, i dream of having a full plastic setup in the future. The wooden viv's look good but i think long term plastic is the way to go.
11-22-10, 11:13 AM
Fantastic set up, i dream of having a full plastic setup in the future. The wooden viv's look good but i think long term plastic is the way to go. Enjoy what you,ve got Lankyrob, its nice to dream, but not at the expense of thinking what someone else has is better.. everything comes in time:)
11-22-10, 11:32 AM
Oh i love what i got, as my vivs are in my living room the wood fits well. I think tho that in future the plastic vivs will age better and fit in with whatever our decor may be.
11-22-10, 11:48 AM
Oh i love what i got, as my vivs are in my living room the wood fits well. I think tho that in future the plastic vivs will age better and fit in with whatever our decor may be.Glad to hear that your happy with your lot, plastic are perhaps easier to clean, wood perhaps holds in more heat, plastic are perhaps lighter in construction,wood perhaps more sturderly build, whatever is right for you at the right time:)
11-22-10, 11:58 AM
Very very nice reptile room! How are you heating your vivs?
11-22-10, 12:06 PM
Very very nice reptile room! How are you heating your vivs?Hello mate, the womas and the blackheads get their heat requirements from heat mats outside the enclosures, the diamonds and centralians from heat plates(habistat reptile radiator) placed at one end of the ceilings, they also benefit (diamonds/centralians) from broad spectrum lighting
11-22-10, 01:23 PM
Do you heat the room to the desired ambient temp then and use the heat sources mainly for basking? How big is the room? And also, do you have pics of your room prior to your current setup? Sorry for all of the questions, I like the pictures, but I also like details. I'd really like to see how your practices evolved over time. I think it helps those of us with less experience, and perhaps more than a little impatience to learn how to grow. Cheers Mate!:freakedout:
11-22-10, 02:13 PM
Glad to hear that your happy with your lot, plastic are perhaps easier to clean, wood perhaps holds in more heat, plastic are perhaps lighter in construction,wood perhaps more sturderly build, whatever is right for you at the right time:)
Thanks, the weight is one of the major points for me, i can baly move my current vivs cos of my back, should it deteriorate in the future there will be no hope of moving them. At present my father and father in law help when things need moving but they are both up in their sixties so wont be aroundz for ever.
Imwould hate to have to pass on my collection in the future because of not being able to manage thenweight so thinking plastic or fibreglass cages are the way to go for the future, just the cost is prohibitive at present.
11-22-10, 02:41 PM
Sweet reptile room. I have cages by Boaphile they're plastic about like yours, but white. Yours are nicer looking than mine, but i am not complaining. I love the plastic vivs easy to clean and easy to move. Plan on get more next year.
Amazing reptile room! I can only dream of the day I have a facility like yours! Great work and great collection!
11-22-10, 03:14 PM
Do you heat the room to the desired ambient temp then and use the heat sources mainly for basking? How big is the room? And also, do you have pics of your room prior to your current setup? Sorry for all of the questions, I like the pictures, but I also like details. I'd really like to see how your practices evolved over time. I think it helps those of us with less experience, and perhaps more than a little impatience to learn how to grow. Cheers Mate!:freakedout:The room has an ambiant room temp of about 56-60 at night in winter, 68-72 during the day, in summer about 66-70 at night,74-80 depending on how much sunshine we recieve, no sunlight come directly through the window only daylight. The animals themselves are provided with heat via mats or reptile radiators so; the BHPS and Womas,=84-88 with a 10 degree drop at night or to whatever the ambiant room temp is, down to 68-72 at night when cooling 84-88 daytime BREDLI= about the same maybe a 12-14 degree drop at night. and the Diamonds which are cooling now get a basking spot of 82-85 for 4 hours 7am - 12 then their light and heaters are unplugged so the temps drop from hot spot of 85 down to a night time low of 58-60 degrees, this happens slowly. The rest of the time 85 degree hotspot(areas in their vivs only 70 degrees) , but the rest of the viv down to 66. I have found heating not to be an exact science. observation of the animals is paramount and adjustments can be made, sometimes i put lights on sometimes i dont, odd days they just stay at the ambiant room temp.They generally know whats best for them if givern space and a good thermal gradiant, as even within the same species they will exhibit some variation.
11-22-10, 03:17 PM
Sweet reptile room. I have cages by Boaphile they're plastic about like yours, but white. Yours are nicer looking than mine, but i am not complaining. I love the plastic vivs easy to clean and easy to move. Plan on get more next year.Yes i agree plastic vivs are certainly easier to clean,i think as a collection grows they become the vivs of choice:)
11-22-10, 03:46 PM
Amazing reptile room! I can only dream of the day I have a facility like yours! Great work and great collection!you dont know what the future has in store for you mate. i am lucky i have had time to evolve with my hobby, as time goes on my room will be outdated, new ideas new products will continue to make life a little easier for the herpetologist and you may be part of that.
red ink
11-22-10, 05:13 PM
Mate that is one mighty impressive reptile room.
11-22-10, 05:35 PM
Very nice set up!!! Im just starting to finish my plans for something similar, then off to built them. I love how these set ups are so easy and efficient for space.
11-23-10, 12:58 AM
Mate that is one mighty impressive reptile room.
Very nice set up!!! Im just starting to finish my plans for something similar, then off to built them. I love how these set ups are so easy and efficient for space.
