View Full Version : Light fixtures

10-22-10, 08:38 AM
So I have some light fixtures in storage from way back when. I can't find the exact ones but they are very similar to the one here:

Reptile Terrarium Lighting Fixtures: Zoo Med Slider Reptile Hood at Drs. Foster and Smith (http://www.drsfostersmith.com/product/prod_display.cfm?c=6016+6028+6556&pcatid=6556)

The main difference between that one and the ones I have is the size and that it's more of a big metal fixture instead of a plastic lid and it can take high wattage heat bulbs and be placed on an enclosure with plastic without melting it unlike a lot of the heat bulb fixtures.

So now that I know most snakes don't NEED special lighting, I have to ask, does intense lighting bother them at all?

Do they not need a "basking" spot or heat bulb and just as long as they have a spot in their enclosure the proper temperature to get heat and a cooler spot they are okay?

10-22-10, 09:14 AM
Easy solution, just use a lower wattage bulb. ;)

each species has different requirements, basking spot temps vary from species to species, so use the lamp that achieves the proper basking temps.

Some snakes will not bask anyhow, nocturnal species will stay hidden while the lights are on also.

10-22-10, 09:55 AM
Thanks! :)