View Full Version : Decided to give it up - No more rats.

11-16-10, 10:29 AM
After much thinking, We decided to sell ALL the rats off to the pet store.

I am done, no more..

Just found a female who escaped while pregnant, she nested behind a rack of snake enclosures.. Thankfully we caught her while nursing pinks, so the litter has not had a chance to disperse through our house.

However she destroyed the wiring leading up to several cage lights..

All of my animals are eating frozen / thawed food, and the pet shop does not pay me enough to warrant the damages to my home from escaped rats.

So we decided the best thing to do is just call it a day and cease the breeding operation.

The money we will save not buying all the food and bedding can be channeled into frozen feeders for the herps.

it will also free up 3 very large aquariums for my snakes.

11-16-10, 11:42 AM
And I thought my Mrs was understanding lol :)

11-16-10, 04:05 PM
Rats are destructive little buggers! This is why we have a custom made barn for them... LOL!! I recommend you put some traps around, just in case there are others who have found their way to freedom. :)

11-17-10, 08:24 AM
I don't have problems with escaped rodents. Of course, I have 5 house cats. They're even nice enough to bring escapees back to us live, so we can chuck em back in the tubs.

11-17-10, 08:27 AM
Caught another free runner last night, Hiding behind Chompers enclosure.

11-17-10, 09:21 AM
it will also save you a lot of time and work mate

and you get to buy some new snakes for the empty tanks

win win as far as i can see

cheers shaun

11-17-10, 06:53 PM
sounds like you better start snake hunting to fill those tanks lol

11-17-10, 07:55 PM
sounds like you better start snake hunting to fill those tanks lol

No, I plan to move some around and split up a couple garter colonies.

The one tank in the living room (You have seen it in person) has too many snakes in it, and as they keep growing it seems even more overpopulated.