View Full Version : Your favorite snake pic
Just wanting to see eveyones favorite snake picture ill start this is mine.
its my jungle x diamond carpet starting his shed i love it !!
show of your fav pic
11-15-10, 11:07 AM
Just wanting to see eveyones favorite snake picture ill start this is mine.
its my jungle x diamond carpet starting his shed i love it !!
show off your fav pic
I do almost every day in two threads ;) Head shots and Wayne's garter snakes.
If I had to pick an all time favorite, it would extremely difficult.. as my photo skills improve, the favorite shot changes.
My fave this week is this one.
11-15-10, 12:44 PM
going to have to go with my Peek-a-boo pic....
Hard to pick just one.
Keenan having an out, chilling in my hoodie
Helo all knotted up
Naomi sticking her tongue out at me
11-15-10, 02:09 PM
my diamond
cheers shaun
11-15-10, 02:12 PM
my most unusual picture i think,is my diamond jungle (sorry for posting twice)
cheers shaun
my most unusual picture i think,is my diamond jungle (sorry for posting twice)
cheers shaun
Was he or she trying to shed?! Great picture and beautiful Diamond Jungle (as expected)!
Here's my Cali King coming out to say hello!
11-15-10, 03:31 PM
Casper <310959
11-15-10, 04:01 PM
You ask the impossible. If it was my favorite one of each snake it wouldn't be so hard, but just one.
I have to say this one of my Diamond x jungle. (
11-15-10, 05:36 PM
Hmm hard one. I guess its between these 2 as im terrible with a camera!!!
11-15-10, 05:46 PM
Was he or she trying to shed?! Great picture and beautiful Diamond Jungle (as expected)!
she had just swallowed a rat
thanks for the kind comment
cheers shaun
11-15-10, 05:47 PM
You ask the impossible. If it was my favorite one of each snake it wouldn't be so hard, but just one.
I have to say this one of my Diamond x jungle. (
the way you captured the eye in that pic is way cool mate
cheers shaun
11-15-10, 05:49 PM
Hmm hard one. I guess its between these 2 as im terrible with a camera!!!
they're great pic'sa mate stop beating yourself up:crazy2:
head shape on the 2nd pic is very nice mate
take it the venom glands influence the shape (the bulges at the sides of the face)
cheers shaun
11-15-10, 05:52 PM
Haha there the only ones out of thousands i have taken haha. The head shape on the adder is due mainly to the jaw muscles mate. Next time i get him out i will pin his head and show you. They are huge for a small snake. Also these guy's get big fangs mate i think up 8mm long and yeah they have decent sized venom yield as well.
11-15-10, 06:08 PM
Haha there the only ones out of thousands i have taken haha. The head shape on the adder is due mainly to the jaw muscles mate. Next time i get him out i will pin his head and show you. They are huge for a small snake. Also these guy's get big fangs mate i think up 8mm long and yeah they have decent sized venom yield as well.
i cant remember which but it may have been a king brown (is that a snake ?)
the big brown snake from oz was the largest venom producer
you'll have to excuse me mate old age is creeping in:yes:
one of the snakes on the programe had fangs that long it would bite right through its own bottom lip to invenomate your hand if you held it the wrong it could escape
austin stevens programe
cheeers shaun
11-15-10, 06:14 PM
Im pretty sure the king brown/mulga snake (despite their name they are a member of the psuedechis or black snake family ) has the biggest yield measured. Somewhere near 1300mg which is massive, to give you a example a tiger is around 40mg on average. I know a lot of cobra's bite through their lower jaw and it has been recorded in some species here but is more of a rarity
red ink
11-15-10, 07:59 PM
Here's my fave shot of my little mac
11-15-10, 08:06 PM
Here's mine. I'm not the best photographer....:no:
11-15-10, 08:14 PM
i cant remember which but it may have been a king brown (is that a snake ?)
the big brown snake from oz was the largest venom producer
you'll have to excuse me mate old age is creeping in:yes:
one of the snakes on the programe had fangs that long it would bite right through its own bottom lip to invenomate your hand if you held it the wrong it could escape
austin stevens programe
cheeers shaun
Isn't it the Bushmaster?? or is the Bushmaster just the world largest venomous snake??
