View Full Version : Rack system! few ?'s

10-18-10, 02:44 PM
thinking of switching over to a small rack system... i plan on having a total of 6 snakes when i move into my house coming up in April/May... i see alot of nice looking racks i can get but i do have a few questions...

1. what about heating all tubs with the same source, but get different temps?
i will have 3 balls, 2 corns, and 1 brb... i plan on using flex watt, but how can i make one cage have a hot spot of 92 and another tub have a hot spot of 85?

2. do i need an arboreal tub for my BRB? if so do they make set ups with arboreal and non arboreal tubs?

any an all help is greatly appriciated! its either a rack system, or visionariums.

please post all pics of rack systems!! thanks!

10-18-10, 03:09 PM

this is how i have different temps in a few tubs, i need another one but have to wait for tax time

for the arboreal they have arboreal tubs online you can order

10-18-10, 04:30 PM
Nice set up thanks for the pics!

11-03-10, 11:00 PM
I finally got the go ahead from my fiance that i can go with a rack system. i will need one that has place for 6 snakes... either 6 tall, or 2 by 3, probably the 2 by 3 ( 2 tubs on one shelf, and 3 shelves..)

few questions, seeing how i have snakes who require different temps, my BP is the highest and BRB lowest, could i some how set it up to make the top shelf hotter than the other 2? or if i use heat tape does it all run the same temp??

also, when my BRB get big... like the 8 foot or whatnot, obviously cant keep it in a tub then... what should i do? do they need like a HUGE ARBOREAL set up as an adult.. or are they mostly ground dwelling snakes as adults?

same with corn snakes... can adult corns live in a tub??

also are tubs ... let me see how to say it... good? i still look and see that its just a little space for a snake to sit in.. not too much room to move... are they i guess healthy for a snake to live in since there is not much room to move, or can i put a lil snake in a bigger tub for some moving around room???

any info on racks/tubs systems are greatfully helpful!!! ill also LOVE TO SEE PICS bc i may try and build my own.....


11-04-10, 04:44 AM
Not sure how it works with rack but i have Viv stacked on each other - i put the animal needing the highest temps in the top viv as they get heat form the ones below as well as form their own heat source. My middle viv in the stack hardly uses its heated as it gets some heat from above and some from below as well

11-04-10, 10:14 AM
That is what I was thinking I would do. If I can fine a shorter on that has 6 tall I can do that easily, but if I get one that is the 2x3 might be a little difficult?

The is what I'm thinking....

Ball/ corn


11-04-10, 03:11 PM
A adult BRB will need at least a 3x2x1 foot cage or bigger. They are more of a ground snake as adults, but still like to climb now and then. I would think as far as keeping adult snake in tubs it would be ok if the tubs were big enough.

11-05-10, 08:30 AM
That's what I was thinking too marvel. I may put her in a display cage when she gets bigger but keep rest in tubs. Still not %100 decided hot though.

11-05-10, 09:04 AM
I've been hunting around for the best tubs to buy and of all places Ikea has some decent tubs with decent prices with flat bottoms inside and a more squarish shape like Iris ones. I use sterilite with chicken wire mod for my rats for quarantine cages but I think I might go with Ikea ones next time because I hate how the floor space is so much smaller than the top in mine. I read somewhere that Ace hardware carries the Iris tubs but I haven't verified that personally yet.

11-05-10, 09:30 AM
tubs are not bad for colubrids and smaller boas and pythons. look at your snakes in a viv and they probably spend the majority of there time hiding, that's just what most snakes do. now i am not saying stuff a full grown BP in a shoe box sized tube but you can get ones with enough floor space for one.

11-07-10, 06:23 PM
Where did u find this rack? Whats the brand name?

11-07-10, 07:38 PM
i am curious too, where did you get the rack? and how much?

11-08-10, 07:52 AM
we made it, cost about $50 for all the wood.

11-08-10, 02:22 PM
what type of wood? is it melamine? or wood?

im thinking of building one, but still not sure

11-08-10, 02:54 PM
Here's mine:
Snake Rack (http://www.strictlyballs.ca/snakerack.htm)

11-09-10, 03:06 PM



11-09-10, 03:26 PM
some real nice racks you got there folks

cheers shaun

11-09-10, 03:35 PM
Wow, very nice set ups.

