View Full Version : Ouchie!!

11-08-10, 06:33 AM
Not sure if there is a "Tagged" thread but.......

Fed my SD retic today - had previously tried feeding my Royal but as he was going into shed he didnt want the mouse so i thought - Give the retic an extra feed!

I use 10inch feeding tongs - the retic was in a tub with a lid - i lifted the lid - put the mouse attached to the tongs into the tub and then let the lid rest down onto the tongs (same thing i always do) - Mr Retic struck the whole length of the feeding tub (about 2 and a half feet) through the gap in the lid (about half an inch) and grabbed me thumb!! Thankfully just a strike and let go!


ABout an hour later - pictures dont really show how much bruising there is!!


11-08-10, 06:49 AM
nice on mate.

11-08-10, 07:58 AM
lol thanks!! Is my "best" tag so far so thought it needed to be shared!

11-08-10, 09:16 AM
Lol, welcome to the wonderful world of retic feeding responses. They are some of the most frenetic snakes when it comes to feeding. Absolutely bonkers about food.

11-08-10, 10:11 AM
try heating his food up a bit hotter mate

his heat pits will pick up and strike at the hottest thing detected

carpets are bad for this

good bite you got there mate at least he let go when he realised you werent a giant food item.:yes::yes::yes:

cheers shaun

11-08-10, 12:53 PM
Could have been that the mouse was too cold, last ime i offer the little bugger seconds tho!!

11-08-10, 01:19 PM
Nice one Rob! Congrats on that! He sounds like a heat seeking missile that one!:yes:

11-08-10, 03:25 PM
Rob, I have learned that the best thing to do with hungry retics is to open the door with a hook and stand to the side with the food dangling in front of the cage door. When the snake erupts out, as it most often will, the first thing it collides with is the food. Baby is a terrible erupter. I have tried to crack open the door (I have drop-down Lexan windowed wooden doors on melamine cages) just the tiniest bit and she hit it so hard it forced it open the rest of the way and she flew out and bit the heater. When it comes time to feed her, I now move all the heaters as far away as possible, make sure the rat is really warm, and open her door with a hook, standing off to the side. That way she will fly out at the rat, and not pass my body unless she turns midstrike. When they get bigger, watch out! My friend's 10-foot female that I'm snakesitting flew almost 3 feet out of her cage for her meal. 'Tics keep life interesting, that's for sure. ;)

11-08-10, 04:38 PM
Nice tag. Welcome to the been tag by a retic club. Just had a thought both time i got tag on the nose by my old baby retic i had just got done working out while thawing my snakes food. I was sweating and giving off a strong heat signature than the food. 14 years later and i just figure out why the dam thing always went for my face.

11-08-10, 05:10 PM
He came out the viv fine, had a cuddle, went imto the feed tub, ate the first mouse fine. Just the second one that was the problem! Definitely no pudding for him in future.

11-08-10, 05:45 PM
Nice bite, now you have had a decent one when you get nailed again it wont be any where near as bad LOL.

red ink
11-08-10, 06:20 PM
Best he get that phase out of his system now than later mate, it's a retic afterall lol.

11-08-10, 06:26 PM
Welcome to bite club..

11-08-10, 08:09 PM
I've seen Baby be more aggressive with her second rat than she was with the first. Just be more careful with the seconds next time, lol.