Thanks to you both,due to the collection the room had to be givern some thought. Buying animals has always been the fun bit, throwing money at enclosures not so appealing, but to be honest has proved just as rewarding, i spend as much time as i can in there... but we all start somewhere,its just where we end up, and this is my progress so far:)
11-23-10, 11:48 AM
Enjoy what you,ve got Lankyrob, its nice to dream, but not at the expense of thinking what someone else has is better.. everything comes in time:)
thats the one thing snakes have learned me " patience "
cheers shaun
11-23-10, 01:09 PM
thats the one thing snakes have learned me " patience "
cheers shaun
Must admit patience isnt my strongest point, going from zero to nine reptiles in a few months shows that! happy with what we have now tho and no more additions predicted for some time.
We are in a similar positiion to you now shaun, no more space til little one leaves home, tho she is only four!! Then her room may become a snake haven and the collection may expand, but for now more than happy and find nine enough work with cleaning and feeding because of my back. Would hate to get into a situation where i was pushing myself too hard with just maintaining a collection as it would be unfair on the animals.
11-23-10, 02:27 PM
thats the one thing snakes have learned me " patience "
cheers shaunSnakes have learned you a lot more than patience my knowledgable friend:)
11-23-10, 06:52 PM
i like your style :D
11-24-10, 10:02 AM
i like your style :DDont really have any style reptile reptile but Thanks:)
11-24-10, 06:50 PM
very nice room!! very nice indead :) mallemine is a good wood to use to build cages, its cleans like plastic/because its coated in it lol, but if i were not to build everything myself, i would certainly buy those cages in a heart beat :)
11-25-10, 02:39 AM
very nice room!! very nice indead :) mallemine is a good wood to use to build cages, its cleans like plastic/because its coated in it lol, but if i were not to build everything myself, i would certainly buy those cages in a heart beat :)Hi Freebody, your sure right about mallemine, its a great construction material for vivs. And one of the things i love about our hobby is designing and constructing new enclosures suitable for the requirement of the species to occupy it. I over the many years of keeping/breeding various species, ended up with various vivs in various conditions, some had chipped, warped, the glass fronts were jamming, they became well worn and boy were they heavy to move or stack. These vivs are light, easy to clean,stackable, and very strong, over the years, the animals i had bred financed the purchase of the set up i have now.... and as many breeding years lie ahead no doubt my reptile room will be subject to improvement:)
11-25-10, 05:07 AM
Much like Freebody, I am a do it your selfer. Lately I have been looking into fiberglass construction.
I think you can serve as an inspiration to us all Pythonman. How you can get the most out of the love for this hobby in general an the animals specifically.
11-25-10, 08:02 AM
Much like Freebody, I am a do it your selfer. Lately I have been looking into fiberglass construction.
I think you can serve as an inspiration to us all Pythonman. How you can get the most out of the love for this hobby in general an the animals specifically.Hey thanks for the kind words presspirate, it must be remembered that i have been very lucky in our chosen hobby, i have enjoyed and learned from time i have had with so called experts and novices alike, people starting out or relativly new to the hobby are a great way to increase ones knowledge. they are not frightened to try something new, to evolve with new ideas and methods, it is often they who develop the hobby, if we can pool together the knowledge of the new and the old,the old and young,the experienced and the not so experenced the hobby simply becomes better, the keepers more knowledgable and the animals we keep(the thing of most paramount importance to us all)thrive under optimum conditions,and in good health.... the vast majority of us are heading the right way..Together.:)
Wow, i love your setup mate ....................... wish you were closer to me so i could have a look.
Have you got a link to the guys who make them please :)
11-25-10, 09:31 AM
Wow, i love your setup mate ....................... wish you were closer to me so i could have a look.
Have you got a link to the guys who make them please :)
CorbetHi Corbet, just type in Rhino-vivs, the firm changed hands since my purchase, but i understand the new boys do a good job:)
Hi Corbet, just type in Rhino-vivs, the firm changed hands since my purchase, but i understand the new boys do a good job:)
Cheers mate, look`s very interesting
11-25-10, 11:31 AM
Cheers mate, look`s very interesting
CorbetOnly here to help mate, :)
12-16-10, 12:43 PM
Here is some of my enclosures........hope one day to have ones like maybe boaphiles something along those I dont go through hell with humidity lol but none the less here ya go jpg
12-16-10, 12:50 PM
Here is some of my enclosures........hope one day to have ones like maybe boaphiles something along those I dont go through hell with humidity lol but none the less here ya go jpg
Nice did you build it yourself?
12-16-10, 12:55 PM
this viv is pretty good for keepin proper tempsand's my tanks that suck lol nice setups just as you all know I would think tanks stink for humidity and keepin proper temps!!!
12-16-10, 01:01 PM
Nice did you build it yourself? I purchased the box from a friend that builds his own, but everything else I did....they have heatpads on the leftside of both, probe therm....for the heatpads...therms on cool side..humidity guages....the lamps r just for added daylight left on a couple hrs a day(stays kinda dark in my reptile room) the plexiglass, the locks,bulb guards even sealed it myself with aquarium sealent....thx glad you like em I cant wait for something like maybe a boaphile just theree pricey but soooon
12-16-10, 01:04 PM jpg both stands and the lid on the big one.....built myself!!
12-16-10, 01:05 PM pg
12-16-10, 01:07 PM
A pic I took when I was putting some touches on Hector's terrarium ( one of my boas) jpg
12-16-10, 01:09 PM jpg
12-16-10, 01:09 PM
old pic!! jpg
12-16-10, 01:12 PM
Sorry if I posted them in the wrong spot!!!! still new to all this If I did can someone help me out lol
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