View Full Version : Totes can be deadly to smaller snakes

10-27-10, 08:42 AM
I just found this picture in one of my folders, it's two years old.

I know most of you work with snakes that are born too big for this to happen, but there are also a lot of people with corns, milks and king snakes that are born small enough for this to happen.

This beautiful black snake broke his own neck trying to escape, he got his head wedged into the seam of the tote and then died trying to free himself.

I have since acquired another, but this mishap set my breeding project back a whole year.

If you are using totes with baby snakes, check really carefully that the lid seals tightly, if you can pull up on any edges and make the cover move, then avoid using that tote for babies.


10-27-10, 09:04 AM
Oh Wayne, I'm so sorry for your loss. They are buggers when it comes to trying to get out of places, even at their own expense.