11-09-10, 04:28 PM
Very nice racks! Derek, looks like yours need some filling up! Mykee, I looked at your web page I really like the way you laid out their development. As a former cabinet maker, I can appreciate the thought you put into their design

11-09-10, 04:34 PM
Very nice racks! Derek, looks like yours need some filling up! Mykee, I looked at your web page I really like the way you laid out their development. As a former cabinet maker, I can appreciate the thought you put into their design

Indeed I do have some filling up to do.. but Im ready for some new animals, feel free to send me some! :)

11-09-10, 09:22 PM
1st omg i typed all this once and went to "preveiw post".. thought i submited it then i closed.... :(

any way, the pics attached is going to be a cheap rack i am thinkin of getting.

my only questions is that my ball will go in a 41qt tub on the bottom, it will fit east and west ( long way ) perfect. and im thinkin of putting my 2 corns in a 15 qt, and my BRB in a 25qt on the shelve above it. as you see in my awesome edited picture.

i will be using 3" heat tape to heat the rack...Is it okay if the warm side of the tub is long ways? ... i am just worried that this will make it to warm since it will be longer?

am i wrong with this or is it okay to have the heat tape running long ways...

here are the pics... 1st is the actual rack, 2nd is my eidited rack and my 3rd is the dimensions...




Let me explain what im thinking...
-3" heat tape in the back of the shelves... just 2 to start with... using a rhostat till i can afford a thermostat...

ball on the bottom running east in west on bottom shelve...

other 3 snakes above running north and south...

all will have lids, and i will prolly even use some sort of clipish thing to lock more...

does all this look ok? all and all it will run about $50 ... plus heat tape...

also i am thinking of building a rack with melamine... if any one out there has built one with melamine let me know how it went... post pics and everything!! thanks alot guys, sorry again to be so annoying about all this, i just want tubs asap....

11-09-10, 09:37 PM
I also wanted to add that i will be adding 2-3 more snakes within the year... hopfully a albino ball and pastel ball and i forget the name, but it a really orange corn snake, forget the name...

so i can add them to the "storage"shelve but in the future i will want a nice one either built or bought... can the heat tape be easily removed? i plan on using foil tape too...

11-09-10, 10:16 PM
LOL thats thinking at its finest my friend. your brain works like mine when i walk through home depot and stuff lol

11-09-10, 10:37 PM
Lol you should of seen my face... lit up like a Christmas tree, I was very excited!!!

11-10-10, 03:31 AM
Okay now I am seriously confused. Does heat tape go on the back of racks or on the shelves under each tub? I assumed from the wiring diagrams I looked at that you put it under like heat pads.

11-10-10, 11:24 AM
The tape will run along the back of 2 shelves to start with... and the tub will then sit on top of the heat tape/foil tape.

11-10-10, 12:20 PM
Okay now I am seriously confused. Does heat tape go on the back of racks or on the shelves under each tub? I assumed from the wiring diagrams I looked at that you put it under like heat pads.
Heat tape can be used as either back or belly heat. I think its a preference thing, depending on if you have arboreal or terrestrial snakes.

The tape will run along the back of 2 shelves to start with... and the tub will then sit on top of the heat tape/foil tape.
You probably don't want to use foil tape with your heat tape, as the foil will be conductive. You may want to think along the lines of a plastic tape with a strong adhesive. Alternately you can "Tack" it down with silicone or hot glue.

11-10-10, 12:44 PM
Heat tape can be used as either back or belly heat. I think its a preference thing, depending on if you have arboreal or terrestrial snakes.

Mine are terrestrial besid3s my brb which doesn't climb much anyway...

You probably don't want to use foil tape with your heat tape, as the foil will be conductive. You may want to think along the lines of a plastic tape with a strong adhesive. Alternately you can "Tack" it down with silicone or hot glue.

Okay I just seen a lot of people use the foil tape with the heat tape. I will probably use nothing to hold it down.

11-10-10, 12:55 PM
I've seen that alot too, and chances are that nothing would happen, but why risk it when there are easy alternatives?

11-10-10, 01:41 PM
True....i think Im going to order my flex wat today...

11-10-10, 02:56 PM
Might I suggest the kingsnake.com classifieds section. Great options for flexwatt and thermostats.

11-10-10, 05:38 PM
Oh, okay... thanks I will check it out.

11-10-10, 08:51 PM
:( nother rack question.... just think by time im done, no one will every have to ask another question about racks again...

any way, i found this rack from animal plastics for $125 with heat + $43 shipping... not too terrible. it have 6 shelves with i will have 6 snakes :)

my question it just says for tub size is 6qt. but the dimensions of the shelves are 24Hx24Wx15D

my main concern with this rack is that my adult ball wont fit in her whole life... i know my BRB wont, and she will be going into a BIG tub, or a nice display case once she is bigger.. so i guess i just want ppls opinions on this idea too...and for those who have 41qt tubs, what are the dimensions..?

thanks again and sorry everyone for these posts.

The pic is of the rack, but the pic says its not an actual photo... so no real help there lol

11-10-10, 09:11 PM
I personally like to give adult snakes that reach 3' and 4 x 2 x 2 as this will give them plenty of room, but many people do use racks for adults. Also the humidity needs of some species may affect each other in rack set ups.