I could swear that the Bushmaster is supposed to be the worlds deadliest.
red ink
11-15-10, 08:32 PM
I believe the worlds largest (well at least the longest) venoumous snake is the king cobra, (Ophiophagus hannah).
11-15-10, 08:38 PM
I looked it up, and Bushmaster is the worlds largest Viper.
Here's mine. I'm not the best photographer....:no:
the last pic what kind of snake is that
11-15-10, 08:57 PM
There's been some discussion on that. The best guess is he is a Jag sibling...Coastal Carpet.
To me, he's Vern.:yes:
There's been some discussion on that. The best guess is he is a Jag sibling...Coastal Carpet.
To me, he's Vern.:yes:
Hes a beautiful guy i think i may have his twinn brother lol
There's been some discussion on that. The best guess is he is a Jag sibling...Coastal Carpet.
To me, he's Vern.:yes:
how old/long is he
11-15-10, 09:10 PM
he's pushing 6 feet, but very slender. I don't know his age. He has a thread here: He was a craigslist "Rescue"
11-15-10, 10:04 PM
I think this is my favorite picture i have taken. "Bella" my favorite snake in my collection, She is my baby girl. and my second favorite picture as well as my second favorite snake i have, my pure diamond female moneypenny, eatting her first rat during the first feed in my ownership, she my second favorite because she is also a sweetheart and reminds me so much of bella the way she likes to be handled and shows no sign off agression or nervousness, just complete content to be out and about. :)
11-15-10, 10:25 PM
Bella is smokin hot!:yes: How big is she now? And Moneypenny, love the name! We need to see more of these two!
11-15-10, 10:36 PM
Thank you :) and i love money pennys name as well, I was stoked when i thought of it, the male diamond i have for her is james bond LOL. Bella is almost 3 now, and close to 6 feet. shes a dwarf :)
11-16-10, 01:17 AM
Isn't it the Bushmaster?? or is the Bushmaster just the world largest venomous snake??
I could swear that the Bushmaster is supposed to be the worlds deadliest.
What Shaun and i were talking about Wayne was the largest venom producer as in the amount of venom on average per a bite. Im pretty sure the mulga's have the highest on record. They are still a big snake and can reach 3m.
I also love that retic freebody absolutely beautiful!!!
11-16-10, 01:37 AM
here is a pic I took a couple years ago..
11-16-10, 07:25 AM
What Shaun and i were talking about Wayne was the largest venom producer as in the amount of venom on average per a bite. Im pretty sure the mulga's have the highest on record. They are still a big snake and can reach 3m.
I also love that retic freebody absolutely beautiful!!!
when austin stevens milked the mulga it was like 2 thirds of a cup of venom
the shear amount was incedible compaired to the few drops you get out most species
re the snake that was willing to bite down through its own mouth to bite the guy holding it
i honestly cant remember which continent it was from or what species it was
i was mighty impressed by its determination to break free though
cheers shaun
red ink
11-16-10, 02:59 PM
Gaboon Vipers with the longest fangs of any elapids have been known to bite through their lower jaws to get at people Shaun. I saw that on a show on discovery not so long ago but I can't remember the name of the show.
11-16-10, 03:08 PM
theres also the stiletto snake (dont know if ive spelt that right lol)... it doesnt even have to open its mouth to bite you!! it springs its fangs out the side of the mouth and stabs you with it. ingenious!!
11-16-10, 04:53 PM
There are many species that can put their fangs through their bottom, but not many that are known to do it very frequently.
11-17-10, 01:42 AM
My favorite snake pic would be of my favorite kind of snake in my favorite girls hair. :D
(thats my girlfriends head lol)
11-17-10, 06:21 AM
There are many species that can put their fangs through their bottom, but not many that are known to do it very frequently.
