View Full Version : My Enclosures

11-17-10, 06:24 PM
For now. Not great pics, but you can get an idea of how I set them up I guess. My "Reptile Room" Is the living room/dining room so I wanted to make the enclosures aesthetically pleasing. Still some work to be done, but all of the snakes are warm and comfortable. The last pic is a cage under construction. :yes:

11-17-10, 07:30 PM
Looking good mate do you wanna make me some???

red ink
11-17-10, 08:30 PM
Nice enclosures, man seeing them makes me jealous I really gotta get my butt in gear and finish of a couple of mine.

11-17-10, 08:37 PM
Nice use of available resources.. Great looking work!!

11-18-10, 04:39 AM
Thanks all. Means a lot coming from you guys! :blink:

11-18-10, 04:43 AM
Nice use of available resources.. Great looking work!!

Thanks Wayne, I'm on the hunt for a dresser currently!

11-18-10, 06:49 AM
looking good mate

im noticing your house is slowly filling up with tanks :shocked::yes:

keep up the good work pal

cheers shaun

11-18-10, 06:50 PM
Looking good Greg. What kind of cage is that on top? Looks kind like my Boaphile cages or maybe Animal Plastic.

11-19-10, 04:36 AM
Thanks Chuck! The white cages are sort of a shady spin off of Monstercages. They are located right here in MN. I got them from a guy that used to be in business with them, and got some material from them and made his own. Later he sold them cheap on craigslist. I got 3 of them for $15 a piece.

Cheeers Shaun! if I had my way......:yes:

11-19-10, 06:32 AM
Thanks Chuck! The white cages are sort of a shady spin off of Monstercages. They are located right here in MN. I got them from a guy that used to be in business with them, and got some material from them and made his own. Later he sold them cheap on craigslist. I got 3 of them for $15 a piece.

Cheeers Shaun! if I had my way......

next time your wife goes shopping fake a break in

look honey they've took all our big furniture items:shocked:

look at all the empty space :no:

come on i'll cheer you up,we'll go buy some nice snakes to fill up the space:freakedout:

job done

just a thought:yes:

cheers shaun

11-19-10, 03:33 PM
Intriguing idea Shaun... :hmm: The bookshelf in the aquarium picture will be my next project I think 3 shelves, 4' long....glass doors....great for colourbrids or hoggies.:yes:

11-19-10, 05:06 PM
Intriguing idea Shaun... :hmm: The bookshelf in the aquarium picture will be my next project I think 3 shelves, 4' long....glass doors....great for colourbrids or hoggies.:yes:
Sounds sweet.