View Full Version : hello

10-29-10, 03:13 AM
thought id pop in and say hi, im a 19 year old aspiring breeder, im currently keeping a pair of corns, one anery and one ghost, and have recently added my newest baby a 4 month old (give or take) Jungle Carpet Python, shes a real biter right now, hoping to break her of that habit, named her sweetheart pics will follow shes camera shy now

10-29-10, 04:31 AM

10-29-10, 07:09 AM
welcome to the forum and we would all love to see pics

10-29-10, 12:48 PM
:)Hello and welcome.:)

10-29-10, 02:06 PM
Welcome Aboard! Let's see them pics! Our bitey little jungle is named Mr. Happy.

10-29-10, 10:53 PM
here are some pics



shes really high yellowfor her age to my understanding, her name is sweetheart, and today she chomped me a good one on the nose right after these where taken, geuss shes not fond of the camera just yet:P

10-30-10, 09:39 AM
welcome to the forum :) nice jungle :)

10-30-10, 04:58 PM
OH she beautiful. I really like her head pattern.

11-01-10, 05:55 PM
thanks, she really is gorgeous, bought her from a guy that had no idea what she was worth, said she never stopped biteing, and was eating a lot, he was feeding her pinkies and picking her up with rapid hand movements towards her face, so no wonder he hhad issues, i gave him 75 usd and he was happy

11-01-10, 11:05 PM
Stunning nice snake! and a great deal $$ too.

I got a full grown adult Pueblan milk that way for $40

The gal at the pet shop kept telling every potential buyer that the snake was an evil biting creature.

No wonder it didn't sell.

That snake has never bit me yet and I have had him 3 years now.

11-01-10, 11:13 PM
She's a beauty!

11-02-10, 03:21 AM
thanks, i love her, im gonna start hunting a male to breed her with soon enough, i would need help breeding though, although the community hear seems knowledgable enough

11-02-10, 05:37 AM
Hello and welcome to the forum. Great pics, i love the head pattern as well!!