Oops i meant bottom jaw lol i dont know of any that put them through their bottom lol
11-17-10, 09:46 AM
There are many species that can put their fangs through their bottom, but not many that are known to do it very frequently.
now that would be something to see
think how big the fangs would have to be
im glad its not just me thats a tad :wacky::wacky::wacky:
chhers shaun
11-17-10, 10:10 AM
Why just one? i cant pick up just one lol
i got a few, the 1st one is Rock my GTP
another one of him i really love
and my retics isis love her and this pic
and Princess
11-17-10, 10:28 AM
those pics are awesome. Nice!!!
11-17-10, 10:44 AM
Sick pics jen
11-17-10, 12:11 PM
jen 06
have you any full body shots of rock you could post ?
he is a very interesting looking gtp
is that mite phase markings in his pattern
i just love unusual looking gtp's mate
just had another look at the pic's and now realise he's in the second pic too
those blue mite phase like markings in the first that him going through his colour change ?
whats the story re them not being there anymore ?
cheers shaun
11-17-10, 12:40 PM
Thanks everyone
the 1st pic of Rockys was him going through his color change, he still has his blues just have to have the right light to see them.
11-17-10, 05:45 PM
Man i wish there was a SD version of Isis. found out the guy i bought my Boaphile cages from breeds SD Retics. Trying to talk the wife into let me get one.
11-17-10, 06:12 PM
Man i wish there was a SD version of Isis. found out the guy i bought my Boaphile cages from breeds SD Retics. Trying to talk the wife into let me get one.
Isis is a beautiful :Wow:snake! I just love seeing her pics.:yes:
Chuck, just bat your eyelashes at her, and give her a nice foot rub at the end of the day. That might do the trick. And, if all else fails maybe you can get her a nice SD for Valentines day.:crazy:
11-17-10, 07:56 PM
wow rock is beautifull, and of course you know im in love with isis :)
11-18-10, 06:46 AM
Thanks everyone
the 1st pic of Rockys was him going through his color change, he still has his blues just have to have the right light to see them.
these new picture really show him up nice mate
he's a very nice gtp
i really like the blue on him especially the head markings
thanks for the extra pictures
cheers shaun
Favorite pic, wow that`s too hard but i have taken this one today and thought it was a nice one
Also liked this one
02-01-11, 12:02 AM
heres a few of my central american
02-01-11, 03:05 AM pg jpg jpg pg pg
02-01-11, 03:13 PM
when austin stevens milked the mulga it was like 2 thirds of a cup of venom
the shear amount was incedible compaired to the few drops you get out most species
re the snake that was willing to bite down through its own mouth to bite the guy holding it
i honestly cant remember which continent it was from or what species it was
i was mighty impressed by its determination to break free though
cheers shaun
if its the one i think you are talking about its the gaboon viper from africa
02-01-11, 03:18 PM
this is my fav pic its isis my columbian bci sorry bout the quality its from my phone
here is my contribution... sorry but i had to post 2
02-04-11, 02:55 PM jpg (
02-09-11, 08:40 PM
I'm not much of a photographer but I managed this one last May behind our house. Two wild Black Ratsnakes wrapping up.
02-09-11, 08:43 PM
I don't have many pics of my hoggie since she still is eating regularly for me and I haven't gotten to hold her much. But this pic my husband took when we first got her is pretty sweet.
02-09-11, 08:56 PM
sorry for the crappy pic quality.
the picture of the snake in the skull is of my first snake Eve who escaped her enclosure and was never found.
02-09-11, 11:06 PM
That is one handsome snake.
here is my contribution... sorry but i had to post 2
02-09-11, 11:48 PM
I've already posted this one on another thread and to the gallery, but it's the best pic I got of him and I can't resist sharing my pride and joy.~ By the way, amazing pics Jenn, and all your snakes are absolutely gorgeous.~
03-09-11, 11:35 PM
How to pick from thousands of pics? lol
A couple of pictures I took of snakes on glass
03-10-11, 01:19 AM
It is hard to pick just one. But, I really like this one at the moment. That is, until I take another favorite...
03-10-11, 01:59 AM
It is hard to pick just one. But, I really like this one at the moment. That is, until I take another favorite...
here's my favorite snake pic
some of the favs..i dont have the best camera but these are the best of my crappy camera pics lol
My fav right now.
03-10-11, 01:12 PM
This is my favorite picture of my BRB Loki
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