View Full Version : whats a fair price?

10-27-10, 04:41 PM
hello everyone i am going to be breeding a pied sided bloodred corn snake to a bloodred. i am hoping to get a few pied sided (from what i have been told you can get them on the first clutch because of gene linkage) what do you guys think is a fair price for hets or pied sided is? the price range is all over the map i have seen some for $1000 and i bought mine for $300. i guess what i am asking what would YOU pay for one?

10-27-10, 04:48 PM
I would think it be hard to say till you see them. I seen Jag for $500.00 and out of the same batch one that just blew the other away it was $700.00. Wish i could be more help.

10-27-10, 07:29 PM
A snake is only worth what someone is willing to pay for it. As chuck has said it would be hard to give a accurate price with out seeing the snake. I have paid double for a specific snake out of a clutch, purely because its colours and patterns were better than the rest.