11-10-10, 09:42 PM
i see. i only asked bc i see alot of ppl using 41 qt tubs for their adult balls, and corns... i mean honestly i can start with this one, and if i need to go bigger in a few years i will lol...

i am just sooo confused by animal plastics website im getting frusterated. the rack im looking at says it is 4 shelves.. so does that mean





11-10-10, 09:55 PM
ok, i got everything figured out... the rack im looking at can hold 4 36qt tubs. those dimensions are 24x14x6.

so with the rule of thumb being " a 6ft snake should have a min of 3ft length cage" this will be almost perfect for a ball, if mine stays around 4'

i am leaning to this one... for my corns and BRB i will add a hide, and plants and stuff for them to cut down on so much open space. honestly i am not worried about either one of those 3 not eating.. lol

think i have everything figured out. just wish i could find one to hold 6 that wasn't ridiculously expensive..

11-11-10, 02:26 PM
:( and for those who have 41qt tubs, what are the dimensions..?

34 3/4 x 16 1/2 x 6

11-11-10, 03:33 PM
Nice looking rack, But I have to say....Over priced. If you have the money, but lack the time and desire to do it yourself go for it. But you could make your own for probably a third the price.

11-11-10, 10:24 PM
lol its funny that you say this... i was just discussion this with my fiancee and we decided that i am going to build one out of melamine, ... or just cheap wood and use lids...

i have everything drawn out already for measuments and everything:)

and tips out there, help please!

34 3/4 x 16 1/2 x 6

Thanks sir.

11-12-10, 08:31 PM
Hey guys, so I decided to build my rack out of melamine.... the only thing it the prices km getting is 16" wide. Well the 41 qt tubs are also 16" wide.... is that okay? Or do the make 41qts that are lil less wise? I can only find 16 " wide melamine so I'm stuck that that width...again, any help is greatly appreciated! This will be my last question cuz I am going to start building it here soon.

Need to order my heat tape, and rheostat but ill do that Monday...

11-13-10, 12:20 AM
34 3/4 x 16 1/2 x 6

are there different sizes? the melamine im looking at comes in 96x16 sheets.. i have found 16 inch wide but that is like no room for a space...

i have everything priced out to build one but just a lil worried about he measuring issues...

i do need to ask, if it comes down to where i need to get the 16" board and the 16" tub, coult i just put a locking thing to secure the tubs?? just something really east like a peice of wood i can tun back and forth to lock the tubs in?

also, my rack is going to be like 4 foot high, so should i get heat tape for the WHOLE 4 foot, or just enough that covers the space where it will provide heat for the tubs... no extra?

11-13-10, 03:42 PM
Are you going to be putting them on the shelves long way or side way? Is 16" your depth or with on the cage your making?

11-13-10, 04:09 PM
I seen people put bungee cord around them. i drill a hole threw the lid and lip of tub and use a bolt and wing nut.

11-13-10, 05:02 PM
My suggestion would be to get your tubs first, then build your rack around them.

11-13-10, 11:38 PM
Are you going to be putting them on the shelves long way or side way? Is 16" your depth or with on the cage your making?

i am going to be putting the shelves on long way... so 16" would be my depth... 6" is my height... and 34" would be my length...

My suggestion would be to get your tubs first, then build your rack around them.

this is what im thinking of doing... i hope i can find a different dimension of 41 qt tubs.. if not i am going to be adding like 2" of melamine to my width to make it 18" width instead of 16"...

:) thanks :)

11-30-10, 02:35 PM
okay, i have not got the materials to build my rack yet, i did just order the heat tape though, my questions is this.....

if i use lids with my tubs, do i NEED to use melamine? i hear its only good if you go lid less because the humitity, but i keep the lids on couldnt i just use a cheaper wood?


11-30-10, 03:01 PM
Yes it would hold the humidity a lot better to. The thing i don't like about the lidless racks that you see is i be afraid of my snake trying to get out as i slid it back in and getting hurt. Plus if you make it were the tub just fit in snug like on the lidless rack having the lid on it is just one more thing keeping your snake from escaping.

11-30-10, 03:09 PM
That's why I'm using lids, I'm too nervous that they will escape, especially my lil corns...

So it will be okay of I use like plywood and say 2x4's? Not those exact peices but just an example.....

11-30-10, 03:14 PM
That's why I'm using lids, I'm too nervous that they will escape, especially my lil corns...

So it will be okay of I use like plywood and say 2x4's? Not those exact peices but just an example.....
That would work just fine.

11-30-10, 04:40 PM
Thanks again marvel!

12-02-10, 10:04 PM

just ordered my heat tape and aluminum foil tape on Nov. 29th, and just received them tonight... Dec. 2nd from reptile basics... I wanna also give a shout out to reptile basics for there asolulty fabulous customer service!!

here my pic....


getting tubs within next few days and building next week!

12-03-10, 12:27 AM
Good deal! ^ above ^

Make sure you take pictures at various stages and share with us (please).....happy building!

12-04-10, 03:56 PM
continued here........


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