View Full Version : finnaly got my sav!!
11-05-10, 09:27 PM
Hey yall i finnaly got my sav! i have had my cage set up and ready to go for a month now, and after last weeks ordeal when i went to pick up the one i paid for 2-3 months back, i found another one tonight and went down and picked it up off a person i know from another forum im on of all people, called a local petstore i get crickets from for my scorpion and the new T, they give me the # i call and shes like are you on bcrc? lol yuppers! lol, well long storry shot i could not have got him sooner the dubia roach breeding project has gone from 400 to like 2-3 thousand!!!! i was getting worried i would not find one to start eatting them before im over run :P heres Yoshi for you veiwing pleasure :) ps if you can read that meter its not what the cage is, i just got him and turned the light on, it caps at 120d at the spot he at, 100 on the inside of those bricks, and the ambient temp is 85d :) im going to add more soil tomorow, i have been stealling it from the cage for the last months LOL i got some in the shed with a bag of sand to mix it with :)
11-05-10, 09:37 PM
Very nice!! Love that set up.
11-05-10, 09:43 PM
thx wayne :) i have read alot, and took in everything you have shared as well as others here and put it to good work. :)
11-05-10, 11:55 PM
Grats! It will be great to get to watch this little guy grow up to be big and happy :D At least, if you keep updating on him :P
11-06-10, 02:13 AM
Very nice! Congrats, looks like he can chill in that setup for a little while.
11-06-10, 06:36 AM
Sweet savanna and nice set up.
11-06-10, 10:09 AM
ill update him for sure, im told it should be good in here for a 1.5-2, then im going to build it a 8'x4'x4', or and insloated bigger cage outside, im thinking outside that way his smelly poop wont bother me and i can make yoshi a much bigger cage, with like 2 floor or somthing nice. thx for the comments, ill try to take updated pics today of my snakes and post them, i dont have to do anything... yet today lol
11-06-10, 07:47 PM
Easy solution for poop, spot clean it out asap.
I never leave a turd in Chompers cage for very long, leaving it in there is bad.
No margin for error in Canada with an outside cage, any failure in the heating system will be lethal to the lizard.
11-06-10, 08:41 PM
Very nice, im starting to be swayed to getting a monitor now lol.
11-06-10, 11:24 PM
I plan to spot clean asap, if its anything like nile monitor oscar, it will wake me up in a dead sleep lol and for the outside cage thats what im worried about, im thinking of wireing 2 lights so if one goes out, at least one will be going untill the next day, when i see it. percey, ya monitors are so sweet, its nothing like keeping snakes, well kinda as far as keeping goes, but it much more rewarding because snakes dont take much to tame, monitors are really a testamate to the fruits of your labour, so if your sav is friendly, you know you have done somthing right. I seen yoshi eat today, he murdered those roaches lol had 6 of them as big as im supposed to feed him, and then sat under the heat light. :) i cant wait to touch and hold him for the first time, im going to give it a couple weeks of it seeing me feed and clean the cage before i touch it.:) painfull wait lol
11-07-10, 02:09 AM
Yeah i had a play with a spencers a while ago and the sheer size of it and its claws had me pretty nervous lol. I seen a nice lace monitor while walking in the bush yesterday as well. It was HUGE, would have to have been 4' without the tail and gave me a good wrning before shooting up a tree.
11-07-10, 09:05 AM
I would kill to be able to walk outside and see a lace monitor, I think they are the most beautifull species of any lizard, the yellow strips look amazing.
11-07-10, 05:26 PM
Yeah they are the ones im most interested in our legal keeping list, but i have a choice between one of them or a fresh water croc. I wont get either til im home more ofter as they both require a hell of a lot more care than any snake.
I cant wait to see some feeding pics mate of this sav!!!
11-07-10, 05:36 PM
ill post some tomorow when i feed him again :) i think the lace would be better than the fresh water croc, just because you can interact with the lace. but either would be awsome to have in a collection.
11-07-10, 06:34 PM
Personally, I find the extra work keeping Chomper rewarding and pleasant.
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