View Full Version : Just a weird girl in a herp world...

11-02-10, 12:21 AM
Hey my name is Karen. I'm 18 years old, and at the time I have but three snakes:

"Lamia"- an Okeetee corn snake, 10 years old, female
"Bones"- amelanistic corn snake, unknown age, male (rescue snake)[got his name because the person I got him from thought he wasnt supposed to have any heat so of course he starved not being able to digest his food...basically he was a spine and scales when he got to me]
"nakito"- ball python, 2 years old, male(rescue snake)

Soon I should be getting another ball python and an emerald green tree python...I'm pretty stoked for that.

About me? well I'm just a normal average wierd chick who likes snakes and long walks in the forrest at night. I like my men with forked tongues and pretty much no interest in me who enjoy hiding in little wood caves and agressively squeezing cute furry things till their eyes pop out.

Other than that I'm an artist, a poet, a nerd, bookworm, movie lover, people watcher, and romanticly involved with music.

any questions are gladly answered.

11-02-10, 03:57 AM

11-02-10, 05:36 AM
Hello and welcome to the forum.

11-02-10, 08:22 AM
Hello and welcome to the forum...sounds like you have some nice snakes, and kudos on rescuing and rehabbing the corn and the BP. As for your upcoming snakes, do you mean emerald tree boa or green tree python? Those are two different species entirely. The care is pretty much the same, with the ETBs being slightly less hardy in general than GTPs. I keep both and have had pretty good luck with them. I've found my ETBs to actually be easier to keep, but most everyone else you talk to will say the opposite.

11-02-10, 01:26 PM
Hello and welcome! We love to see pics of your snake.:)

11-02-10, 03:57 PM
sorry! yeah I have a friend breeding emerald tree boas right now and I'm scoring one for free when they are ready. I hear they are a little nippy but I'm not scared of a little scars.

11-02-10, 04:15 PM
I only have pictures of Lamia right now:




11-02-10, 04:26 PM
Lamia? was this pre-named or did you name it??

Into mythology??

11-02-10, 04:28 PM
I named her myself. yes, mythology and latin names are of interest to me. My dogs name is Luna lol

11-02-10, 06:42 PM
Sweet looking corn.:)

11-02-10, 07:54 PM
welcome to the forum, here we dont call chicks that like snakes weird, we call them keepers lol, nice collection :)

11-02-10, 11:15 PM
I named her myself. yes, mythology and latin names are of interest to me. My dogs name is Luna lol

Fascinating and very cool..

Several of my snakes are named after various "gods" and mythological names.

and one is named after Ho Masubi the Japanese god of fire (Shinto mythology) combined with Vesuvius the volcano that wiped out Pompeii, her name is "Masubius"

11-03-10, 06:59 AM
Welcome Karen. We'd love to see pictures of your snakes! I'm new here myself and it seems like a great place for discussion. Looking forward to more posts and updates from everyone here!

11-03-10, 07:52 AM
Very neat. Mythology is awesome. I have a few of my snakes named after ancient gods and goddesses. My hypo het anery boa is Isis, and I had a carpet named Zeus.

11-03-10, 11:45 AM
Hello, Welcome aboard! We dig chicks with snakes around here. (Or anyone for that matter) Great pics of your corn, He's a beaut!

11-03-10, 07:37 PM
i have a male named Zues, females named Ate, goddess of evil, Nemesis, goddess of revenge, and medussa :)

11-04-10, 12:17 AM
I also just got a female baby ball yesterday, only eating rat hoppers but she's apparently got some good breeding qualities so maybe after she's grown she will be a good breeder. Her name is Lilith.

here's the origins of her name:

"there is content that suggests Adam(from the bible) had two wives. When God created Adam from the dust, Adam walked the Earth, in Eden alone. Then God looked upon Adam and said to himself, that a man should not be made to be alone. So God took from the Earth, dust again, and created Lilith. If one remembers correctly God took a rib from Adam to create Eve, instead of again making a human from the dust. The reason some suspect is because of what happened with Lilith. As soon as Lilith was with Adam, the two began fighting. Adam insisted that it was he who should lay above Lilith, and she who should lay below, because he was superior to her. Lilith said in reply that she would not lay below him, and that she was equal to him in that she was made from the same earth as he.

Instead of staying and being forever the inferior to Adam, Lilith fled the Garden of Eden, and ran far away. God sent three angels after her, and told them if they could convince her to come back, then all would be well, but if not, to warn her that for her disobedience, one hundred of her children would die every day. The angels flew, and found Lilith near the shore of the sea, and explained all that God had said. Lilith refused, and the angels threatened to drown her in the sea. They argued for a while, and eventually, Lilith arrived at the conclusion that she was made to cause illness to infants. “‘Leave me!’ she said. ‘I was created only to cause sickness to infants. If the infant is male, I have dominion over him for eight days after his birth, and if female, for twenty days.’”

11-04-10, 09:34 AM
interetsing name choice for a ball python considering they are such kind mello snakes, woulda been a great name for a carpt though, my jcp bit me 5 times today during her scheduled handling, she is getting cranky.

but i digress, congrats on the new ball, you should get a carpet after you get the new Ball and ETB started >.>

11-04-10, 01:43 PM
haha yeah for some reason I feel i should slow down on the snake adoption...my room isnt very big and I already have half the room full of snake tanks lol then the ETB is going to have to have another larger tank so yeah, maybe after I move to a larger place I'll look into a carpet.

11-04-10, 01:46 PM
lol suit yourself, why does it have to be your room, dont you have a couch in the living room? just playing best not to bite off more than you can chew, i actually just gave my anery corn Xanafein to my cousin maddy, she has been studying for a vetrinary degree, and loves reptiles, she loves him, so now im down to just my new JCP, once i move into my new place im gonna pick up a few balls and maybe some garters, infernalis has revived an old spark

11-04-10, 02:00 PM
Well, i recently moved back in with my mom to go to college and her husband isnt fond of snakes. he still doesnt know i just got another :D otherwise it wouldnt be an issue.

11-04-10, 02:01 PM
ah i get yah, best of luck to yah, i need to remember how to edit siggies though.... im not keeping my corns..

11-04-10, 02:11 PM
aww realy? you got rid of your ghost already?

11-04-10, 02:13 PM
He was a Craigslist Rescue, had a nasty rodent bite and was missing a chunk of his tail, hes rehabed and living with my buddy who lives in san fran, i dont know why im saying he either never had the poor bugger sexed, wounds have healed up nicely just some light scaring

11-04-10, 02:15 PM
yeah, i do alot of craigslist rescues. I'm about 45 minutes away from san fran lol thats cool he/she has a good home now though.

11-04-10, 02:18 PM
yeah, i do alot of craigslist rescues. I'm about 45 minutes away from san fran lol thats cool he/she has a good home now though.

thatlucky corn is now in the hands of a reasonably wealthy ex model, with a massive house, he keeps predatory birds mostly, but he fell in love with the ghosty so i sent him an enclosure and then the snake

11-04-10, 02:29 PM
nice. Ive been looking into blizzard corns... ive got a thing for totally white animals lol

11-04-10, 02:35 PM
i almost bought a blizzard, but then i saw this JCP....
and well yeah

morelia FTW!

11-04-10, 03:18 PM
interetsing name choice for a ball python considering they are such kind mello snakes, woulda been a great name for a carpt though, my jcp bit me 5 times today during her scheduled handling, she is getting cranky.

but i digress, congrats on the new ball, you should get a carpet after you get the new Ball and ETB started >.>

I have to digress as well. Xanafein, I'm in the process of "mellowing" out my JCP as well through habitual handling, and the last couple days she's been extra cranky. I noticed she looked a little dull (hardly could tell a difference) and during this morning's handling session, I noticed her eyes starting to cloud up.....I was relieved, because I am blaming her crankiness on it being her first time going into shed in my possession.

Maybe your little girl is also getting ready to shed?! Sorry for the off-topic blabbering, but we are going though very similar endeavors with our JCPs!

11-04-10, 03:27 PM
naw she was just a bitch, she isnt due to shed for a few weeks, no cloudiness detected yet, she shed shortly before i brought her home, she chomped the back of my hand today, left a series of puncture wounds that look like the golden arches :))

11-04-10, 03:45 PM
Feisty little bugger!

11-04-10, 03:48 PM
yeah hes got some atitude, and im painting her into the wrong picture, that was the first bite in 3 days, and it was a slow more latch like that i got for forgetting she was on my hand, she just kinda looked at my hand and yawned and i was like aww cute then she closed the yawn on my hand, and i was like HEY! watch it there

11-07-10, 06:46 PM
haha okay i was confused... it wasnt an emerald it was a green tree. the girl who is going to breed them i introduced to this site btw, she's great. Oh, and more pics of the rest of my snakes still to come...